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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Tests for parameter binding" -Tags "CI" {
Context 'Test of Mandatory parameters' {
BeforeAll {
$f = "function get-foo { param([Parameter(mandatory=`$true)] `$a) `$a };"
It 'Mandatory parameters used in non-interactive host' {
$rs = [system.management.automation.runspaces.runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$ps = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create()
$ps.Runspace = $rs
[void] $ps.AddScript($f + "get-foo")
$asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 1 # the host does not implement it.
$ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should -BeExactly 'Completed'
} finally {
It 'Mandatory parameters used in interactive host' {
$th = New-TestHost
$rs = [system.management.automation.runspaces.runspacefactory]::Createrunspace($th)
$ps = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create()
$ps.Runspace = $rs
$ps.AddScript($f + "get-foo").invoke()
$prompt = $th.ui.streams.prompt[0]
$prompt | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result = $prompt.split(":")
$result[0] | Should -Match 'get-foo'
$result[-1] | Should -BeExactly 'a'
} finally {
It 'Test of positional parameters' {
function get-foo
get-foo a | Should -BeExactly 'a'
get-foo -a b | Should -BeExactly 'b'
It 'Positional parameters when only one position specified: position = 1' {
function get-foo
param([Parameter(position=1)] $a )
get-foo b | Should -BeExactly 'b'
It 'Positional parameters when only position specified: position = 2' {
function get-foo
param([Parameter(position=2)] $a )
get-foo b | Should -BeExactly 'b'
It 'Multiple positional parameters case 1' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(position=1)] $a,
[Parameter(position=2)] $b )
$a; $b
( get-foo c d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'c,d'
( get-foo -a c d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'c,d'
( get-foo -a c -b d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'c,d'
( get-foo -b d c ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'c,d'
( get-foo c -b d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'c,d'
It 'Multiple positional parameters case 2: the parameters are put in different order?' {
function get-foo
# the parameters are purposefully out of order.
param( [Parameter(position=2)] $a,
[Parameter(position=1)] $b )
$a; $b
(get-foo c d) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'd,c'
It 'Value from pipeline' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true)] $a )
if($a % 2 -eq 0)
(1..10 | get-foo) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly '2,4,6,8,10'
It 'Value from pipeline by property name' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)] $foo )
if($foo % 2 -eq 0)
$b = 1..10 | Select-Object @{name='foo'; expression={$_ * 10}} | get-foo
$b -join ',' | Should -BeExactly '10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100'
It 'Value from remaining arguments' {
function get-foo
[Parameter(position=1)] $a,
[Parameter(valuefromremainingarguments=$true)] $foo
( get-foo a b c d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'b,c,d'
( get-foo a b -a c d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'a,b,d'
( get-foo a b -a c -q d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'a,b,-q,d'
It 'Multiple parameter sets with Value from remaining arguments' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(parametersetname='set1',position=1)] $a,
[Parameter(parametersetname='set2',position=1)] $b,
[parameter(valuefromremainingarguments=$true)] $foo )
{ get-foo -a a -b b c d } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'AmbiguousParameterSet,get-foo'
( get-foo -a a b c d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'b,c,d'
( get-foo -b b a c d ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'a,c,d'
It 'Default parameter set with value from remaining arguments case 1' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(parametersetname="set1", position=1)] $a,
[Parameter(parametersetname="set2", position=1)] $b,
[parameter(valuefromremainingarguments=$true)] $foo )
$x,$y,$z=get-foo a b c d
$x | Should -BeExactly 'a'
$y | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$z -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'b,c,d'
It 'Default parameter set with value from remaining argument case 2' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(parametersetname="set1", position = 1)] $a,
[Parameter(parametersetname="set2", position = 1)] $b,
[parameter(valuefromremainingarguments=$true)] $foo )
$x,$y,$z=get-foo a b c d
$x | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$y | Should -BeExactly 'a'
$z -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'b,c,d'
It 'Alias are specified for parameters' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][alias("foo", "bar")] $a )
get-foo -foo b | Should -BeExactly 'b'
It 'Invoking with script block' {
$foo = . { param([Parameter(position=2)] $a, [Parameter(position=1)]$b); $a; $b} a b
$foo[0] | Should -BeExactly 'b'
It 'Normal functions' {
function foo ($a, $b) {$b, $a}
( foo a b ) -join ',' | Should -BeExactly 'b,a'
It 'Null is not Allowed when AllowNull attribute is not set' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] $a )
{ get-foo -a $null } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,get-foo'
It 'Null is allowed when Allownull attribute is set' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][allownull()] $a )
(get-foo -a $null) | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Empty string is not allowed AllowEmptyString Attribute is not set' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string] $a )
