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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
function Test-ResourceStrings
param ( $AssemblyName, $ExcludeList )
# determine the needed resource directory. If these tests are moved
# this logic will need to change
$repoBase = (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ../../../..)).Path
$asmBase = Join-Path $repoBase "src/$AssemblyName"
$resourceDir = Join-Path $asmBase resources
$resourceFiles = Get-ChildItem $resourceDir -Filter *.resx -ErrorAction stop |
Where-Object { $excludeList -notcontains $_.Name }
$bindingFlags = [reflection.bindingflags]"NonPublic,Static"
# the resource generation is based on the file name of the .resx file
# and is not in a namespace. We can find all of these classes in the
# ${AssemblyName} assembly
$ASSEMBLY = [appdomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()|
Where-Object { $_.FullName -match "$AssemblyName" }
# Validate that the binary you're running has the proper message
# based on the resource files. It is possible that -ResGen could be
# skipped and the messages might become out of sync with what is in
# source
# you could argue that we should be generating conditions where the message is delivered
# and then test for that, but that is a check against an ErrorId while this is ensuring
# that the contents of the built binary matches the resx content
# Normally you don't want to use reflection to get at the implementation details
# but this tests generated code, so changes there will be consistent across
# all the resource classes we generate
# This is the reason why this is not a general module for use. There is
# no other way to run these tests
Describe "Resources strings in $AssemblyName (was -ResGen used with Start-PSBuild)" -Tag Feature {
function NormalizeLineEnd
param (
[string] $string
$string -replace "`r`n", "`n"
foreach ( $resourceFile in $resourceFiles )
# in the event that the id has a space in it, it is replaced with a '_'
$classname = $resourcefile.Name -replace ".resx"
It "'$classname' should be an available type and the strings should be correct" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
# get the type from the assembly
$resourceType = $ASSEMBLY.GetType($classname, $false, $true)
# the properties themselves are static internals, so we need
# to using the appropriate bindingflags
$resourceType | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# check all the resource strings
$xmlData = [xml](Get-Content $resourceFile.Fullname)
foreach ( $inResource in $xmlData.root.data ) {
$resourceStringToCheck = $resourceType.GetProperty($inResource.name,$bindingFlags).GetValue(0)
NormalizeLineEnd($resourceStringToCheck) | Should -Be (NormalizeLineEnd($inresource.value))