
214 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Requires tests" -Tags "CI" {
Context "Parser error" {
$testcases = @(
@{command = "#requiresappID`r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "appId with newline"}
@{command = "#requires -version A `r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "version as character"}
@{command = "#requires -version 2b `r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "alphanumeric version"}
@{command = "#requires -version 1. `r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "version with dot"}
@{command = "#requires -version '' `r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "empty version"}
@{command = "#requires -version 1.0. `r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "version with two dots"}
@{command = "#requires -version 1.A `r`n`$foo = 1; `$foo" ; testname = "alphanumeric version with dots"}
It "throws ParserException - <testname>" -TestCases $testcases {
{ [scriptblock]::Create($command) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
Context "Interactive requires" {
BeforeAll {
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
AfterAll {
It "Successfully does nothing when given '#requires' interactively" {
$settings = [System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings]::new()
$settings.AddToHistory = $true
{ $ps.AddScript("#requires").Invoke(@(), $settings) } | Should -Not -Throw
Context "Version checks" {
BeforeAll {
$currentVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
$powerShellVersions = "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0", "5.1", "6.0", "6.1", "6.2", "7.0", "7.1", "7.2"
$latestVersion = [version]($powerShellVersions | Sort-Object -Descending -Top 1)
$nonExistingMinor = "$($latestVersion.Major).$($latestVersion.Minor + 1)"
$nonExistingMajor = "$($latestVersion.Major + 1).0"
foreach ($version in ($powerShellVersions + $nonExistingMinor + $nonExistingMajor)) {
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "$version.ps1"
$null = New-Item -Path $filePath -Value "#requires -version $version"
$filesSuccessTestCase = foreach ($version in $powerShellVersions) {
Name = "Check for version $version"
File = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "$version.ps1"
Version = $version
$filesFailTestCase = foreach ($version in @($nonExistingMinor) + @($nonExistingMajor)) {
Name = "Check for version $version"
File = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "$version.ps1"
It "<Name>" -TestCase $filesSuccessTestCase {
if ($currentVersion -notmatch '^7' -and $Version -match '^7') {
Set-ItResult -Skipped -Because "Test not valid for current version - $currentVersion and test version = $Version"
{ . $File } | Should -Not -Throw
It "<Name>" -TestCase $filesFailTestCase {
{ . $File } | Should -Throw -ExceptionType ([System.Management.Automation.ScriptRequiresException])
Describe "#requires -Modules" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$success = 'SUCCESS'
$sep = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$altSep = [System.IO.Path]::AltDirectorySeparatorChar
$scriptPath = Join-Path $TestDrive 'script.ps1'
$moduleName = 'Banana'
$moduleVersion = '0.12.1'
$moduleDirPath = Join-Path $TestDrive 'modules'
New-Item -Path $moduleDirPath -ItemType Directory
$modulePath = "$moduleDirPath${sep}$moduleName"
New-Item -Path $modulePath -ItemType Directory
$manifestPath = "$modulePath${altSep}$moduleName.psd1"
$psm1Path = Join-Path $modulePath "$moduleName.psm1"
New-Item -Path $psm1Path -Value "function Test-RequiredModule { '$success' }"
New-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestPath -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion -RootModule "$moduleName.psm1"
Context "Requiring non-existent modules" {
BeforeAll {
$badName = 'ModuleThatDoesNotExist'
$badPath = Join-Path $TestDrive 'ModuleThatDoesNotExist'
$version = '1.0'
$testCases = @(
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$badName'"; Scenario = 'name' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$badPath'"; Scenario = 'path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName = '$badName'; ModuleVersion = '$version' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with name' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName = '$badPath'; ModuleVersion = '$version' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with path' }
It "Fails parsing a script that requires module by <Scenario>" -TestCases $testCases {
param([string]$ModuleRequirement, [string]$Scenario)
$script = "#requires -Modules $ModuleRequirement`n`nWrite-Output 'failed'"
$null = New-Item -Path $scriptPath -Value $script -Force
{ & $scriptPath } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ScriptRequiresMissingModules'
Context "Already loaded module" {
BeforeAll {
Import-Module $modulePath -ErrorAction Stop
$testCases = @(
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$moduleName'"; Scenario = 'name' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$modulePath'"; Scenario = 'path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$manifestPath'"; Scenario = 'manifest path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$moduleName'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with name' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$modulePath'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$manifestPath'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with manifest path' }
AfterAll {
Remove-Module $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Successfully runs a script requiring a loaded module by <Scenario>" -TestCases $testCases {
param([string]$ModuleRequirement, [string]$Scenario)
$script = "#requires -Modules $ModuleRequirement`n`nTest-RequiredModule"
[scriptblock]::Create($script).Invoke() | Should -BeExactly $success
Context "Loading by name" {
BeforeAll {
$oldModulePath = $env:PSModulePath
$env:PSModulePath = $moduleDirPath + [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $env:PSModulePath
$testCases = @(
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$moduleName'"; Scenario = 'name' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$modulePath'"; Scenario = 'path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$manifestPath'"; Scenario = 'manifest path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$moduleName'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with name' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$modulePath'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$manifestPath'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with manifest path' }
AfterAll {
$env:PSModulePath = $oldModulePath
It "Successfully runs a script requiring a module on the module path by <Scenario>" -TestCases $testCases {
param([string]$ModuleRequirement, [string]$Scenario)
$script = "#requires -Modules $ModuleRequirement`n`nTest-RequiredModule"
$null = New-Item -Path $scriptPath -Value $script -Force
& $scriptPath | Should -BeExactly $success
Context "Loading by absolute path" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$modulePath'"; Scenario = 'path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "'$manifestPath'"; Scenario = 'manifest path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$modulePath'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with path' }
@{ ModuleRequirement = "@{ ModuleName='$manifestPath'; ModuleVersion='$moduleVersion' }"; Scenario = 'fully qualified name with manifest path' }
It "Successfully runs a script requiring a module by absolute path by <Scenario>" -TestCases $testCases {
param([string]$ModuleRequirement, [string]$Scenario)
$script = "#requires -Modules $ModuleRequirement`n`nTest-RequiredModule"
$null = New-Item -Path $scriptPath -Value $script -Force
& $scriptPath | Should -BeExactly $success