
47 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Testing of MyInvocation' -Tags "CI" {
It 'MyInvocation works in Function' {
function myfunc
$MyInvocation.Line.IndexOf("myfunc") | Should -BeGreaterThan -1
{ . myfunc } | Should -Not -Throw
{& myfunc } | Should -Not -Throw
It 'MyInvocation works in Filter' {
filter myfilter
$MyInvocation.Line.IndexOf("myfilter") | Should -BeGreaterThan -1
{. myfilter } | Should -Not -Throw
{ & myfilter } | Should -Not -Throw
Context 'MyInvocation works in Script block' {
It 'MyInvocation works in dot sourced Script block' {
$a = . {$MyInvocation.Line}
$a.IndexOf('$a = . {$MyInvocation.Line}') | Should -BeGreaterThan -1
It 'MyInvocation works in & Script block2' {
$a = & {$MyInvocation.Line}
$a.IndexOf('$a = & {$MyInvocation.Line}') | Should -BeGreaterThan -1
It 'MyInvocation works when run Script file' {
$a = & {$MyInvocation.ScriptName}
$a.ToLower().IndexOf("myinvocation.tests.ps1") | Should -BeGreaterThan -1
It 'MyInvocation works when dot source Script file' {
$a = . {$MyInvocation.ScriptName}
$a.ToLower().IndexOf("myinvocation.tests.ps1") | Should -BeGreaterThan -1