Florian Feldhaus 9ccd778ed6 Enable WebRequestPSCmdlet to not validate HTTPS certificates (#2006)
* Enable WebRequestPSCmdlet to not validate HTTPS certificates

Added switch parameter IgnoreCertificateCheck to WebRequestPSCmdlet to enable Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod to not validate the HTTPS certificate of the server if required.

* Changed IgnoreCertificateCheck parameter name to NoCertificateCheck

Changed the switch parameter IgnoreCertificateCheck to NoCertificateCheck for WebRequestPSCmdlet to enable Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod.

* Changed NoCertificateCheck parameter name to SkipCertificateCheck

Changed the switch parameter NoCertificateCheck to SkipCertificateCheck for WebRequestPSCmdlet to enable Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod.

* Added test for SkipCertificateCheck parameter

Validation of SkipCertificateCheck parameter in Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod. First validating, that exception is thrown for HTTPS URI with expired certificate. Then validating, that no exception is thrown if SkipCertificateCheck parameter is used. HEAD method must be used for Invoke-RestMethod to not return any body. Invoke-RestMethod can't parse the HTML returned when using GET method.

* Updated test for SkipCertificateCheck parameter to use ExecuteWebCommand function
2016-11-03 14:29:17 -07:00

625 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2016
# This is a Pester test suite which validate the Web cmdlets.
# Note: These tests use data from http://httpbin.org/
# Invokes the given command via script block invocation.
function ExecuteWebCommand
param (
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null}
$scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($command)
$result.Output = & $scriptBlock
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# This function calls either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod using the OutFile parameter
# Then, the file content is read and return in a $result object.
function ExecuteRequestWithOutFile
param (
[ValidateSet("Invoke-RestMethod", "Invoke-WebRequest" )]
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null}
$filePath = Join-Path $TestDrive ((Get-Random).ToString() + ".txt")
if ($cmdletName -eq "Invoke-WebRequest")
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $filePath
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -OutFile $filePath
$result.Output = Get-Content $filePath -Raw -ea SilentlyContinue
$result.Error = $_
if (Test-Path $filePath)
Remove-Item $filePath -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
return $result
# This function calls either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod with the given uri
# using the Headers parameter to disable keep-alive.
function ExecuteRequestWithHeaders
param (
[ValidateSet("Invoke-RestMethod", "Invoke-WebRequest" )]
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null}
$headers = @{ Connection = 'close'}
if ($cmdletName -eq "Invoke-WebRequest")
$result.Output = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -TimeoutSec 5 -Headers $headers
$result.Output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -TimeoutSec 5 -Headers $headers
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# Returns test data for the given content type.
function GetTestData
[ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json")]
$testData = @{ItemID = 987123; Name = 'TestData'}
if ($contentType -eq "text/plain")
$body = $testData | Out-String
elseif ($contentType -eq "application/xml")
$body = '
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
else # "application/json"
$body = $testData | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
return $body
Describe "Invoke-WebRequest tests" -Tags "Feature" {
# Validate the output of Invoke-WebRequest
function ValidateResponse
param ($response)
$response.Error | Should Be $null
# A successful call returns: Status = 200, and StatusDescription = "OK"
$response.Output.StatusDescription | Should Match "OK"
$response.Output.StatusCode | Should Be 200
# Make sure the response contains the following properties:
$response.Output.RawContent | Should Not Be $null
$response.Output.Headers | Should Not Be $null
$response.Output.RawContent | Should Not Be $null
$response.Output.RawContentLength | Should Not Be $null
$response.Output.Content | Should Not Be $null
It "Invoke-WebRequest returns User-Agent" {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://httpbin.org/user-agent -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Invoke-WebRequest returns headers dictionary" {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://httpbin.org/headers -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, ?deflate"
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -DisableKeepAlive" {
# Operation options
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -TimeoutSec 5 -DisableKeepAlive"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
$result.Output.Headers["Connection"] | Should Be "Close"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -MaximumRedirection" {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://httpbin.org/redirect/3' -MaximumRedirection 4 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest error for -MaximumRedirection" {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://httpbin.org/redirect/3' -MaximumRedirection 2 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Invoke-WebRequest supports request that returns page containing UTF-8 data." {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://httpbin.org/encoding/utf8 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
# TODO: There is a bug on ConvertFrom-Json that fails for utf8.
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, deflate"
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Invoke-WebRequest validate timeout option" {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://httpbin.org/delay/:5 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-WebRequest
# gzip Returns gzip-encoded data.
# deflate Returns deflate-encoded data.
# $dataEncodings = @("Chunked", "Compress", "Deflate", "GZip", "Identity")
# Note: These are the supported options, but we do not have a web service to test them all.
# $dataEncodings = @("gzip", "deflate") --> Currently there is a bug for deflate encoding. Please see '7976639:Invoke-WebRequest does not support -TransferEncoding deflate' for more info.
$dataEncodings = @("gzip")
foreach ($data in $dataEncodings)
It "Invoke-WebRequest supports request that returns $data-encoded data." {
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://httpbin.org/$data -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($data -eq "gzip")
$jsonContent.gzipped | Should Match $true
$jsonContent.deflated | Should Match $true
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-WebRequest using the following content types: "text/plain", "application/xml", "application/xml"
# post Returns POST data.
# patch Returns PATCH data.
# put Returns PUT data.
# delete Returns DELETE data
$testMethods = @("GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE")
$contentTypes = @("text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json")
foreach ($contentType in $contentTypes)
foreach ($method in $testMethods)
# Operation options
$operation = $method.ToLower()
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/$operation"
$body = GetTestData -contentType $contentType
if ($method -eq "GET")
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri"
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Body '$body' -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -TimeoutSec 5"
It "$command" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.url | Should Match $uri
$jsonContent.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, ?deflate"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
# For a GET request, there is no data property to validate.
if ($method -ne "GET")
$jsonContent.headers.'Content-Type' | Should Match $contentType
# Validate that the response Content.data field is the same as what we sent.
if ($contentType -eq "application/xml")
