Travis Plunk cd9ddb156d Used method from PR comments to find powershell
replaced dir with get-childitem
used appropriate path when importing pester
verified failure count was 0
split test case verification into individual it's so we get all the info.
2016-07-20 16:28:33 -07:00

93 lines
3.3 KiB

# Looking at pester internal to get tag filter and ExcludeTagFilter
# This seems like the most stable way to do this
# other options like testing for tags seems more likely to break
InModuleScope Pester {
Describe 'Getting Tag Filters' -Tag CI {
$global:__PesterTags = $pester.TagFilter
$global:__PesterExcludeTags = $pester.ExcludeTagFilter
Describe 'SDK Send Greeting Sample Tests' -Tag CI {
try {
$enlistmentRoot = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$docLocation = Join-Path -Path $enlistmentRoot -ChildPath '\docs\cmdlet-example'
$testResultPath = Join-Path $TestDrive 'sendgreetingresults.xml'
$sampleCopy = Join-Path $TestDrive 'sendgreeting'
$fullSampleCopyPath = Join-Path $sampleCopy 'cmdlet-example'
$powershell = (Get-Process -id $PID).MainModule.FileName
if(!(Test-Path $sampleCopy))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $sampleCopy
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path $docLocation -Destination $sampleCopy -Force
Get-ChildItem -Recurse $sampleCopy | %{ Write-Verbose "sc: $($_.FullName)"}
$pesterCommand = "Invoke-Pester $sampleCopy -PassThru"
$pesterCommand += " -Tag $(@($global:__PesterTags) -join ',')"
$pesterCommand += " -ExcludeTag $(@($global:__PesterExcludeTags) -join ',')"
$importPesterCommand = 'Import-module Pester'
$importPesterCommand = "Import-Module $(Join-Path -path $PSHOME -child '/Modules/Pester')"
$command = @"
Push-Location -Path $fullSampleCopyPath
$pesterCommand | Export-Clixml -Path $testResultPath
Write-Verbose -Message "command: '$command'"
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($command)
$encodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
&$powershell -encodedCommand $encodedCommand
it "Should have test results file" {
$testResultPath | should exist
$script:results = Import-Clixml $testResultPath
it "Should have test results" {
$script:results | should not be BeNullOrEmpty
$script:results.TotalCount | should not BeNullOrEmpty
$script:results.TestResult.Count | should not BeNullOrEmpty
it "Should have no failures" {
$script:results.FailedCount | should be 0
foreach($testResult in $script:results.TestResult){
Context "Test $($testResult.Name)" {
it "should have no failure message" {
$testResult.FailureMessage | should BeNullOrEmpty
it "should have no stack trace" {
$testResult.StackTrace | should BeNullOrEmpty
it "should have no error record" {
$testResult.ErrorRecord | should BeNullOrEmpty
it "should have not failed" {
Write-Verbose "Result: $($testResult.Result)"
$testResult.Result | should not be Failed
} finally {