Travis Plunk 7cb76f5b48 contribution guidelines: change to say updating changelog is required (#5586)
- Update contribution guidelines to make updating the changelog required
- add a checklist to PR template

Comment by @SteveL-MSFT :
> Everyone should understand that we are always open to feedback and nothing is set in stone. Based on a team discussion, one of the biggest costs for a release is creating the ChangeLog hence updating this document to push it to the contributor most aware of why the changes are being made and ideally how it's useful to end users.
2017-12-04 17:40:05 -08:00

83 lines
2.5 KiB

# https://help.github.com/articles/about-codeowners/
# Areas are not limited to the filters defined in this file
# First Lets start with areas with no filters or paths
# Area: Performance
# @lzybkr @adityapatwardhan
# Area: Portability
# @BrucePay @JamesWTruher
# Area: Security
# @TravisEz13 @PaulHigin
# Area: Documentation
.github/ @joeyaiello @TravisEz13
# Area: Test
# @JamesWTruher @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
# Area: Cmdlets Core
# @JamesWTruher @SteveL-MSFT @anmenaga @chunqingchen
# Now Areas that should have paths or filters, although we might not have them defined
# According to the docs, Order here must be by precedence of the filter, with later rules overwritting
# but the feature seems to make taking a union of all the matching rules.
# Area: CmdLets Management
src/Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management/ @daxian-dbw @adityapatwardhan
# Area: CmdLets Utility
src/Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility/ @JamesWTruher @dantraMSFT @PaulHigin
# Area: Console
src/Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost/ @daxian-dbw @lzybkr @anmenaga
# Area: Demo
demos/ @joeyaiello @SteveL-MSFT @HemantMahawar
# Area: DSC
src/System.Management.Automation/DscSupport @TravisEz13 @dantraMSFT
# Area: engine
src/System.Management.Automation/engine @daxian-dbw @lzybkr @BrucePay
# Area: Debugging
# Must be below engine to override
src/System.Management.Automation/engine/debugger/ @BrucePay @dantraMSFT @PaulHigin
# Area: help
src/System.Management.Automation/help @Francisco-Gamino @adityapatwardhan
# Area: Intellisense
# @daxian-dbw @lzybkr @charub
# Area: Language
src/System.Management.Automation/engine/parser @daxian-dbw @vors @lzybkr @BrucePay
# Area: Providers
src/System.Management.Automation/namespaces @BrucePay @anmenaga
# Area: PSReadLine
src/Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadLine @lzybkr @charub
# Area: Remoting
src/System.Management.Automation/engine/remoting @dantraMSFT @mirichmo @PaulHigin
# Area: Side-By-Side
# @mirichmo @charub
# Areas: Build
# Must be last
*.config @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
*.props @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
*.yml @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
*.csproj @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
build.* @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
tools/ @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
docker/ @daxian-dbw @TravisEz13 @adityapatwardhan
# Area: Compliance
tools/terms @TravisEz13
tools/credScan @TravisEz13