2017-09-07 10:34:40 -07:00

115 lines
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Describe "Stream writer tests" -Tags "CI" {
$targetfile = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "writeoutput.txt"
# A custom function is defined here do handle the debug stream dealing with the confirm prompt
# that would normally
function Write-Messages
If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
Write-Verbose "Verbose message"
Write-Debug "Debug message"
function Get-OutputResults
# Get the contents of the targetfile.
# Make the array a string for less brittle testing
$output = $(Get-Content $args[0])
[String]::Join([Environment]::NewLine, $output )
return $output
Context "Redirect Stream Tests" {
# These tests validate that a stream is actually being written to by redirecting the output of that stream
AfterEach { Remove-Item $targetfile }
It "Should write warnings to the warning stream" {
Write-Warning "Test Warning" 3>&1 > $targetfile
Get-Content $targetfile | Should Be "Test Warning"
It "Should write error messages to the error stream" {
Write-Error "Testing Error" 2>&1 > $targetfile
$result = Get-OutputResults $targetfile
# The contents of the error stream should contain the expected text
$result -match ": Testing Error" | Should Be $true
It "Should write debug messages to the debug stream" {
Write-Messages -Debug -EA SilentlyContinue 5>&1 > $targetfile
$result = Get-OutputResults $targetfile
# The contents of the debug stream should contain the expected text
$result -match "Debug Message" | Should Be $true
It "Should write messages to the verbose stream" {
Write-Messages -Verbose 4>&1 > $targetfile
$result = Get-OutputResults $targetfile
# The contents of the debug stream should contain the expected text
$result -match "Verbose Message" | Should Be $true
Context "Error automatic variable" {
It "Should write error messages to the `$Error automatic variable" {
Write-Error "Test Error Message" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Error[0] | Should Match "Test Error Message"
Context "Write-Information cmdlet" {
BeforeAll {
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
BeforeEach {
AfterAll {
It "Write-Information outputs an information object" -Pending:($IsMacOS) {
# redirect the streams is sufficient
$result = Write-Information "Test Message" *>&1
$result.NativeThreadId | Should Not Be 0
$result.ProcessId | Should Be $pid
$result | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord
# Use Match instead of Be so we can avoid dealing with a potential domain name
$result.Computer | Should Match "^($([environment]::MachineName)){1}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$"
if ($IsWindows)
$result.User | Should Match ".*${env:USERNAME}"
$result.User | Should Be $(whoami)
"$result" | Should be "Test Message"
It "Write-Information accept objects from pipe" {
$ps.AddScript("'teststring',12345 | Write-Information -InformationAction Continue").Invoke()
$result = $ps.Streams.Information
$result.Count | Should be 2
$result[0].MessageData | Should be "teststring"
$result[1].MessageData | Should be "12345"