
447 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Tests for (error, warning, etc) action preference" -Tags "CI" {
$commonActionPreferenceParameterTestCases = foreach ($commonParameterName in [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters | Select-String Action) {
ActionPreferenceParameterName = $commonParameterName
$actionPreferenceVariableTestCases = foreach ($variable in Get-Variable -Name *Preference -Scope Global | Where-Object Value -Is [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]) {
ActionPreferenceVariableName = $variable.Name
StreamName = $variable.Name -replace '(Action)?Preference$'
$actionPreferenceVariableValueTestCases = @(
Value = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Suspend
DisplayValue = '[System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Suspend'
Value = 'Suspend'
DisplayValue = '''Suspend'''
BeforeAll {
$orgin = $GLOBAL:errorActionPreference
function Join-TestCase {
foreach ($ht1 in $Set1) {
foreach ($ht2 in $Set2) {
$ht1 + $ht2
function Test-ActionPreferenceVariableSuspendValue {
if ($DebugPreference -eq $Value) {
Write-Debug -Message 'A debug message'
} elseif ($ErrorActionPreference -eq $Value) {
Write-Error -Message 'An error message'
} elseif ($InformationPreference -eq $Value) {
Write-Information -MessageData 'Some information'
} elseif ($ProgressPreference -eq $Value) {
Write-Progress -Activity 'Some progress'
} elseif ($VerbosePreference -eq $Value) {
Write-Verbose -Message 'A verbose message'
} elseif ($WarningPreference -eq $Value) {
Write-Warning -Message 'A warning message'
AfterAll {
if ($GLOBAL:errorActionPreference -ne $orgin) {
$GLOBAL:errorActionPreference = $orgin
Context 'Setting ErrorActionPreference to stop prevents user from getting the error exception' {
$err = $null
try {
Get-ChildItem nosuchfile.nosuchextension -ErrorAction stop -ErrorVariable err
} catch { }
It '$err.Count' { $err.Count | Should -Be 1 }
It '$err[0] should not be $null' { $err[0] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$err[0].GetType().Name' { $err[0] | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException }
It '$err[0].ErrorRecord' { $err[0].ErrorRecord | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$err[0].ErrorRecord.Exception.GetType().Name' { $err[0].ErrorRecord.Exception | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException }
It 'Action preference of Ignore can be set as a preference variable using a string value' {
try {
Remove-Variable -Name ErrorActionPreference -Scope Global -Force
$GLOBAL:ErrorActionPreference = 'Ignore'
$errorCount = $error.Count
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfasdf
$error.Count | Should -BeExactly $errorCount
} finally {
Remove-Variable -Name ErrorActionPreference -Scope Global
# Re-create the action preference variable as a strongly typed variable like it was before
[System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]$GLOBAL:ErrorActionPreference = $orgin
It 'Action preference of Ignore can be set as a preference variable using an enumerated value' {
try {
$GLOBAL:ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Ignore
$errorCount = $error.Count
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfasdf
$error.Count | Should -BeExactly $errorCount
} finally {
$GLOBAL:ErrorActionPreference = $orgin
It 'The $global:<ActionPreferenceVariableName> variable does not support Suspend' -TestCases $actionPreferenceVariableTestCases {
$e = {
Set-Variable -Name $ActionPreferenceVariableName -Scope Global -Value ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Suspend)
} | Should -Throw -ErrorId RuntimeException -PassThru
$e.CategoryInfo.Reason | Should -BeExactly 'ArgumentTransformationMetadataException'
It 'A local $<ActionPreferenceVariableName> variable does not support <DisplayValue>' -TestCases (Join-TestCase -Set1 $actionPreferenceVariableTestCases -Set2 $actionPreferenceVariableValueTestCases) {
$e = {
Set-Variable -Name $ActionPreferenceVariableName -Value $Value
Test-ActionPreferenceVariableSuspendValue -Value $Value
} | Should -Throw -ErrorId "System.NotSupportedException$(if ($StreamName -ne 'Error') {",Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Write${StreamName}Command"})" -PassThru
$e.CategoryInfo.Reason | Should -BeExactly 'NotSupportedException'
It 'enum disambiguation works' {
$errorCount = $error.Count
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfsadfsadf -ErrorAction Ig
$error.Count | Should -BeExactly $errorCount
#issue 2076
It 'The -<ActionPreferenceParameterName> common parameter does not support Suspend on cmdlets' -TestCases $commonActionPreferenceParameterTestCases {
