2020-08-04 10:45:36 +05:00

614 lines
35 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'conversion syntax' -Tags "CI" {
# these test suite covers ([<type>]<expression>).<method>() syntax.
# it mixes two purposes: casting and super-class method calls.
It 'converts array of single enum to bool' {
# This test relies on the fact that [ConsoleColor]::Black is 0 and all other values are non-zero
[bool]@([ConsoleColor]::Black) | Should -BeFalse
[bool]@([ConsoleColor]::Yellow) | Should -BeTrue
It 'calls virtual method non-virtually' {
([object]"abc").ToString() | Should -Be "System.String"
# generate random string to avoid JIT optimization
$r = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
([object]($r + "a")).Equals(($r + "a")) | Should -BeFalse
It 'calls method on a super-type, when conversion syntax used' {
# This test relies on the fact that there are overloads (at least 2) for ToString method.
([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]"Stop").ToString() | Should -Be "Stop"
Context "Cast object[] to more narrow generic collection" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases1 = @(
## It's intentional to have 'Command' to be `{$result = ...}` and run it with `. $Command`.
## This is because `$result = & {[List[int]]@(1,2)}` will cause the resulted List to be unraveled,
## and in that case `$result` would be just an object array.
## To prevent unraveling, Command needs to be `{, [List[int]]@(1,2)}`, but then the test case title
## would become `, [List[int]]@(1,2)`, which is more confusing than `$result = [List[int]]@(1,2)`.
## This is why the current form of `$result = [List[int]]@(1,2)` is used intentionally here.
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]@(1) }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1) }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]@(1, 2) }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1, 2) }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]"4" }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4) }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]@("4", "5") }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4, 5) }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@(1) }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("1") }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@(1, 2) }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("1", "2") }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]1 }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("1") }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@("4") }; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("4") }
@{ Command = { $result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]@(1) }; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1) }
@{ Command = { $result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]@(1, 2) }; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1, 2) }
@{ Command = { $result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]"4" }; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4) }
@{ Command = { $result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]@("4", "5") }; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4, 5) }
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[System.IO.FileInfo]]@('TestFile') };
CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "FileInfo"; Elements = @('TestFile')
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[System.IO.FileInfo]]@('TestFile1', 'TestFile2') };
CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "FileInfo"; Elements = @('TestFile1', 'TestFile2')
@{ Command = { $result = [Collections.Generic.List[System.IO.FileInfo]]'TestFile' };
CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "FileInfo"; Elements = @('TestFile')
It "<Command>" -TestCases $testCases1 {
param($Command, $CollectionType, $ElementType, $Elements)
$result = $null
. $Command
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.GetType().Name | Should -Be $CollectionType
$genericArgs = $result.GetType().GetGenericArguments()
$genericArgs.Length | Should -Be 1
$genericArgs[0].Name | Should -Be $ElementType
$result.Count | Should -Be $Elements.Length
$result -join ";" | Should -Be ($Elements -join ";")
Describe "Type resolution should prefer assemblies in powershell assembly cache" -Tags "Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$cmdletCode = @'
namespace TestTypeResolution {
using System.Management.Automation;
[Cmdlet("Test", "TypeResolution")]
public class TestTypeResolutionCommand : PSCmdlet {
public string Name { get; set; }
protected override void BeginProcessing() {
public class TestTypeFoo {
public string Foo { get; set; }
$dupTypeCode = @'
namespace TestTypeResolution {
public class TestTypeFoo {
public string Bar { get; set; }
$cmdletDllDir = Join-Path $TestDrive "cmdlet"
$dupTypeDllDir = Join-Path $TestDrive "dupType"