{ get-foo -a '' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed,get-foo'
It 'Empty string is allowed when AllowEmptyString Attribute is set' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][allowemptystring()][string] $a )
get-foo -a '' | Should -BeExactly ''
It 'Empty collection is not allowed when AllowEmptyCollection it not set' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string[]] $a )
{ get-foo -a @() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyArrayNotAllowed,get-foo'
It 'Empty collection is allowed when allowEmptyCollection is set' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][allowemptycollection()][string[]] $a )
get-foo -a @() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Unspecified non-mandatory bool should not cause exception' {
function get-foo
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $a,
[System.Boolean] $b)
42 | get-foo | Should -Be 42
It 'Parameter binding failure on Parameter1 should not cause parameter binding failure on Length' {
function get-foo
param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [int] $Parameter1 = 10,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [int] $Length = 100 )
process { $Length }
'abc' | get-foo | Should -Be 3
It 'Binding array of string to array of bool should fail (cmdletbinding)' {
function get-foo
param ([bool[]] $Parameter )
{ get-foo 'a','b' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentTransformationError,get-foo'
It "Binding array of string to array of bool should succeed" {
function get-foo
param ([bool[]] $Parameter)
$x = get-foo 'a','b'
$x[0] | Should -BeTrue
$x[1] | Should -BeTrue
Context 'Default value conversion tests' {
It 'Parameter default value is converted correctly to the proper type when nothing is set on parameter' {
function get-fooa
param( [System.Reflection.MemberTypes] $memberTypes = $([Enum]::GetNames("System.Reflection.MemberTypes") -join ",") )
$memberTypes | Should -BeOfType System.Reflection.MemberTypes
It "Parameter default value is converted correctly to the proper type when CmdletBinding is set on param" {
function get-foob
param( [System.Reflection.MemberTypes] $memberTypes = $([Enum]::GetNames("System.Reflection.MemberTypes") -join ",") )
$memberTypes | Should -BeOfType System.Reflection.MemberTypes
It "No default value specified should not cause error when parameter attribute is set on the parameter" {
function get-fooc
param( [Parameter()] [System.Reflection.MemberTypes] $memberTypes )
$memberTypes | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "No default value specified should not cause error when nothing is set on parameter" {
function get-food
param( [System.Reflection.MemberTypes] $memberTypes )
$memberTypes | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Validation attributes should not run on default values when nothing is set on the parameter" {
function get-fooe
param([ValidateRange(1,42)] $p = 55)
get-fooe | Should -Be 55
It "Validation attributes should not run on default values when CmdletBinding is set on the parameter" {
function get-foof
param([ValidateRange(1,42)] $p = 55)
get-foof | Should -Be 55
It "Validation attributes should not run on default values" {
function get-foog
param([ValidateRange(1,42)] $p)
{ get-foog } | Should -Not -Throw
It "Validation attributes should not run on default values when CmdletBinding is set" {
function get-fooh
param([ValidateRange(1,42)] $p)
{ get-fooh } | Should -Not -Throw
It "ValidateScript can use custom ErrorMessage" {
function get-fooi {
param([ValidateScript({$_ -gt 2}, ErrorMessage = "Item '{0}' failed '{1}' validation")] $p)
$err = { get-fooi -p 2 } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationError,get-fooi' -PassThru
$err.Exception.Message | Should -BeExactly "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'p'. Item '2' failed '`$_ -gt 2' validation"
It "ValidatePattern can use custom ErrorMessage" {
function get-fooj
param([ValidatePattern("\s+", ErrorMessage = "Item '{0}' failed '{1}' regex")] $p)
$err = { get-fooj -p 2 } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationError,get-fooj' -PassThru
$err.Exception.Message | Should -BeExactly "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'p'. Item '2' failed '\s+' regex"
It "ValidateSet can use custom ErrorMessage" {
function get-fook
param([ValidateSet('A', 'B', 'C', IgnoreCase=$false, ErrorMessage="Item '{0}' is not in '{1}'")] $p)
$err = { get-fook -p 2 } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationError,get-fook' -PassThru
$set = 'A','B','C' -join [Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator
$err.Exception.Message | Should -BeExactly "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'p'. Item '2' is not in '$set'"
#known issue 2069
It 'Some conversions should be attempted before trying to encode a collection' -Skip:$IsCoreCLR {
try {
$null = [Test.Language.ParameterBinding.MyClass]
catch {
Add-Type -PassThru -TypeDefinition @'
using System.Management.Automation;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO;
namespace Test.Language.ParameterBinding {
public class MyClass : Collection<string>
public MyClass() {}
public MyClass(Hashtable h) {}
[Cmdlet("Get", "TestCmdlet")]
public class MyCmdlet : PSCmdlet {
public MyClass MyParameter
get { return myParameter; }
set { myParameter = value; }
private MyClass myParameter;
protected override void ProcessRecord()
WriteObject((myParameter == null) ? "<null>" : "hashtable");
'@ | ForEach-Object {$_.assembly} | Import-Module
Get-TestCmdlet -MyParameter @{ a = 42 } | Should -BeExactly 'hashtable'
It 'Parameter pasing is consuming enumerators' {
$a = 1..4
$b = $a.getenumerator()
$null = $b.MoveNext()
$null = $b.current
& { } $b
#The position of the enumerator shouldn't be modified
$b.current | Should -Be 1