$jsonContent.data | Should Be $body
$jsonContent.data | Should Match $body
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -Headers --> Set KeepAlive to false via headers" {
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$result = ExecuteRequestWithHeaders -cmdletName Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri
ValidateResponse -response $result
$result.Output.Headers["Connection"] | Should Be "Close"
# Validate all available user agents for Invoke-WebRequest
$agents = @{InternetExplorer = "MSIE 9.0"
Chrome = "Chrome"
Opera = "Opera"
Safari = "Safari"
FireFox = "Firefox"
foreach ($agentName in $agents.Keys)
$expectedAgent = $agents[$agentName]
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$userAgent = "[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::$agentName"
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UserAgent ($userAgent) -TimeoutSec 5"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest UserAgent. Execute--> $command" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match $expectedAgent
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile" {
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$result = ExecuteRequestWithOutFile -cmdletName "Invoke-WebRequest" -uri $uri
$jsonContent = $result.Output | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -SkipCertificateCheck" {
# validate that exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://expired.badssl.com'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
# validate that no exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate when using -SkipCertificateCheck option
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://expired.badssl.com' -SkipCertificateCheck"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Describe "Invoke-RestMethod tests" -Tags "Feature" {
It "Invoke-RestMethod returns User-Agent" {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://httpbin.org/user-agent -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Invoke-RestMethod returns headers dictionary" {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://httpbin.org/headers -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, ?deflate"
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -DisableKeepAlive" {
# Operation options
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://httpbin.org/get' -TimeoutSec 5 -DisableKeepAlive"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, ?deflate"
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
# Unfortunately, the connection information is not display in the output of Invoke-RestMethod
#$result.Output.Headers["Connection"] | Should Be "Close"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -MaximumRedirection" {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://httpbin.org/redirect/3' -MaximumRedirection 4 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod error for -MaximumRedirection" {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://httpbin.org/redirect/3' -MaximumRedirection 2 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Invoke-RestMethod supports request that returns page containing UTF-8 data." {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://httpbin.org/encoding/utf8 -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response content
# TODO: There is a bug on ConvertFrom-Json that fails for utf8.
$result.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, deflate"
$result.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$result.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Invoke-RestMethod validate timeout option" {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://httpbin.org/delay/:5 -TimeoutSec 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-RestMethod
# gzip Returns gzip-encoded data.
# deflate Returns deflate-encoded data.
# $dataEncodings = @("Chunked", "Compress", "Deflate", "GZip", "Identity")
# Note: These are the supported options, but we do not have a web service to test them all.
# $dataEncodings = @("gzip", "deflate") --> Currently there is a bug for deflate encoding. Please see '7976639:Invoke-RestMethod does not support -TransferEncoding deflate' for more info.
$dataEncodings = @("gzip")
foreach ($data in $dataEncodings)
It "Invoke-RestMethod supports request that returns $data-encoded data." {
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://httpbin.org/$data -TimeoutSec 5"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
if ($data -eq "gzip")
$result.Output.gzipped | Should Match $true
$result.Output.deflated | Should Match $true
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-RestMethod using the following content types: "text/plain", "application/xml", "application/xml"
# post Returns POST data.
# patch Returns PATCH data.
# put Returns PUT data.
# delete Returns DELETE data
$testMethods = @("GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE")
$contentTypes = @("text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json")
foreach ($contentType in $contentTypes)
foreach ($method in $testMethods)
# Operation options
$operation = $method.ToLower()
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/$operation"
$body = GetTestData -contentType $contentType
if ($method -eq "GET")
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri"
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Body '$body' -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -TimeoutSec 5"
It "$command" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.url | Should Match $uri
$result.Output.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, ?deflate"
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
# For a GET request, there is no data property to validate.
if ($method -ne "GET")
$result.Output.headers.'Content-Type' | Should Match $contentType
# Validate that the response Content.data field is the same as what we sent.
if ($contentType -eq "application/xml")
$result.Output.data | Should Be $body
$result.Output.data | Should Match $body
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -Headers --> Set KeepAlive to false via headers" {
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$result = ExecuteRequestWithHeaders -cmdletName Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri
# Validate response
$result.Output.url | Should Match $uri
$result.Output.headers.'Accept-Encoding' | Should Match "gzip, ?deflate"
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
# Unfortunately, the connection information is not display in the output of Invoke-RestMethod
#$result.Output.Headers["Connection"] | Should Be "Close"
# Validate all available user agents for Invoke-RestMethod
$agents = @{InternetExplorer = "MSIE 9.0"
Chrome = "Chrome"
Opera = "Opera"
Safari = "Safari"
FireFox = "Firefox"
foreach ($agentName in $agents.Keys)
$expectedAgent = $agents[$agentName]
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$userAgent = "[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::$agentName"
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -UserAgent ($userAgent) -TimeoutSec 5"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod UserAgent. Execute--> $command" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match $expectedAgent
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -OutFile" {
$uri = "http://httpbin.org/get"
$result = ExecuteRequestWithOutFile -cmdletName "Invoke-RestMethod" -uri $uri
$jsonContent = $result.Output | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should Match "httpbin.org"
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should Match "WindowsPowerShell"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck" {
# HTTP method HEAD must be used to not retrieve an unparsable HTTP body
# validate that exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://expired.badssl.com' -Method HEAD"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
# validate that no exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate when using -SkipCertificateCheck option
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://expired.badssl.com' -SkipCertificateCheck -Method HEAD"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should BeNullOrEmpty