2017-01-16 13:31:14 -08:00

51 lines
2.5 KiB

Describe "Join-Path cmdlet tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$StartingLocation = Get-Location
AfterEach {
Set-Location $StartingLocation
It "should output multiple paths when called with multiple -Path targets" {
Setup -Dir SubDir1
(Join-Path -Path TestDrive:,$TestDrive -ChildPath "SubDir1" -resolve).Length | Should be 2
It "should throw 'DriveNotFound' when called with -Resolve and drive does not exist" {
try {Join-Path bogusdrive:\\somedir otherdir -resolve -ea stop; Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..."
} catch {$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.JoinPathCommand"}
It "should throw 'PathNotFound' when called with -Resolve and item does not exist" {
try {Join-Path "Bogus" "Path" -resolve -ea stop; Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..."
} catch {$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.JoinPathCommand"}
#[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 905237)] Note: Result should be the same on non-Windows platforms too
It "should return one object when called with a Windows FileSystem::Redirector" {
set-location ("env:"+$SepChar)
$result=join-path FileSystem::windir system32
$result.Count | Should be 1
$result | Should BeExactly ("FileSystem::windir"+$SepChar+"system32")
#[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 913084)]
It "should be able to join-path special string 'Variable:' with 'foo'" {
$result=Join-Path "Variable:" "foo"
$result.Count | Should be 1
$result | Should BeExactly ("Variable:"+$SepChar+"foo")
#[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 913084)]
It "should be able to join-path special string 'Alias:' with 'foo'" {
$result=Join-Path "Alias:" "foo"
$result.Count | Should be 1
$result | Should BeExactly ("Alias:"+$SepChar+"foo")
#[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 913084)]
It "should be able to join-path special string 'Env:' with 'foo'" {
$result=Join-Path "Env:" "foo"
$result.Count | Should be 1
$result | Should BeExactly ("Env:"+$SepChar+"foo")
It "should be able to join multiple child paths passed by position with remaining arguments" {
$result = Join-Path one two three four five
$result.Count | Should Be 1
$result | Should BeExactly "one${sepChar}two${sepChar}three${sepChar}four${sepChar}five"