Andrew Schwartzmeyer 9124e4a328 Cache nuget.exe in scripts
Rather than downloading nuget.exe on every run, we can cache it, just
not in monad-ext with a rule to copy it. Instead, there's a rule to
refresh it from its canonical home.

See http://dist.nuget.org/index.html
2015-10-07 15:36:40 -07:00

250 lines
12 KiB

.PHONY: all
# this should go away and be automatically generated
include assembly-load-context.mk
# main references to the CoreCLR reference assemblies
COREREF=$(addprefix -r:, $(shell ls $(TARGETING_PACK)/*.dll))
# powershell-run is the main powershell executable
include powershell-run.mk
# this variable is needed by module specific include makefiles below
# these are automatically generated from the PowerShell build sytem
# - System.Management.Automation.dll (the main PS dll)
# - commands/modules (they contain cmdlets): management and utility
# - Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll (the first dll in the remoting code paths)
include system-automation.mk
include commands-management.mk
include commands-utility.mk
include management-infrastructure.mk
include security.mk
PRODUCT_COMMANDS_REFS=$(COREREF) -r:dotnetlibs/System.Management.Automation.dll
# compilers
# - Roslyn's csc is used for all the PS code
# - Mono's mcs is used for build helper tools
CSC=mono buildtemp/Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0/tools/csc.exe
CSCOPTS_BASE=-noconfig -nostdlib
CSCOPTS_LIB=$(CSCOPTS_BASE) -target:library
CSCOPTS_LIB_PS=$(CSCOPTS_LIB) -unsafe -define:CORECLR -define:_CORECLR /nowarn:CS1701,CS1702
RUN_TARGETS=$(POWERSHELL_RUN_TARGETS) $(addprefix dotnetlibs/, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.dll api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll host_cmdline)
all: dotnetlibs/System.Management.Automation.dll $(RUN_TARGETS) dotnetlibs/$(ASSEMBLY_LOAD_CONTEXT_TARGET)
# this is the build rule for SMA.dll
dotnetlibs/System.Management.Automation.dll: prepare $(SYS_AUTO_SRCS) dotnetlibs/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll ../src/assembly-info/System.Management.Automation.assembly-info.cs dotnetlibs/$(ASSEMBLY_LOAD_CONTEXT_TARGET) $(SYS_AUTO_RES_SRCS) $(SYS_AUTO_RES_CS_SRCS)
$(CSC) -out:$@ $(CSCOPTS_LIB_PS) $(PRODUCT_PS_REFS) $(SYS_AUTO_SRCS) $(SYS_AUTO_RES_REF) $(SYS_AUTO_RES_CS_SRCS) ../src/assembly-info/System.Management.Automation.assembly-info.cs
# this is the build rule for MMI.dll
dotnetlibs/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll: prepare $(MAN_INFRA_SRCS) dotnetlibs/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native.dll ../src/assembly-info/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.assembly-info.cs $(MAN_INFRA_RES_SRCS) $(MAN_INFRA_RES_CS_SRCS)
$(CSC) -out:$@ $(CSCOPTS_LIB_PS) $(PRODUCT_MI_REFS) $(MAN_INFRA_SRCS) $(MAN_INFRA_RES_REF) $(MAN_INFRA_RES_CS_SRCS) ../src/assembly-info/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.assembly-info.cs
# Commands
dotnetlibs/Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll: prepare $(COMMANDS_MANAGEMENT_SRCS) dotnetlibs/System.Management.Automation.dll dotnetlibs/Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.dll $(COMMANDS_MANAGEMENT_RES_SRCS) $(COMMANDS_MANAGEMENT_RES_CS_SRCS) $(MI_ASSEMBLY)