$null = New-Item -Path $cmdletDllDir, $dupTypeDllDir -ItemType Directory -Force
$cmdletDllPath = Join-Path $cmdletDllDir "TestCmdlet.dll"
$dupTypeDllPath = Join-Path $dupTypeDllDir "TestType.dll"
Add-Type $cmdletCode -OutputAssembly $cmdletDllPath
Add-Type $dupTypeCode -OutputAssembly $dupTypeDllPath
$powershell = Join-Path $PSHOME "pwsh"
It "validate Type resolution should prefer the assembly loaded by Import-Module" {
$command = @"
Add-Type -Path $dupTypeDllPath
Import-Module $cmdletDllPath
$location = & $powershell -noprofile -command $command
$location | Should -Be $cmdletDllPath
Describe 'method conversion' -Tags 'CI' {
class M {
[int] Twice([int] $value) { return 2 * $value }
[int] ThriceInstance([int] $value) { return 3 * $value }
static [int] Thrice([int] $value) { return 3 * $value }
static [int] Add([int] $i, [int16] $j) { return $i + $j }
static [int] Apply([int] $value, [Func[int, int]] $function) {
return $function.Invoke($value)
static [int] Apply([int] $v1, [Int16] $v2, [Func[int, int16, int]] $function) {
return $function.Invoke($v1, $v2)
# check that we can handle at least 72 overloads
static [char] Foo([char] $i) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j, [char] $k) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j, [char] $k, [char] $l) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j, [char] $k, [char] $l, [char] $m) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j, [char] $k, [char] $l, [char] $m, [char] $n) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j, [char] $k, [char] $l, [char] $m, [char] $n, [char] $o) { return $i }
static [char] Foo([char] $i, [char] $j, [char] $k, [char] $l, [char] $m, [char] $n, [char] $o, [char] $p) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j, [int16] $k) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j, [int16] $k, [int16] $l) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j, [int16] $k, [int16] $l, [int16] $m) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j, [int16] $k, [int16] $l, [int16] $m, [int16] $n) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j, [int16] $k, [int16] $l, [int16] $m, [int16] $n, [int16] $o) { return $i }
static [int16] Foo([int16] $i, [int16] $j, [int16] $k, [int16] $l, [int16] $m, [int16] $n, [int16] $o, [int16] $p) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j, [int] $k) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j, [int] $k, [int] $l) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j, [int] $k, [int] $l, [int] $m) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j, [int] $k, [int] $l, [int] $m, [int] $n) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j, [int] $k, [int] $l, [int] $m, [int] $n, [int] $o) { return $i }
static [int] Foo([int] $i, [int] $j, [int] $k, [int] $l, [int] $m, [int] $n, [int] $o, [int] $p) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j, [UInt32] $k) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j, [UInt32] $k, [UInt32] $l) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j, [UInt32] $k, [UInt32] $l, [UInt32] $m) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j, [UInt32] $k, [UInt32] $l, [UInt32] $m, [UInt32] $n) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j, [UInt32] $k, [UInt32] $l, [UInt32] $m, [UInt32] $n, [UInt32] $o) { return $i }
static [UInt32] Foo([UInt32] $i, [UInt32] $j, [UInt32] $k, [UInt32] $l, [UInt32] $m, [UInt32] $n, [UInt32] $o, [UInt32] $p) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j, [UInt64] $k) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j, [UInt64] $k, [UInt64] $l) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j, [UInt64] $k, [UInt64] $l, [UInt64] $m) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j, [UInt64] $k, [UInt64] $l, [UInt64] $m, [UInt64] $n) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j, [UInt64] $k, [UInt64] $l, [UInt64] $m, [UInt64] $n, [UInt64] $o) { return $i }
static [UInt64] Foo([UInt64] $i, [UInt64] $j, [UInt64] $k, [UInt64] $l, [UInt64] $m, [UInt64] $n, [UInt64] $o, [UInt64] $p) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j, [float] $k) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j, [float] $k, [float] $l) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j, [float] $k, [float] $l, [float] $m) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j, [float] $k, [float] $l, [float] $m, [float] $n) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j, [float] $k, [float] $l, [float] $m, [float] $n, [float] $o) { return $i }
static [float] Foo([float] $i, [float] $j, [float] $k, [float] $l, [float] $m, [float] $n, [float] $o, [float] $p) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j, [double] $k) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j, [double] $k, [double] $l) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j, [double] $k, [double] $l, [double] $m) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j, [double] $k, [double] $l, [double] $m, [double] $n) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j, [double] $k, [double] $l, [double] $m, [double] $n, [double] $o) { return $i }
