
493 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using namespace System.Text
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module HelpersCommon
Import-Module PSSysLog
Define enums that mirror the internal enums used
in product code. These are used to configure
syslog logging.
enum LogLevel
LogAlways = 0x0
Critical = 0x1
Error = 0x2
Warning = 0x3
Informational = 0x4
Verbose = 0x5
Debug = 0x14
enum LogChannel
Operational = 0x10
Analytic = 0x11
enum LogKeyword
Runspace = 0x1
Pipeline = 0x2
Protocol = 0x4
Transport = 0x8
Host = 0x10
Cmdlets = 0x20
Serializer = 0x40
Session = 0x80
ManagedPlugin = 0x100
Creates a powershell.config.json file with syslog settings
The identifier to use for logging
The optional logging level, see the LogLevel enum
.PARAMETER logChannels
The optional logging channels to enable; see the LogChannel enum
.PARAMETER logKeywords
The optional keywords to enable ; see the LogKeyword enum
function WriteLogSettings
[string] $LogId,
[System.Nullable[LogLevel]] $LogLevel = $null,
[LogChannel[]] $LogChannels = $null,
[LogKeyword[]] $LogKeywords = $null,
[switch] $ScriptBlockLogging
$filename = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
$fullPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "$filename.config.json"
$values = @{}
$values['LogIdentity'] = $LogId
if ($LogChannels -ne $null)
$values['LogChannels'] = $LogChannels -join ', '
if ($LogKeywords -ne $null)
$values['LogKeywords'] = $LogKeywords -join ', '
if ($LogLevel)
$values['LogLevel'] = $LogLevel.ToString()
$values["Microsoft.PowerShell:ExecutionPolicy"] = "RemoteSigned"
$powerShellPolicies = @{
ScriptBlockLogging = @{
EnableScriptBlockLogging = $ScriptBlockLogging.IsPresent
EnableScriptBlockInvocationLogging = $true
$values['PowerShellPolicies'] = $powerShellPolicies
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $values | Set-Content -Path $fullPath -ErrorAction Stop
return $fullPath
function Get-RegEx
$regex = $SimpleMatch -replace '\\', '\\'
$regex = $regex -replace '\(', '\('
$regex = $regex -replace '\)', '\)'
$regex = $regex -replace '\[', '\['
$regex = $regex -replace '\]', '\]'
$regex = $regex -replace '\-', '\-'
$regex = $regex -replace '\$', '\$'
$regex = $regex -replace '\^', '\^'
return $regex
Describe 'Basic SysLog tests on Linux' -Tag @('CI','RequireSudoOnUnix') {
BeforeAll {
[bool] $IsSupportedEnvironment = $IsLinux
[string] $SysLogFile = [string]::Empty
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
# TODO: Update to use a PowerShell specific syslog file
if (Test-Path -Path '/var/log/syslog')
$SysLogFile = '/var/log/syslog'
elseif (Test-Path -Path '/var/log/messages')
$SysLogFile = '/var/log/messages'
# TODO: Look into journalctl and other variations.
Write-Warning -Message 'Unsupported Linux syslog configuration.'
$IsSupportedEnvironment = $false
[string] $powershell = Join-Path -Path $PSHome -ChildPath 'pwsh'
$scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate = @"
Creating Scriptblock text \(1 of 1\):#012{0}(|#012)*ScriptBlock ID: [0-9a-z\-]*#012Path:.*
BeforeEach {
# generate a unique log application id
[string] $logId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
It 'Verifies basic logging with no customizations' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId
& $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$env:PSModulePath | out-null'
# Get log entries from the last 100 that match our id and are after the time we launched Powershell
$items = Get-PSSysLog -Path $SyslogFile -Id $logId -Tail 100 -Verbose -TotalCount 3
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 1
$items[0].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational'
$items[1].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'NamedPipeIPC_ServerListenerStarted:NamedPipe.Open.Informational'
$items[2].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStop:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStop.Informational'