dotnetlibs/Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll: prepare $(COMMANDS_UTILITY_SRCS) dotnetlibs/System.Management.Automation.dll $(COMMANDS_UTILITY_RES_SRCS) $(COMMANDS_UTILITY_RES_CS_SRCS)
dotnetlibs/Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.dll: prepare $(SECURITY_SRCS) $(SECURITY_RES_SRCS) $(SECURITY_RES_CS_SRCS)
# assembly load context
# this one is built from stubs
MI_STUBS=../src/stubs/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native-stub.cs ../src/stubs/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native-stub-assembly-info.cs
dotnetlibs/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native.dll: prepare $(MI_STUBS)
# this creates the type catalog generator
buildtemp/TypeCatalogGen.exe: ../src/monad/monad/nttargets/assemblies/core/PSAssemblyLoadContext/TypeCatalogGen/TypeCatalogGen.cs $(REFLECTION_METADATA) $(COLLECTIONS_IMMUTABLE)
$(MCS) -out:$@ -target:exe -pkg:dotnet $(addprefix -r:, $(REFLECTION_METADATA) $(COLLECTIONS_IMMUTABLE) $(MPATH)/System.Runtime.dll $(MPATH)/System.Reflection.Primitives.dll $(MPATH)/System.IO.dll) $<
# this generates the necessary file of CoreCLR references that is an artifact of the Windows build process
# since we don't have Make 4.1, we can't use $(file), and using @echo makes the escaping tricky
# the list of references MUST be line-by-line, to match '^\$\(PS_PROFILE_REF_PATH\)\\(.+);\s*\\$'
REFERENCE_ASSEMBLIES=$(notdir $(shell ls $(TARGETING_PACK)/*.dll))
@echo 'PROFILE_REF_PATH=$$(SDK_REF_PATH)\Profiles' > $@
@echo 'PS_PROFILE_REF_PATH=$$(PROFILE_REF_PATH)\PowerShell' >> $@
@echo 'PROFILE_REFERENCES=\\' >> $@
@echo '$(PROFILE_REFERENCES)' >> $@
# generate the Core PS type catalog
# this comes from: ../src/monad/monad/nttargets/assemblies/core/PSAssemblyLoadContext/makefile.inc
CorePsTypeCatalog.cs: powershell.inc buildtemp/TypeCatalogGen.exe
MONO_PATH=$(dir $(REFLECTION_METADATA)):$(dir $(COLLECTIONS_IMMUTABLE)) mono buildtemp/TypeCatalogGen.exe $< $@ $(MONAD_EXT)/coreclr/TargetingPack
# the pinvoke library libps.so
$(LIBPS_BUILD)/Makefile: ../src/monad-native/src/CMakeLists.txt
mkdir -p $(LIBPS_BUILD)
# cached files can change the path to be incorrect, this must be cleaned
rm -f ../src/monad-native/src/CMakeCache.txt
rm -f ../src/monad-native/src/cmake_install.cmake
cd $(LIBPS_BUILD) && cmake ../../../src/monad-native/src/
NATIVE_BINARIES=libps.so monad_native host_cmdline
$(addprefix dotnetlibs/, $(NATIVE_BINARIES)): $(LIBPS_BUILD)/Makefile
mkdir -p dotnetlibs
cp $(addprefix $(LIBPS_BUILD)/, $(notdir $@)) dotnetlibs
libps.so-test: $(addprefix dotnetlibs/, libps.so monad_native)
cd dotnetlibs && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./monad_native
# this is a windows dll that is needed because CoreCLR tries to access
# registry functions that don't exist on Linux and there is no other good
# way of fixing this right now
# (TODO linux: this should be removed by addressing it in CoreCLR)
dotnetlibs/api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll: ../src/win-dll/lib-api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.c
gcc -o $@ -fPIC -shared -Wall $^
wget 'https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe'
