
110 lines
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Describe "Set-Content cmdlet tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$file1 = "file1.txt"
$filePath1 = join-path $testdrive $file1
# if the registry doesn't exist, don't run those tests
$skipRegistry = ! (test-path hklm:/)
Context "Set-Content should create a file if it does not exist" {
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -path $filePath1 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "should create a file if it does not exist" {
set-content -path $filePath1 -value "$file1"
$result = Get-Content -path $filePath1
$result| Should be "$file1"
Context "Set-Content/Get-Content should set/get the content of an exisiting file" {
BeforeAll {
New-Item -Path $filePath1 -ItemType File -Force
It "should set-Content of testdrive\$file1" {
set-content -path $filePath1 -value "ExpectedContent"
$result = Get-Content -path $filePath1
$result| Should be "ExpectedContent"
It "should return expected string from testdrive\$file1" {
$result = get-content -path $filePath1
$result | Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent"
It "should Set-Content to testdrive\dynamicfile.txt with dynamic parameters" {
set-content -path $testdrive\dynamicfile.txt -value "ExpectedContent"
$result = Get-Content -path $testdrive\dynamicfile.txt
$result| Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent"
It "should return expected string from testdrive\dynamicfile.txt" {
$result = get-content -path $testdrive\dynamicfile.txt
$result | Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent"
It "should remove existing content from testdrive\$file1 when the -Value is `$null" {
$AsItWas=get-content $filePath1
$AsItWas |Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent"
set-content -path $filePath1 -value $null -ea stop
$AsItIs=get-content $filePath1
$AsItIs| Should Not Be $AsItWas
It "should throw 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed' when -Path is `$null" {
try {
set-content -path $null -value "ShouldNotWorkBecausePathIsNull" -ea stop
Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..."
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetContentCommand"
It "should throw 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed' when -Path is `$()" {
try {
set-content -path $() -value "ShouldNotWorkBecausePathIsInvalid" -ea stop
Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..."
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetContentCommand"
It "should throw 'PSNotSupportedException' when you set-content to an unsupported provider" -skip:$skipRegistry {
try {
set-content -path HKLM:\\software\\microsoft -value "ShouldNotWorkBecausePathIsUnsupported" -ea stop
Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..."
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetContentCommand"
#[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 9058182)]
It "should be able to pass multiple [string]`$objects to Set-Content through the pipeline to output a dynamic Path file" {
"hello","world"|set-content $testdrive\dynamicfile2.txt
$result=get-content $testdrive\dynamicfile2.txt
$result.length |Should be 2
$result[0] |Should be "hello"
$result[1] |Should be "world"
Describe "Set-Content should work for PSDrive with UNC path as root" -Tags @('CI', 'RequireAdminOnWindows') {
BeforeAll {
$file1 = "file1.txt"
#create a random folder
$randomFolderName = "TestFolder_" + (Get-Random).ToString()
$randomFolderPath = join-path $testdrive $randomFolderName
$null = New-Item -Path $randomFolderPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# test is Pending due to https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/3883
It "should create a file in a psdrive with UNC path as root" -Pending {
# create share
net share testshare=$randomFolderPath /grant:everyone,FULL
New-PSDrive -Name Foo -Root \\localhost\testshare -PSProvider FileSystem
set-content -path Foo:\$file1 -value "$file1"
$result = Get-Content -path Foo:\$file1
$result| Should be "$file1"
Remove-PSDrive -Name Foo
net share testshare /delete