$commonParameters = @{
"${ActionPreferenceParameterName}" = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Suspend
{ Write-Output -InputObject Test @commonParameters } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterBindingFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteOutputCommand"
It 'The -<ActionPreferenceParameterName> common parameter does not support Suspend on functions' -TestCases $commonActionPreferenceParameterTestCases {
function MyHelperFunction {
$commonParameters = @{
"${ActionPreferenceParameterName}" = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Suspend
{ MyHelperFunction -ErrorAction Suspend } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterBindingFailed,MyHelperFunction"
It '<switch> does not take precedence over $ErrorActionPreference' -TestCases @(
@{switch = "Verbose" },
@{switch = "Debug" }
) {
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$params = @{
ItemType = "File";
Path = "$testdrive\test.txt";
Confirm = $false
New-Item @params > $null
$params += @{$switch = $true }
{ New-Item @params } | Should -Not -Throw
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
{ New-Item @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "NewItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand"
Remove-Item "$testdrive\test.txt" -Force
It "Parameter binding '-<name>' throws correctly (no NRE) if argument is <argValue>" -TestCases @(
@{ name = "ErrorAction"; argValue = "null"; arguments = @{ ErrorAction = $null } }
@{ name = "WarningAction"; argValue = "null"; arguments = @{ WarningAction = $null } }
@{ name = "InformationAction"; argValue = "null"; arguments = @{ InformationAction = $null } }
@{ name = "ErrorAction"; argValue = "AutomationNull"; arguments = @{ ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value } }
@{ name = "WarningAction"; argValue = "AutomationNull"; arguments = @{ WarningAction = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value } }
@{ name = "InformationAction"; argValue = "AutomationNull"; arguments = @{ InformationAction = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value } }
) {
$err = $null
try {
Test-Path .\noexistfile.ps1 @arguments
} catch {
$err = $_
$err.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "ParameterBindingFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestPathCommand"
$err.Exception.InnerException.InnerException | Should -BeOfType "System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException"
Describe 'ActionPreference.Break tests' -Tag 'CI' {
BeforeAll {
AfterAll {
Context '-ErrorAction Break should break on a non-terminating error' {
BeforeAll {
$testScript = {
function Test-Break {
try {
# Generate a non-terminating error
Write-Error 'This is a non-terminating error.'
# Do something afterwards
'This should still run'
} catch {
'Do nothing'
} finally {
'This finally runs'
Test-Break -ErrorAction Break
$results = @(Test-Debugger -Scriptblock $testScript -CommandQueue 'v', 'v')
It 'Should show 3 debugger commands were invoked' {
# There is always an implicit 'c' command that keeps the debugger automation moving
$results.Count | Should -Be 3
It 'The breakpoint should be the statement that generated the non-terminating error' {
$results[0] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 7 -FromColumn 25 -ToColumn 71
It 'The second statement should be the statement after that which generated the non-terminating error' {
$results[1] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 9 -FromColumn 25 -ToColumn 48
It 'The third statement should be the statement in the finally block' {
$results[2] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 13 -FromColumn 25 -ToColumn 44
Context '-ErrorAction Break should break on a terminating error' {
BeforeAll {
$testScript = {
function Test-Break {
try {
# Generate a terminating error
Get-Process -TheAnswer 42
# Do something afterwards
'This should not run'
} catch {
'Do nothing'
} finally {
'This finally runs'
Test-Break -ErrorAction Break
$results = @(Test-Debugger -Scriptblock $testScript -CommandQueue 'v', 'v')
It 'Should show 3 debugger commands were invoked' {
# There is always an implicit 'c' command that keeps the debugger automation moving
$results.Count | Should -Be 3
It 'The breakpoint should be the statement that generated the terminating error' {
$results[0] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 7 -FromColumn 25 -ToColumn 50
It 'The second statement should be the statement in the catch block where the terminating error is caught' {
$results[1] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 11 -FromColumn 25 -ToColumn 37
