Dongbo Wang b20dd31398
Fix parser to continue parsing key-value pairs after an If-Statement value in a HashExpression (#7002)
After parsing `if () { }`, new lines are skipped in order to see if either `elseif` or `else` is present. When neither is present, we should resync back to the pointer before skipping those possibly available new lines, so that the new line tokens can be utilized by the subsequent parsing.
2018-06-06 09:38:05 -07:00

306 lines
9.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$powershellexe = (get-process -id $PID).mainmodule.filename
Describe "Clone array" -Tags "CI" {
It "Cast in target expr" {
(([int[]](42)).clone()) | Should -Be 42
(([int[]](1..5)).clone()).Length | Should -Be 5
(([int[]](1..5)).clone()).GetType() | Should -Be ([int[]])
It "Cast not in target expr" {
$e = [int[]](42)
$e.Clone() | Should -Be 42
$e = [int[]](1..5)
$e.Clone().Length | Should -Be 5
$e.Clone().GetType() | Should -Be ([int[]])
Describe "Set fields through PSMemberInfo" -Tags "CI" {
Add-Type @"
public struct AStruct { public string s; }
It "via cast" {
([AStruct]@{s = "abc" }).s | Should -BeExactly "abc"
It "via new-object" {
(new-object AStruct -prop @{s="abc"}).s | Should -BeExactly "abc"
It "via PSObject" {
$x = [AStruct]::new()
$x.psobject.properties['s'].Value = 'abc'
$x.s | Should -Be "abc"
Describe "MSFT:3309783" -Tags "CI" {
It "Run in another process" {
# For a reliable test, we must run this in a new process because an earlier binding in this process
# could mask the bug/fix.
& $powershellexe -noprofile -command "[psobject] | ForEach-Object FullName" | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.PSObject
It "Run in current process" {
# For good measure, do the same thing in this process
[psobject] | ForEach-Object FullName | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.PSObject
It "Pipe objects derived from PSObject" {
# Related - make sure we can still pipe objects derived from PSObject
class MyPsObj : PSObject
MyPsObj($obj) : base($obj) { }
[string] ToString() {
# Don't change access via .psobject, that was also a bug.
return "MyObj: " + $this.psobject.BaseObject
[MyPsObj]::new("abc").psobject.ToString() | Should -Be "MyObj: abc"
[MyPsObj]::new("def") | Out-String | ForEach-Object Trim | Should -Be "MyObj: def"
Describe "ScriptBlockAst.GetScriptBlock throws on error" -Tags "CI" {
$e = $null
It "with parse error" {
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput('function ', [ref]$null, [ref]$e)
{ $ast.GetScriptBlock() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidOperationException"
It "with semantic errors" {
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput('function foo{param()begin{}end{[ref][ref]1}dynamicparam{}}', [ref]$null, [ref]$e)
{ $ast.GetScriptBlock() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidOperationException"
{ $ast.EndBlock.Statements[0].Body.GetScriptBlock() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidOperationException"
Describe "Hashtable key property syntax" -Tags "CI" {
$script = @'
# First create a hashtable wrapped in PSObject
$hash = New-Object hashtable
$key = [ConsoleColor]::Red
$null = $hash.$key
$hash = @{}
$hash.$key = 'Hello'
# works in PS 2,3,4. Fails in PS 5:
It "In current process" {
# Run in current process, but something that ran earlier could influence
# the result
Invoke-Expression $script | Should -BeExactly 'Hello'
It "In different process" {
# So also run in a fresh process
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($script)
& $powershellexe -noprofile -encodedCommand ([Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)) | Should -BeExactly 'Hello'
Describe "Assign automatic variables" -Tags "CI" {
$autos = '_', 'args', 'this', 'input', 'pscmdlet', 'psboundparameters', 'myinvocation', 'psscriptroot', 'pscommandpath'
foreach ($auto in $autos)
It "Assign auto w/ invalid type constraint - $auto" {
{ & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[datetime]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ . ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[datetime]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[runspace]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ . ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[runspace]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[notexist]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ . ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[notexist]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
foreach ($auto in $autos)
It "Assign auto w/o type constraint - $auto" {
& ([ScriptBlock]::Create("`$$auto = 1; `$$auto")) | Should -Be 1
. ([ScriptBlock]::Create("`$$auto = 1; `$$auto")) | Should -Be 1
It "Assign auto w/ correct type constraint" {
& { [object]$_ = 1; $_ } | Should -Be 1
& { [object[]]$args = 1; $args } | Should -Be 1
& { [object]$this = 1; $this } | Should -Be 1
& { [object]$input = 1; $input } | Should -Be 1
# Can't test PSCmdlet or PSBoundParameters, they use an internal type
& { [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo]$myInvocation = $myInvocation; $myInvocation.Line } | Should -Match Automation.InvocationInfo
& { [string]$PSScriptRoot = 'abc'; $PSScriptRoot } | Should -BeExactly 'abc'
& { [string]$PSCommandPath = 'abc'; $PSCommandPath } | Should -BeExactly 'abc'
Describe "Assign readonly/constant variables" -Tags "CI" {
$testCase = @(
@{ sb_wo_conversion = { $? = 1 }; name = '$? = 1' }
@{ sb_wo_conversion = { $HOME = 1 }; name = '$HOME = 1' }
@{ sb_wo_conversion = { $PID = 1 }; name = '$PID = 1' }
It "Assign readonly/constant variables w/o type constraint - '<name>'" -TestCases $testCase {
{ & $sb_wo_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
{ . $sb_wo_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
$testCase = @(
@{ sb_w_conversion = { [datetime]$? = 1 }; name = '[datetime]$? = 1' }
@{ sb_w_conversion = { [datetime]$HOME = 1 }; name = '[datetime]$HOME = 1' }
@{ sb_w_conversion = { [datetime]$PID = 1 }; name = '[datetime]$PID = 1' }
It "Assign readonly/constant variables w/ type constraint - '<name>'" -TestCases $testCase {
{ & $sb_w_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
{ . $sb_w_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
Describe "Attribute error position" -Tags "CI" {
It "Ambiguous overloads" {
$e = {
& {
} | Should -Throw -PassThru -ErrorId 'MethodCountCouldNotFindBest'
$e.InvocationInfo.Line | Should -Match ValidateNotNull
Describe "Multiple alias attributes" -Tags "CI" {
It "basic test" {
function foo {
foo -aa 1 | Should -Be 1
foo -bb 2 | Should -Be 2
foo -cc 3 | Should -Be 3
Describe "Members of System.Type" -Tags "CI" {
It "Members in public classes derived from System.Type should be found" {
class MyType : System.Collections.IEnumerable
[System.Collections.IEnumerator] GetEnumerator() { return $null }
[type] | Get-Member ImplementedInterfaces | Should -Be 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[type] ImplementedInterfaces {get;}'
[MyType].ImplementedInterfaces | Should -Be System.Collections.IEnumerable
Describe "Hash expression with if statement as value" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
# With no extra new lines after if-statement
$hash1 = @{
a = if (1) {'a'}
b = 'b'
c = if (0) {2} elseif (1) {'c'}
d = 'd'
e = if (0) {2} elseif (0) {2} else {'e'}
f = 'f'
g = if (0) {2} else {'g'}
h = 'h'
# With extra new lines after if-statement
$hash2 = @{
a = if (1) {'a'}
b = 'b'
c = if (0) {2} elseif (1) {'c'}
d = 'd'
e = if (0) {2} elseif (0) {2} else {'e'}
f = 'f'
g = if (0) {2} else {'g'}
h = 'h'
# With expanded if-statement
$hash3 = @{
a = if (1)
b = 'b'
c = if (0)
elseif (1)
d = 'd'
e = if (0)
elseif (0)
f = 'f'
g = if (0)
h = 'h'
$testCases = @(
@{ name = "No extra new lines"; hash = $hash1 }
@{ name = "With extra new lines"; hash = $hash2 }
@{ name = "With expanded if-statement"; hash = $hash3 }
It "Key-value pairs after an if-statement-value in a HashExpression should continue to be parsed - <name>" -TestCases $testCases {
$hash['a'] | Should -BeExactly 'a'
$hash['b'] | Should -BeExactly 'b'
$hash['c'] | Should -BeExactly 'c'
$hash['d'] | Should -BeExactly 'd'
$hash['e'] | Should -BeExactly 'e'
$hash['f'] | Should -BeExactly 'f'
$hash['g'] | Should -BeExactly 'g'
$hash['h'] | Should -BeExactly 'h'