static [double] Foo([double] $i, [double] $j, [double] $k, [double] $l, [double] $m, [double] $n, [double] $o, [double] $p) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j, [IntPtr] $k) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j, [IntPtr] $k, [IntPtr] $l) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j, [IntPtr] $k, [IntPtr] $l, [IntPtr] $m) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j, [IntPtr] $k, [IntPtr] $l, [IntPtr] $m, [IntPtr] $n) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j, [IntPtr] $k, [IntPtr] $l, [IntPtr] $m, [IntPtr] $n, [IntPtr] $o) { return $i }
static [IntPtr] Foo([IntPtr] $i, [IntPtr] $j, [IntPtr] $k, [IntPtr] $l, [IntPtr] $m, [IntPtr] $n, [IntPtr] $o, [IntPtr] $p) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j, [timespan] $k) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j, [timespan] $k, [timespan] $l) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j, [timespan] $k, [timespan] $l, [timespan] $m) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j, [timespan] $k, [timespan] $l, [timespan] $m, [timespan] $n) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j, [timespan] $k, [timespan] $l, [timespan] $m, [timespan] $n, [timespan] $o) { return $i }
static [timespan] Foo([timespan] $i, [timespan] $j, [timespan] $k, [timespan] $l, [timespan] $m, [timespan] $n, [timespan] $o, [timespan] $p) { return $i }
It 'converts static method as Func does not throw' {
{ [Func[int, int]] [M]::Thrice } | Should -Not -Throw
It 'converts static method as Func is non null' {
([Func[int, int]] [M]::Thrice) | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'calls static method as Func' {
$f = [Func[int, int]] [M]::Thrice
[M]::Apply(1, $f) | Should -Be 3
It 'calls static method as Func' {
$f = [Func[int, int16, int]] [M]::Add
[M]::Apply(3, 4, $f) | Should -Be 7
It 'calls static method as Func no cast' {
[M]::Apply(3, 4, [M]::Add) | Should -Be 7
It 'converts instance psmethodinfo to Func' {
$m = [M]::new()
{ [Func[int, int]] $m.Twice } | Should -Not -Throw
$f = [Func[int, int16, int]] [M]::Add
$f.Invoke(2, 6) | Should -Be 8
It "can call all overloads of M::Foo" {
[Func[char, char]] $f1 = [M]::Foo
$f1.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char]] $f2 = [M]::Foo
$f2.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char, char]] $f3 = [M]::Foo
$f3.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char, char, char]] $f4 = [M]::Foo
$f4.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char, char, char, char]] $f5 = [M]::Foo
$f5.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char, char, char, char, char]] $f6 = [M]::Foo
$f6.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char]] $f7 = [M]::Foo
$f7.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char]] $f8 = [M]::Foo
$f8.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16]] $f9 = [M]::Foo
$f9.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16]] $f10 = [M]::Foo
$f10.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16, int16]] $f11 = [M]::Foo
$f11.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16, int16, int16]] $f12 = [M]::Foo
$f12.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16]] $f13 = [M]::Foo
$f13.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16]] $f14 = [M]::Foo
$f14.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16]] $f15 = [M]::Foo
$f15.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16, int16]] $f16 = [M]::Foo
$f16.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int]] $f17 = [M]::Foo
$f17.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int]] $f18 = [M]::Foo
$f18.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int, int]] $f19 = [M]::Foo
$f19.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int, int, int]] $f20 = [M]::Foo
$f20.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int, int, int, int]] $f21 = [M]::Foo
$f21.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int, int, int, int, int]] $f22 = [M]::Foo
$f22.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]] $f23 = [M]::Foo
$f23.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]] $f24 = [M]::Foo
$f24.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32]] $f25 = [M]::Foo
$f25.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f26 = [M]::Foo
$f26.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f27 = [M]::Foo
$f27.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f28 = [M]::Foo
$f28.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f29 = [M]::Foo
$f29.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f30 = [M]::Foo
$f30.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f31 = [M]::Foo
$f31.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32]] $f32 = [M]::Foo