It 'The third statement should be the statement in the finally block' {
$results[2] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 13 -FromColumn 25 -ToColumn 44
Context '-ErrorAction Break should not break on a naked rethrow' {
BeforeAll {
$testScript = {
function Test-Break {
try {
try {
# Generate a terminating error
Get-Process -TheAnswer 42
} catch {
} catch {
# Swallow the exception here
Test-Break -ErrorAction Break
$results = @(Test-Debugger -Scriptblock $testScript)
It 'Should show 1 debugger command was invoked' {
# ErrorAction break should only trigger on the initial terminating error
$results.Count | Should -Be 1
It 'The breakpoint should be the statement that generated the terminating error' {
$results[0] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 8 -FromColumn 29 -ToColumn 54
Context '-ErrorAction Break should break when throwing a specific error or object' {
BeforeAll {
$testScript = {
function Test-Break {
try {
try {
# Generate a terminating error
Get-Process -TheAnswer 42
} catch {
throw $_
} catch {
# Swallow the exception here
Test-Break -ErrorAction Break
$results = @(Test-Debugger -Scriptblock $testScript)
It 'Should show 2 debugger commands were invoked' {
# ErrorAction break should trigger on the initial terminating error and the throw
# since it throws a "new" error (throwing anything is considered a new terminating
# error)
$results.Count | Should -Be 2
It 'The first breakpoint should be the statement that generated the terminating error' {
$results[0] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 8 -FromColumn 29 -ToColumn 54
It 'The second breakpoint should be the statement that threw $_' {
$results[1] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 10 -FromColumn 29 -ToColumn 37
Context 'Other message types should break on their corresponding messages when requested' {
BeforeAll {
$testScript = {
function Test-Break {
Write-Warning -Message 'This is a warning message'
Write-Verbose -Message 'This is a verbose message'
Write-Debug -Message 'This is a debug message'
Write-Information -MessageData 'This is an information message'
Write-Progress -Activity 'This shows progress'
Test-Break -WarningAction Break -InformationAction Break *>$null
$WarningPreference = $VerbosePreference = $DebugPreference = $InformationPreference = $ProgressPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break
Test-Break *>$null
$results = @(Test-Debugger -Scriptblock $testScript)
It 'Should show 7 debugger commands were invoked' {
# When no debugger commands are provided, 'c' is invoked every time a breakpoint is hit
$results.Count | Should -Be 7
It 'Write-Warning should trigger a breakpoint from -WarningAction Break' {
$results[0] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 5 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 71
It 'Write-Information should trigger a breakpoint from -InformationAction Break' {
$results[1] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 8 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 84
It 'Write-Warning should trigger a breakpoint from $WarningPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break' {
$results[2] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 5 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 71
It 'Write-Verbose should trigger a breakpoint from $VerbosePreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break' {
$results[3] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 6 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 71
It 'Write-Debug should trigger a breakpoint from $DebugPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break' {
$results[4] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 7 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 67
It 'Write-Information should trigger a breakpoint from $InformationPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break' {
$results[5] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 8 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 84
It 'Write-Progress should trigger a breakpoint from $ProgressPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break' {
$results[6] | ShouldHaveExtent -Line 9 -FromColumn 21 -ToColumn 67
Context 'ActionPreference.Break in jobs' {
BeforeAll {
$job = Start-Job {
$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Break
Get-Process -TheAnswer 42
AfterAll {
Remove-Job -Job $job -Force
It 'ActionPreference.Break should break in a running job' {
Wait-UntilTrue -sb { $job.State -eq 'AtBreakpoint' } -TimeoutInMilliseconds (60 * 1000) -IntervalInMilliseconds 100 | Should -BeTrue