James Truher 9e225ccae2 changes tags for tests
Start using tags CI, Feature, Scenario
2016-07-27 12:06:51 -07:00

47 lines
1.2 KiB

Describe 'Misc Test' -Tags "CI" {
Context 'Where' {
class C1 {
[int[]] $Wheels = @(1,2,3);
[string] Foo() {
return (1..10).Where({ $PSItem -in $this.Wheels; }) -join ';'
[string] Bar()
return (1..10 | Where { $PSItem -in $this.Wheels; }) -join ';'
It 'Invoke Where' {
[C1]::new().Foo() | should be "1;2;3"
It 'Pipe to where' {
[C1]::new().Bar() | should be "1;2;3"
Context 'ForEach' {
class C1 {
[int[]] $Wheels = @(1,2,3);
[string] Foo() {
Foreach($PSItem in $this.Wheels) { $ret +="$PSItem;"}
return $ret
[string] Bar()
$ret = ""
$this.Wheels | foreach { $ret += "$_;" }
return $ret
It 'Invoke Foreach' {
[C1]::new().Foo() | should be "1;2;3;"
It 'Pipe to Foreach' {
[C1]::new().Bar() | should be "1;2;3;"