$f32.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64]] $f33 = [M]::Foo
$f33.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f34 = [M]::Foo
$f34.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f35 = [M]::Foo
$f35.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f36 = [M]::Foo
$f36.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f37 = [M]::Foo
$f37.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f38 = [M]::Foo
$f38.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f39 = [M]::Foo
$f39.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64]] $f40 = [M]::Foo
$f40.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float]] $f41 = [M]::Foo
$f41.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float]] $f42 = [M]::Foo
$f42.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float, float]] $f43 = [M]::Foo
$f43.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float, float, float]] $f44 = [M]::Foo
$f44.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float, float, float, float]] $f45 = [M]::Foo
$f45.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float, float, float, float, float]] $f46 = [M]::Foo
$f46.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]] $f47 = [M]::Foo
$f47.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]] $f48 = [M]::Foo
$f48.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double]] $f49 = [M]::Foo
$f49.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double]] $f50 = [M]::Foo
$f50.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double, double]] $f51 = [M]::Foo
$f51.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double, double, double]] $f52 = [M]::Foo
$f52.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double, double, double, double]] $f53 = [M]::Foo
$f53.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double, double, double, double, double]] $f54 = [M]::Foo
$f54.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double]] $f55 = [M]::Foo
$f55.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double]] $f56 = [M]::Foo
$f56.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f57 = [M]::Foo
$f57.Invoke(10) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f58 = [M]::Foo
$f58.Invoke(10, 1) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f59 = [M]::Foo
$f59.Invoke(10, 1, 2) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f60 = [M]::Foo
$f60.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f61 = [M]::Foo
$f61.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f62 = [M]::Foo
$f62.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f63 = [M]::Foo
$f63.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Should -Be 10
[Func[IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr]] $f64 = [M]::Foo
$f64.Invoke(10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | Should -Be 10
$timespan = [timespan]::FromMinutes(62)
[Func[timespan, timespan]] $f65 = [M]::Foo
$f65.Invoke($timeSpan) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f66 = [M]::Foo
$f66.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f67 = [M]::Foo
$f67.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f68 = [M]::Foo
$f68.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f69 = [M]::Foo
$f69.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f70 = [M]::Foo
$f70.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f71 = [M]::Foo
$f71.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
[Func[timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan, timespan]] $f72 = [M]::Foo
$f72.Invoke($timeSpan, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero, [Timespan]::Zero) | Should -Be $timeSpan
enum E {
class N {
## Attempt to convert methods to Func<System.IO.FileInfo, string, object>.
## Different methods with same overload signatures.
## The second and third overloads match the target delegate with variance.
[string] GetA([int] $i, [string] $s) { return "GetA-int-string-string" }
[string] GetA([System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $fsinfo, [object] $o) { return "GetA-filesysteminfo-object-string" }
[string] GetA([System.IO.FileInfo] $finfo, [object] $o) { return "GetA-fileinfo-object-string" }
[string] GetAPrime([int] $i, [string] $s) { return "GetAPrime-int-string-string" }
[string] GetAPrime([System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $fsinfo, [object] $o) { return "GetAPrime-filesysteminfo-object-string" }
[string] GetAPrime([System.IO.FileInfo] $finfo, [object] $o) { return "GetAPrime-fileinfo-object-string" }
static [string] GetAStatic([int] $i, [string] $s) { return "GetAStatic-int-string-string" }
static [string] GetAStatic([System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $fsinfo, [object] $o) { return "GetAStatic-filesysteminfo-object-string" }
static [string] GetAStatic([System.IO.FileInfo] $finfo, [object] $o) { return "GetAStatic-fileinfo-object-string" }
