2020-12-16 17:35:35 -08:00

639 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Function Install-ModuleIfMissing {
$module = Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Ignore | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
if (!$module -or $module.Version -lt $MinimumVersion) {
Write-Verbose "Installing module '$Name' ..." -Verbose
Install-Module -Name $Name -Force -SkipPublisherCheck:$SkipPublisherCheck.IsPresent
Function Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable {
return [ExperimentalFeature]::IsEnabled("PSDesiredStateConfiguration.InvokeDscResource")
Describe "Test PSDesiredStateConfiguration" -tags CI {
BeforeAll {
$MissingLibmi = $false
$platformInfo = Get-PlatformInfo
if (
($platformInfo.Platform -match "alpine|raspbian") -or
($platformInfo.Platform -eq "debian" -and ($platformInfo.Version -eq '10' -or $platformInfo.Version -eq '')) -or # debian 11 has empty Version ID
($platformInfo.Platform -eq 'centos' -and $platformInfo.Version -eq '8')
) {
$MissingLibmi = $true
Context "Module loading" {
BeforeAll {
Function BeCommand {
[object[]] $ActualValue,
[string] $CommandName,
[string] $ModuleName,
$failure = if ($Negate) {
"Expected: Command $CommandName should not exist in module $ModuleName"
else {
"Expected: Command $CommandName should exist in module $ModuleName"
$succeeded = if ($Negate) {
($ActualValue | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $CommandName }).count -eq 0
else {
($ActualValue | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $CommandName }).count -gt 0
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failure
Add-AssertionOperator -Name 'HaveCommand' -Test $Function:BeCommand -SupportsArrayInput
$commands = Get-Command -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration
It "The module should have the Configuration Command" {
$commands | Should -HaveCommand -CommandName 'Configuration' -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
It "The module should have the Configuration Command" {
$commands | Should -HaveCommand -CommandName 'New-DscChecksum' -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
It "The module should have the Get-DscResource Command" {
$commands | Should -HaveCommand -CommandName 'Get-DscResource' -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
It "The module should have the Invoke-DscResource Command" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
$commands | Should -HaveCommand -CommandName 'Invoke-DscResource' -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Context "Get-DscResource - Composite Resources" {
BeforeAll {
$origProgress = $global:ProgressPreference
$global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name PSDscResources
$testCases = @(
TestCaseName = 'case mismatch in resource name'
Name = 'groupset'
ModuleName = 'PSDscResources'
TestCaseName = 'Both names have matching case'
Name = 'GroupSet'
ModuleName = 'PSDscResources'
TestCaseName = 'case mismatch in module name'
Name = 'GroupSet'
ModuleName = 'psdscResources'
AfterAll {
$Global:ProgressPreference = $origProgress
It "should be able to get <Name> - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $testCases {
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Will only find script from PSDesiredStateConfiguration without modulename"
if ($IsLinux) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/26"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
$resource = Get-DscResource -Name $name
$resource | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$resource.Name | Should -Be $Name
if (Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable) {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
else {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "should be able to get <Name> from <ModuleName> - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $testCases {
param($Name, $ModuleName, $PendingBecause)
if ($IsLinux) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/26"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
if ($PendingBecause) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because $PendingBecause
$resource = Get-DscResource -Name $Name -Module $ModuleName
$resource | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$resource.Name | Should -Be $Name
if (Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable) {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
else {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Get-DscResource - ScriptResources" {
BeforeAll {
$origProgress = $global:ProgressPreference
$global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name PSDscResources -Force
# Install PowerShellGet only if PowerShellGet 2.2.1 or newer does not exist
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion '2.2.1'
$module = Get-Module PowerShellGet -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$psGetModuleSpecification = @{ModuleName = $module.Name; ModuleVersion = $module.Version.ToString() }
$psGetModuleCount = @(Get-Module PowerShellGet -ListAvailable).Count
$testCases = @(
TestCaseName = 'case mismatch in resource name'
Name = 'script'
ModuleName = 'PSDscResources'
TestCaseName = 'Both names have matching case'
Name = 'Script'
ModuleName = 'PSDscResources'
TestCaseName = 'case mismatch in module name'
Name = 'Script'
ModuleName = 'psdscResources'
Add these back when PowerShellGet is fixed https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellGet/pull/529
TestCaseName = 'case mismatch in resource name'
Name = 'PsModule'
ModuleName = 'PowerShellGet'
TestCaseName = 'Both names have matching case'
Name = 'PSModule'
ModuleName = 'PowerShellGet'
TestCaseName = 'case mismatch in module name'
Name = 'PSModule'
ModuleName = 'powershellget'
AfterAll {
$Global:ProgressPreference = $origProgress
It "should be able to get <Name> - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $testCases {
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Will only find script from PSDesiredStateConfiguration without modulename"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($PendingBecause) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because $PendingBecause
$resources = @(Get-DscResource -Name $name)
$resources | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
foreach ($resource in $resource) {
$resource.Name | Should -Be $Name
if (Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable) {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -Be 'ScriptBased'
else {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "should be able to get <Name> from <ModuleName> - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $testCases {
param($Name, $ModuleName, $PendingBecause)
if ($IsLinux) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/12 and https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellGet/pull/529"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
if ($PendingBecause) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because $PendingBecause