# if there are more items than expected...
if ($items.Length -gt 3)
# Force reporting of the first unexpected item to help diagnosis
$items[3] | Should -Be $null
It 'Verifies scriptblock logging' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId -ScriptBlockLogging -LogLevel Verbose
$script = @'
& ([scriptblock]::create("Write-Verbose 'testheader123' ;Write-verbose 'after'"))
$testFileName = 'test01.ps1'
$testScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $testFileName
$script | Out-File -FilePath $testScriptPath -Force
$null = & $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command $testScriptPath
# Get log entries from the last 100 that match our id and are after the time we launched Powershell
$items = Get-PSSysLog -Path $SyslogFile -Id $logId -Tail 100 -Verbose -TotalCount 18
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 2
$createdEvents = $items | where-object {$_.EventId -eq 'ScriptBlock_Compile_Detail:ExecuteCommand.Create.Verbose'}
$createdEvents.Count | should -BeGreaterOrEqual 3
# Verify we log that we are executing a file
$createdEvents[0].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f ".*/$testFileName")
# Verify we log that we are the script to create the scriptblock
$createdEvents[1].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f (Get-RegEx -SimpleMatch $Script.Replace([System.Environment]::NewLine,"")))
# Verify we log that we are excuting the created scriptblock
$createdEvents[2].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f "Write\-Verbose 'testheader123' ;Write\-verbose 'after'")
It 'Verifies scriptblock logging with null character' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId -ScriptBlockLogging -LogLevel Verbose
$script = @'
& ([scriptblock]::create("Write-Verbose 'testheader123$([char]0x0000)' ;Write-verbose 'after'"))
$testFileName = 'test01.ps1'
$testScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $testFileName
$script | Out-File -FilePath $testScriptPath -Force
$null = & $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command $testScriptPath
# Get log entries from the last 100 that match our id and are after the time we launched Powershell
$items = Get-PSSysLog -Path $SyslogFile -Id $logId -Tail 100 -Verbose -TotalCount 18
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 2
$createdEvents = $items | where-object {$_.EventId -eq 'ScriptBlock_Compile_Detail:ExecuteCommand.Create.Verbose'}
$createdEvents.Count | should -BeGreaterOrEqual 3
# Verify we log that we are executing a file
$createdEvents[0].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f ".*/$testFileName")
# Verify we log that we are the script to create the scriptblock
$createdEvents[1].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f (Get-RegEx -SimpleMatch $Script.Replace([System.Environment]::NewLine,"")))
# Verify we log that we are excuting the created scriptblock
$createdEvents[2].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f "Write\-Verbose 'testheader123␀' ;Write\-verbose 'after'")
It 'Verifies logging level filtering works' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId -LogLevel Warning
& $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$env:PSModulePath | out-null'
# by default, PowerShell only logs informational events on startup. With Level = Warning, nothing should
# have been logged.
$items = Get-PSSysLog -Path $SyslogFile -Id $logId -Tail 100 -TotalCount 1
$items | Should -Be $null
Describe 'Basic os_log tests on MacOS' -Tag @('CI','RequireSudoOnUnix') {
BeforeAll {
[bool] $IsSupportedEnvironment = $IsMacOS
[bool] $persistenceEnabled = $false
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
# Check the current state.
$persistenceEnabled = (Get-OSLogPersistence).Enabled
if (!$persistenceEnabled)
# enable powershell log persistence to support exporting log entries
# for each test
Set-OsLogPersistence -Enable
[string] $powershell = Join-Path -Path $PSHome -ChildPath 'pwsh'
$scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate = @'
Creating Scriptblock text \(1 of 1\):
ScriptBlock ID: [0-9a-z\-]*
BeforeEach {
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
# generate a unique log application id
[string] $logId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
# Generate a working directory and content file for Export-OSLog
[string] $workingDirectory = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $logId
$null = New-Item -Path $workingDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
[string] $contentFile = Join-Path -Path $workingDirectory -ChildPath ('pwsh.log.txt')
# get log items after current time.
[DateTime] $after = [DateTime]::Now
AfterAll {
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment -and !$persistenceEnabled)
# disable persistence if it wasn't enabled
Set-OsLogPersistence -Disable
It 'Verifies basic logging with no customizations' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
try {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId
$testPid = & $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$PID'
Export-PSOsLog -After $after -LogPid $testPid -TimeoutInMilliseconds 30000 -IntervalInMilliseconds 3000 -MinimumCount 3 |
Set-Content -Path $contentFile
$items = @(Get-PSOsLog -Path $contentFile -Id $logId -After $after -TotalCount 3 -Verbose)
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 2
$items[0].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational'
$items[1].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'NamedPipeIPC_ServerListenerStarted:NamedPipe.Open.Informational'
$items[2].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStop:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStop.Informational'
