
127 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe -Name "Windows EXE" -Fixture {
BeforeAll {
function Test-Elevated {
# if the current Powershell session was called with administrator privileges,
# the Administrator Group's well-known SID will show up in the Groups for the current identity.
# Note that the SID won't show up unless the process is elevated.
return (([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).Groups -contains "S-1-5-32-544")
function Invoke-ExeInstaller {
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Install', Mandatory)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Uninstall', Mandatory)]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})]
$action = "$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)ing"
if ($Install) {
$switch = '/install'
} else {
$switch = '/uninstall'
$installProcess = Start-Process -wait $ExePath -ArgumentList $switch, '/quiet', '/norestart' -PassThru
if ($installProcess.ExitCode -ne 0) {
$exitCode = $installProcess.ExitCode
throw "$action EXE failed and returned error code $exitCode."
$exePath = $env:PsExePath
$channel = $env:PSMsiChannel
$runtime = $env:PSMsiRuntime
# Get any existing powershell in the path
$beforePath = @(([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'MACHINE')) -split ';' |
Where-Object {$_ -like '*files\powershell*'})
foreach ($pathPart in $beforePath) {
Write-Warning "Found existing PowerShell path: $pathPart"
if (!(Test-Elevated)) {
Write-Warning "Tests must be elevated"
BeforeEach {
Context "$Channel-$Runtime" {
BeforeAll {
Write-Verbose "cr-$channel-$runtime" -Verbose
switch ("$channel-$runtime") {
"preview-win7-x64" {
$msiUpgradeCode = '39243d76-adaf-42b1-94fb-16ecf83237c8'
"stable-win7-x64" {
$msiUpgradeCode = '31ab5147-9a97-4452-8443-d9709f0516e1'
"preview-win7-x86" {
$msiUpgradeCode = '86abcfbd-1ccc-4a88-b8b2-0facfde29094'
"stable-win7-x86" {
$msiUpgradeCode = '1d00683b-0f84-4db8-a64f-2f98ad42fe06'
default {
throw "'$_' not a valid channel runtime combination"
It "$Channel MSI should not be installed before test" -Skip:(!(Test-Elevated)) {
$result = @(Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT Value FROM Win32_Property WHERE Property='UpgradeCode' and Value = '{$msiUpgradeCode}'")
$result.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "Query should return nothing if $channel $runtime is not installed"
It "EXE should install without error" -Skip:(!(Test-Elevated)) {
Invoke-ExeInstaller -Install -ExePath $exePath
} | Should -Not -Throw
It "Upgrade code should be correct" -Skip:(!(Test-Elevated)) {
$result = @(Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT Value FROM Win32_Property WHERE Property='UpgradeCode' and Value = '{$msiUpgradeCode}'")
$result.Count | Should -Be 1 -Because "Query should return 1 result if Upgrade code is for $runtime $channel"
It "MSI should have updated path" -Skip:(!(Test-Elevated)) {
if ($channel -eq 'preview') {
$pattern = '*files*\powershell*\preview*'
} else {
$pattern = '*files*\powershell*'
$psPath = ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'MACHINE')) -split ';' |
Where-Object { $_ -like $pattern -and $_ -notin $beforePath }
if (!$psPath) {
([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'MACHINE')) -split ';' |
Where-Object { $_ -notin $beforePath } |
ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Verbose $_ }
$psPath | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "MSI should uninstall without error" -Skip:(!(Test-Elevated)) {
Invoke-ExeInstaller -Uninstall -ExePath $exePath
} | Should -Not -Throw