$resources = @(Get-DscResource -Name $name -Module $ModuleName)
$resources | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
foreach ($resource in $resource) {
$resource.Name | Should -Be $Name
if (Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable) {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -Be 'ScriptBased'
else {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "should throw when resource is not found" {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/17"
Get-DscResource -Name antoehusatnoheusntahoesnuthao -Module tanshoeusnthaosnetuhasntoheusnathoseun
} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,CheckResourceFound'
Context "Get-DscResource - Class base Resources" {
BeforeAll {
$origProgress = $global:ProgressPreference
$global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name XmlContentDsc -Force
$classTestCases = @(
TestCaseName = 'Good case'
Name = 'XmlFileContentResource'
ModuleName = 'XmlContentDsc'
TestCaseName = 'Module Name case mismatch'
Name = 'XmlFileContentResource'
ModuleName = 'xmlcontentdsc'
TestCaseName = 'Resource name case mismatch'
Name = 'xmlfilecontentresource'
ModuleName = 'XmlContentDsc'
AfterAll {
$global:ProgressPreference = $origProgress
It "should be able to get class resource - <Name> from <ModuleName> - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $classTestCases {
param($Name, $ModuleName, $PendingBecause)
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
if ($PendingBecause) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because $PendingBecause
$resource = Get-DscResource -Name $Name -Module $ModuleName
$resource | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$resource.Name | Should -Be $Name
if (Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable) {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -Be 'ClassBased'
else {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "should be able to get class resource - <Name> - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $classTestCases {
param($Name, $ModuleName, $PendingBecause)
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/19"
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
if ($PendingBecause) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because $PendingBecause
$resource = Get-DscResource -Name $Name
$resource | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$resource.Name | Should -Be $Name
if (Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable) {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -Be 'ClassBased'
else {
$resource.ImplementationDetail | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Invoke-DscResource" {
BeforeAll {
$origProgress = $global:ProgressPreference
$global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$module = Get-InstalledModule -Name PsDscResources -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($module) {
Write-Verbose "removing PSDscResources, tests will re-install..." -Verbose
Uninstall-Module -Name PsDscResources -AllVersions -Force
AfterAll {
$Global:ProgressPreference = $origProgress
Context "mof resources" {
BeforeAll {
$dscMachineStatusCases = @(
value = '1'
expectedResult = $true
value = '$true'
expectedResult = $true
value = '0'
expectedResult = $false
value = '$false'
expectedResult = $false
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name PowerShellGet -Force -SkipPublisherCheck -MinimumVersion '2.2.1'
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name xWebAdministration
$module = Get-Module PowerShellGet -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$psGetModuleSpecification = @{ModuleName = $module.Name; ModuleVersion = $module.Version.ToString() }
It "Set method should work" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
if (!$IsLinux) {
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name PSModule -ModuleName $psGetModuleSpecification -Method set -Property @{
Name = 'PsDscResources'
InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
else {
# workraound because of https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellGet/pull/529
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name PsDscResources -Force
$result.RebootRequired | Should -BeFalse
$module = Get-Module PsDscResources -ListAvailable
$module | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "Resource should have installed module"
It 'Set method should return RebootRequired=<expectedResult> when $global:DSCMachineStatus = <value>' -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) -TestCases $dscMachineStatusCases {
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
# using create scriptBlock because $using:<variable> doesn't work with existing Invoke-DscResource
# Verified in Windows PowerShell on 20190814
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName PSDscResources -Method Set -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Output 'test'; return $false }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = [scriptblock]::Create("`$global:DSCMachineStatus = $value;return") }
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.RebootRequired | Should -BeExactly $expectedResult
It "Test method should return false" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName PSDscResources -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Output 'test'; return $false }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = { return } }
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.InDesiredState | Should -BeFalse -Because "Test method return false"
It "Test method should return true" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName PSDscResources -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Verbose 'test'; return $true }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = { return } }
$result | Should -BeTrue -Because "Test method return true"
It "Test method should return true with moduleSpecification" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
$module = Get-Module PsDscResources -ListAvailable
$moduleSpecification = @{ModuleName = $module.Name; ModuleVersion = $module.Version.ToString() }
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName $moduleSpecification -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Verbose 'test'; return $true }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = { return } }
$result | Should -BeTrue -Because "Test method return true"
It "Invalid moduleSpecification" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/17"
$moduleSpecification = @{ModuleName = 'PsDscResources'; ModuleVersion = '' }
Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName $moduleSpecification -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Host 'test'; return $true }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = { return } } -ErrorAction Stop
} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'InvalidResourceSpecification,Invoke-DscResource' -ExpectedMessage 'Invalid Resource Name ''Script'' or module specification.'
