
35 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Get-PSBreakpoint" -Tags "CI" {
$scriptName = "Get-PSBreakpoint.Tests.ps1"
$fullScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $scriptName
AfterEach {
Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $fullScriptPath | Remove-PSBreakpoint
It "should be able to get PSBreakpoint with using Id switch" {
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script $fullScriptPath -Line 1
{ Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $fullScriptPath } | Should -Not -Throw
$Id = (Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $fullScriptPath).Id
# if breakpoints have been set by other tests, the number may or may not be 0
# so we can't check against a specific number
# however, we can be sure that we're getting an int and that the int is
# greater or equal to 0
([int]$Id) -ge 0 | Should -BeTrue
It "should be able to get PSBreakpoint with using Variable switch" {
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script $fullScriptPath -Variable "$scriptName"
{ Get-PSBreakpoint -Variable "$scriptName" -Script $fullScriptPath } | Should -Not -Throw
$Id = (Get-PSBreakpoint -Variable "$scriptName" -Script $fullScriptPath).Variable
$Id | Should -Be $scriptName