## Different methods with same overload signatures.
## The first overload matches the target delegate with variance,
## while the second overload matches the target delegate exactly.
[string] GetB([System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $fsinfo, [object] $o) { return "GetB-filesysteminfo-object-string" }
[object] GetB([System.IO.FileInfo] $finfo, [string] $s) { return "GetB-fileinfo-string-object" }
[string] GetB([datetime] $d) { return "GetB-datetime-string" }
[string] GetBPrime([System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $fsinfo, [object] $o) { return "GetBPrime-filesysteminfo-object-string" }
[object] GetBPrime([System.IO.FileInfo] $finfo, [string] $s) { return "GetBPrime-fileinfo-string-object" }
[string] GetBPrime([datetime] $d) { return "GetBPrime-datetime-string" }
static [string] GetBStatic([System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $fsinfo, [object] $o) { return "GetBStatic-filesysteminfo-object-string" }
static [object] GetBStatic([System.IO.FileInfo] $finfo, [string] $s) { return "GetBStatic-fileinfo-string-object" }
static [string] GetBStatic([datetime] $d) { return "GetBStatic-datetime-string" }
## Test enum parameter type
[object] GetC([E] $e) { return $e.ToString() }
It "Different method overloads with same signatures/orders should have same PSMethod type" {
$n = [N]::new()
$n.GetA.GetType() | Should -Be ($n.GetAPrime.GetType())
$n.GetA.GetType() | Should -Be ([N]::GetAStatic.GetType())
$n.GetB.GetType() | Should -Be ($n.GetBPrime.GetType())
$n.GetB.GetType() | Should -Be ([N]::GetBStatic.GetType())
It "Match signature with variance and use the first match when there is no exact match" {
$n = [N]::new()
[Func[[System.IO.FileInfo], [string], [object]]] $f = $n.GetA
$f.Invoke($null, $null) | Should -BeExactly "GetA-filesysteminfo-object-string"
$f = $n.GetAPrime ## $n.GetAPrime has the same type as $n.GetA, so it should hit the conversion cache
$f.Invoke([System.IO.FileInfo]::new("aaa"), "bbb") | Should -BeExactly "GetAPrime-filesysteminfo-object-string"
$f = [N]::GetAStatic ## [N]::GetAStatic has the same type as $n.GetA, so it should hit the conversion cache
$f.Invoke($null, "") | Should -BeExactly "GetAStatic-filesysteminfo-object-string"
It "Exact match is preferred over match with variance" {
$n = [N]::new()
[Func[[System.IO.FileInfo], [string], [object]]] $f = $n.GetB
$f.Invoke($null, $null) | Should -BeExactly "GetB-fileinfo-string-object"
$f = $n.GetBPrime ## $n.GetBPrime has the same type as $n.GetB, so it should hit the conversion cache
$f.Invoke([System.IO.FileInfo]::new("ccc"), "ddd") | Should -BeExactly "GetBPrime-fileinfo-string-object"
$f = [N]::GetBStatic ## [N]::GetBStatic has the same type as $n.GetB, so it should hit the conversion cache
$f.Invoke($null, "") | Should -BeExactly "GetBStatic-fileinfo-string-object"
It "Test enum type parameter" {
$n = [N]::new()
[Func[[E], [object]]] $f = $n.GetC
$f.Invoke([E]::Week) | Should -BeExactly "Week"
It "Test fail-to-convert code path" {
$n = [N]::new()
{ [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($n.GetC, [Func[[int], [object]]]) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidCastException"
$TestCases = @(
@{ Number = "100y"; Value = "100"; Type = [int] }
@{ Number = "100uy"; Value = "100"; Type = [double] }
@{ Number = "1200u"; Value = "1200"; Type = [short] }
@{ Number = "1200L"; Value = "1200"; Type = [int] }
@{ Number = "127ul"; Value = "127"; Type = [ulong] }
@{ Number = "127d"; Value = "127"; Type = [byte] }
@{ Number = "127s"; Value = "127"; Type = [sbyte] }
@{ Number = "127y"; Value = "127"; Type = [uint] }
@{ Number = "100n"; Value = "100"; Type = [int] }
@{ Number = "1234s"; Value = "1234"; Type = [bigint] }
It "Correctly casts <Number> to value <Value> as type <Type>" -TestCases $TestCases {
param($Number, $Value, $Type)
$Result = $Number -as $Type
$Result | Should -Be $Value
$Result | Should -BeOfType $Type
$TestCases = @(
@{ Number = "200y" }
@{ Number = "300uy" }
@{ Number = "70000us" }
@{ Number = "40000s" }
It "Fails to cast invalid PowerShell-Style suffixed numeral <Number>" -TestCases $TestCases {
$Result = $Number -as [int]
$Result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Describe 'float/double precision when converting to string' -Tags "CI" {
It "<SourceType>-to-[string] conversion in PowerShell should use the precision specifier <Format>" -TestCases @(
@{ SourceType = [double]; Format = "G15"; ValueScript = { 1.1 * 3 }; StringConversionResult = "3.3"; ToStringResult = "3.3000000000000003" }
@{ SourceType = [double]; Format = "G15"; ValueScript = { 1.1 * 6 }; StringConversionResult = "6.6"; ToStringResult = "6.6000000000000005" }