It "Resource with embedded resource not supported and a warning should be produced" {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Test is unreliable in release automation."
if (!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
Set-ItResult -Skipped -Because "Feature not enabled"
if (!$IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Skipped -Because "Not applicable on Windows and xWebAdministration resources don't load on linux"
try {
Invoke-DscResource -Name xWebSite -ModuleName 'xWebAdministration' -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = 'foodbar' } -ErrorAction Stop -WarningVariable warnings
#this will fail too, but that is nat what we are testing...
$warnings.Count | Should -Be 1 -Because "There should be 1 warning on macOS and Linux"
$warnings[0] | Should -Match 'embedded resources.*not support'
It "Using PsDscRunAsCredential should say not supported" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName PSDscResources -Method Set -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Output 'test'; return $false }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = {return}; PsDscRunAsCredential='natoheu'} -ErrorAction Stop
} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'PsDscRunAsCredentialNotSupport,Invoke-DscResource'
# waiting on Get-DscResource to be fixed
It "Invalid module name" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/17"
Invoke-DscResource -Name Script -ModuleName santoheusnaasonteuhsantoheu -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Host 'test'; return $true }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = { return } } -ErrorAction Stop
} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,CheckResourceFound'
It "Invalid resource name" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/17"
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
Invoke-DscResource -Name santoheusnaasonteuhsantoheu -Method Test -Property @{TestScript = { Write-Host 'test'; return $true }; GetScript = { return @{ } }; SetScript = { return } } -ErrorAction Stop
} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,CheckResourceFound'
It "Get method should work" -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($IsLinux) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "https://github.com/PowerShell/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/issues/12 and https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellGet/pull/529"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name PSModule -ModuleName $psGetModuleSpecification -Method Get -Property @{ Name = 'PsDscResources' }
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Author | Should -BeLike 'Microsoft*'
$result.InstallationPolicy | Should -BeOfType string
$result.Guid | Should -BeOfType Guid
$result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'
$result.Name | Should -Be 'PsDscResources'
$result.Description | Should -BeLike 'This*DSC*'
$result.InstalledVersion | Should -BeOfType Version
$result.ModuleBase | Should -BeLike '*PSDscResources*'
$result.Repository | Should -BeOfType string
$result.ModuleType | Should -Be 'Manifest'
Context "Class Based Resources" {
BeforeAll {
Install-ModuleIfMissing -Name XmlContentDsc -Force
AfterAll {
$Global:ProgressPreference = $origProgress
BeforeEach {
$testXmlPath = 'TestDrive:\test.xml'
'@ | Out-File -FilePath $testXmlPath -Encoding utf8NoBOM
$resolvedXmlPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $testXmlPath).ProviderPath
It 'Set method should work' -Skip:(!(Test-IsInvokeDscResourceEnable)) {
if ($MissingLibmi) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "Libmi not available for this platform"
if ($IsMacOS) {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "macOS is incompatible with libmi"
$testString = '890574209347509120348'
$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name XmlFileContentResource -ModuleName XmlContentDsc -Property @{Path = $resolvedXmlPath; XPath = '/configuration/appSetting/Test1'; Ensure = 'Present'; Attributes = @{ TestValue2 = $testString; Name = $testString } } -Method Set
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.RebootRequired | Should -BeFalse
$testXmlPath | Should -FileContentMatch $testString