# if there are more items than expected...
if ($items.Count -gt 3)
# Force reporting of the first unexpected item to help diagnosis
$items[3] | Should -Be $null
catch {
if (Test-Path $contentFile) {
Send-VstsLogFile -Path $contentFile
It 'Verifies scriptblock logging' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
try {
$script = @'
& ([scriptblock]::create("Write-Verbose 'testheader123' ;Write-verbose 'after'"))
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -ScriptBlockLogging -LogId $logId -LogLevel Verbose
$testFileName = 'test01.ps1'
$testScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $testFileName
$script | Out-File -FilePath $testScriptPath -Force
$testPid = & $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command $testScriptPath
Export-PSOsLog -After $after -LogPid $testPid -TimeoutInMilliseconds 30000 -IntervalInMilliseconds 3000 -MinimumCount 17 |
Set-Content -Path $contentFile
$items = @(Get-PSOsLog -Path $contentFile -Id $logId -After $after -Verbose)
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 2
$createdEvents = $items | where-object {$_.EventId -eq 'ScriptBlock_Compile_Detail:ExecuteCommand.Create.Verbose'}
$createdEvents.Count | should -BeGreaterOrEqual 3
# Verify we log that we are executing a file
$createdEvents[0].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f ".*/$testFileName")
# Verify we log that we are the script to create the scriptblock
$createdEvents[1].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f (Get-RegEx -SimpleMatch $Script))
# Verify we log that we are excuting the created scriptblock
$createdEvents[2].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f "Write\-Verbose 'testheader123' ;Write\-verbose 'after'")
catch {
if (Test-Path $contentFile) {
Send-VstsLogFile -Path $contentFile
It 'Verifies scriptblock logging with null character' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
try {
$script = @'
& ([scriptblock]::create("Write-Verbose 'testheader123$([char]0x0000)' ;Write-verbose 'after'"))
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -ScriptBlockLogging -LogId $logId -LogLevel Verbose
$testFileName = 'test01.ps1'
$testScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $testFileName
$script | Out-File -FilePath $testScriptPath -Force
$testPid = & $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command $testScriptPath
Export-PSOsLog -After $after -LogPid $testPid -TimeoutInMilliseconds 30000 -IntervalInMilliseconds 3000 -MinimumCount 17 |
Set-Content -Path $contentFile
$items = @(Get-PSOsLog -Path $contentFile -Id $logId -After $after -Verbose)
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 2
$createdEvents = $items | where-object {$_.EventId -eq 'ScriptBlock_Compile_Detail:ExecuteCommand.Create.Verbose'}
$createdEvents.Count | should -BeGreaterOrEqual 3
# Verify we log that we are executing a file
$createdEvents[0].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f ".*/$testFileName")
# Verify we log that we are the script to create the scriptblock
$createdEvents[1].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f (Get-RegEx -SimpleMatch $Script))
# Verify we log that we are excuting the created scriptblock
$createdEvents[2].Message | Should -Match ($scriptBlockCreatedRegExTemplate -f "Write\-Verbose 'testheader123␀' ;Write\-verbose 'after'")
catch {
if (Test-Path $contentFile) {
Send-VstsLogFile -Path $contentFile
# This is pending because it results in false postitives (-Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) )
It 'Verifies logging level filtering works' -Pending {
try {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId -LogLevel Warning
$testPid = & $powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$PID'
Export-PSOsLog -After $after -LogPid $testPid |
Set-Content -Path $contentFile
# by default, powershell startup should only logs informational events.
# With Level = Warning, nothing should be logged.
$items = Get-PSOsLog -Path $contentFile -Id $logId -After $after -TotalCount 3
$items | Should -Be $null
catch {
if (Test-Path $contentFile) {
Send-VstsLogFile -Path $contentFile
Describe 'Basic EventLog tests on Windows' -Tag @('CI','RequireAdminOnWindows') {
BeforeAll {
[bool] $IsSupportedEnvironment = $IsWindows
[string] $powershell = Join-Path -Path $PSHome -ChildPath 'pwsh'
$scriptBlockLoggingCases = @(
name = 'normal script block'
script = "Write-Verbose 'testheader123' ;Write-verbose 'after'"
expectedText="Write-Verbose 'testheader123' ;Write-verbose 'after'`r`n"
name = 'script block with Null'
script = "Write-Verbose 'testheader123$([char]0x0000)' ;Write-verbose 'after'"
expectedText="Write-Verbose 'testheader123␀' ;Write-verbose 'after'`r`n"
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
& "$PSHome\RegisterManifest.ps1"
BeforeEach {
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
# generate a unique log application id
[string] $logId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
$logName = 'PowerShellCore'
# get log items after current time.
[DateTime] $after = [DateTime]::Now
Clear-PSEventLog -Name "$logName/Operational"
It 'Verifies scriptblock logging: <name>' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) -TestCases $scriptBlockLoggingCases {
[string] $script,
[string] $expectedText,
[string] $name
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -ScriptBlockLogging -LogId $logId
$testFileName = 'test01.ps1'
$testScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $testFileName
$script | Out-File -FilePath $testScriptPath -Force
$null = & $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command $testScriptPath
$created = Wait-PSWinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ ProviderName=$logName; Id = 4104 } `
-PropertyName Message -PropertyValue $expectedText
$created | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$created.Properties[0].Value | Should -Be 1
$created.Properties[1].Value | Should -Be 1
$created.Properties[2].Value | Should -Be $expectedText