@{ SourceType = [double]; Format = "G15"; ValueScript = { [System.Math]::E }; StringConversionResult = [System.Math]::E.ToString("G15"); ToStringResult = [System.Math]::E.ToString() }
@{ SourceType = [double]; Format = "G15"; ValueScript = { [System.Math]::PI }; StringConversionResult = [System.Math]::PI.ToString("G15"); ToStringResult = [System.Math]::PI.ToString() }
@{ SourceType = [float]; Format = "G7"; ValueScript = { [float]$f = 1.1; ($f * 3).ToSingle([cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture) }; StringConversionResult = "3.3"; ToStringResult = "3.3000002" }
@{ SourceType = [float]; Format = "G7"; ValueScript = { [float]$f = 1.1; ($f * 6).ToSingle([cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture) }; StringConversionResult = "6.6"; ToStringResult = "6.6000004" }
@{ SourceType = [float]; Format = "G7"; ValueScript = { [float]::MaxValue }; StringConversionResult = [float]::MaxValue.ToString("G7"); ToStringResult = [float]::MaxValue.ToString() }
@{ SourceType = [float]; Format = "G7"; ValueScript = { [float]::MinValue }; StringConversionResult = [float]::MinValue.ToString("G7"); ToStringResult = [float]::MinValue.ToString() }
) {
param($SourceType, $ValueScript, $StringConversionResult, $ToStringResult)
$value = & $ValueScript
$value | Should -BeOfType $SourceType
$value.ToString() | Should -BeExactly $ToStringResult
$value -as [string] | Should -BeExactly $StringConversionResult
[string]$value | Should -BeExactly $StringConversionResult
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($value, [string]) | Should -BeExactly $StringConversionResult
"$value" | Should -BeExactly $StringConversionResult
$value | Out-String | ForEach-Object -MemberName Trim | Should -BeExactly $StringConversionResult
Describe 'Casting Behaviour of Boolean/Null to Numeral' -Tags CI {
BeforeAll {
$NullToNumeral = @(
@{ Type = [sbyte]; ExpectedResult = 0y }
@{ Type = [byte]; ExpectedResult = 0uy }
@{ Type = [short]; ExpectedResult = 0s }
@{ Type = [ushort]; ExpectedResult = 0us }
@{ Type = [int]; ExpectedResult = 0 }
@{ Type = [uint]; ExpectedResult = 0u }
@{ Type = [long]; ExpectedResult = 0l }
@{ Type = [ulong]; ExpectedResult = 0ul }
@{ Type = [decimal]; ExpectedResult = 0d }
@{ Type = [float]; ExpectedResult = [float]0 }
@{ Type = [double]; ExpectedResult = 0.0 }
@{ Type = [bigint]; ExpectedResult = 0n }
$BoolToNumeral = @(
@{ Type = [sbyte]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1y }
@{ Type = [sbyte]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0y }
@{ Type = [byte]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1uy }
@{ Type = [byte]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0uy }
@{ Type = [short]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1s }
@{ Type = [short]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0s }
@{ Type = [ushort]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1us }
@{ Type = [ushort]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0us }
@{ Type = [int]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1 }
@{ Type = [int]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0 }
@{ Type = [uint]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1u }
@{ Type = [uint]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0u }
@{ Type = [long]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1l }
@{ Type = [long]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0l }
@{ Type = [ulong]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1ul }
@{ Type = [ulong]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0ul }
@{ Type = [decimal]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1d }
@{ Type = [decimal]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0d }
@{ Type = [float]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = [float]1 }
@{ Type = [float]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = [float]0 }
@{ Type = [double]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1.0 }
@{ Type = [double]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0.0 }
@{ Type = [bigint]; Value = $true; ExpectedResult = 1n }
@{ Type = [bigint]; Value = $false; ExpectedResult = 0n }
It 'should correctly convert $null to <Type> as <ExpectedResult>' -TestCases $NullToNumeral {
param($Type, $ExpectedResult)
$result = $null -as $Type
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
$result | Should -BeOfType $Type
It 'should correctly convert <Value> to <Type> as <ExpectedResult>' -TestCases $BoolToNumeral {
param($Type, $Value, $ExpectedResult)
$result = $Value -as $Type
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
$result | Should -BeOfType $Type