mkdir -p buildtemp
prepare: nuget.exe buildtemp
mono nuget.exe restore -PackagesDirectory buildtemp
# this is the execution environment from which all managed code is run
# this is an internal target, it's not intended to be called manually
# it will:
# - create necessary directories for deployment layout
# - copy all the PowerShell stuff into PowerShell's app_base
# - copy the custom host and other scripts into PowerShell's app_base
# - copy PS modules
# This rule does not copy coreclr, because the selection of debug or
# release CoreCLR depends on the actual run target.
internal-prepare-exec_env: runps.sh $(POWERSHELL_RUN_TARGETS)
rm -rf exec_env
mkdir -p $(APP_BASE)/Modules
mkdir -p exec_env/coreclr
cp ../src/monad/monad/miscfiles/display/*.ps1xml $(APP_BASE)
cp ../src/monad/monad/miscfiles/types/CoreClr/*.ps1xml $(APP_BASE)
cp -r ../src/monad/monad/miscfiles/modules/* $(APP_BASE)/Modules
cp -r dotnetlibs/*.dll $(APP_BASE)
cp -r dotnetlibs/*.exe $(APP_BASE)
cp -r dotnetlibs/*.so $(APP_BASE)
cp dotnetlibs/host_cmdline $(APP_BASE)
cp -r ../ext-src/pester $(APP_BASE)/Modules/Pester
cp runps*.sh $(APP_BASE)
cp -r $(CORECLR_ASSEMBLY_BASE)/* exec_env/coreclr/
run: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
# execute a cmdlet, this will auto-load the utility module and print a, b and c in 3 lines
$(APP_BASE)/runps-simple.sh '"a","b","c","a","a" | Select-Object -Unique'
run-interactive: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
run-file: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
$(APP_BASE)/runps.sh --file $(PSSCRIPT)
# easy way to run individual PowerShell scripts, `make script.ps1` where the path is relative to monad-linux/scripts (with TEMP set for Pester)
%.ps1: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
TEMP=/tmp $(APP_BASE)/runps.sh --file ../../$@
run-debugclr: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
PAL_DBG_CHANNELS="+LOADER.TRACE" $(APP_BASE)/runps-simple.sh get-location
native-tests: dotnetlibs/monad_native
# execute the native C++ tests
cd dotnetlibs && ./monad_native
# xUnit tests
TEST_SRCS=$(addprefix $(TEST_FOLDER)/, test_*.cs)
$(APP_BASE)/xunit%: $(MONAD_EXT)/xunit/xunit%
cp -f $^ $@
$(APP_BASE)/ps_test.dll: prepare $(TEST_SRCS) $(addprefix $(APP_BASE)/, xunit.core.dll xunit.assert.dll) $(addprefix dotnetlibs/, System.Management.Automation.dll Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll $(ASSEMBLY_LOAD_CONTEXT_TARGET))
$(CSC) $(CSCOPTS_LIB) -out:$@ $(addprefix -r:$(APP_BASE)/, xunit.core.dll xunit.assert.dll) $(addprefix -r:dotnetlibs/, System.Management.Automation.dll $(ASSEMBLY_LOAD_CONTEXT_TARGET)) $(COREREF) $(TEST_SRCS)
xunit-tests: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr $(addprefix $(APP_BASE)/, ps_test.dll xunit.console.netcore.exe xunit.runner.utility.dll xunit.abstractions.dll xunit.execution.dll)
# execute the xUnit runner, with XML output
$(APP_BASE)/runps-test.sh ps_test.dll -xml ../../xunittests.xml
pester-tests: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
# execute the Pester tests, which needs a TEMP environment variable to be set
$(APP_BASE)/runps-simple.sh 'cd ../../../src/pester-tests; $$env:TEMP="/tmp"; invoke-pester'
hashbang-tests: all
# execute the 3rdparty/hashbang example
PATH=$(PATH):$(shell pwd)/$(APP_BASE) $(shell pwd)/3rdparty/hashbang/script.ps1
test: native-tests xunit-tests pester-tests hashbang-tests
trace: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
$(APP_BASE)/runps-simple-trace.sh get-location
debug: $(RUN_TARGETS) internal-prepare-exec_env internal-prepare-clr
# quoting here is a bit special if strings are passed in, because lldb seems to forward arguments strangely
$(APP_BASE)/runps-simple-debug.sh get-location
# clean native library, libps
rm -rf buildtemp/libps-build
rm -rf dotnetlibs exec_env powershell.inc
# clean built stuff + prepare step
cleanall: clean clean-native
rm -rf buildtemp xunittests.xml
docker build --no-cache=false -t image_ps .
$(eval INSTANCE_ID := $(shell docker inspect -f '{{.Id}}' image_ps))
docker-run: docker-build
# docker port is 4201 for shellinabox by default, but can be overridden
$(eval SHELLINABOX_PORT := $(shell if [ "${SHELLINABOX_PORT}" = "" ]; then echo 4201; else echo ${SHELLINABOX_PORT}; fi))
docker run -d -P -p $(SHELLINABOX_PORT):4201 --name test_ps image_ps
# those two ports are container ports, so they can be hard-coded
docker port test_ps 22
docker port test_ps 4201
$(eval HOST_IP := $(shell ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/{print substr($$2,6)}'))
@echo "connect to docker at: http://${HOST_IP}:${SHELLINABOX_PORT}/"
@echo "use username: 'test1' and password: 'pass' to connect"
docker stop test_ps
docker rm test_ps