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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Tests Debugger GetCallStack() on runspaces when attached to a WinRM host process" -Tags "CI" {
It -skip "Disabled test because it is fragile and does not consistently succeed on test VMs" { }
# Create PSSession
$wc = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.WSManConnectionInfo]::new()
$rs = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace($Host, $wc)
# Get WinRM host process id
[powershell] $ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.Runspace = $rs
$result = $ps.AddScript('$PID').Invoke()
It "Verifies the WinRM host process Id was found" {
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
($result.Count -eq 1) | Should -BeTrue
[int]$winRMHostProcId = $result[0]
# Run script to stop at breakpoint
$ps.AddScript('"Hello"; Wait-Debugger; "Goodbye"').BeginInvoke()
# Attach to process.
Enter-PSHostProcess -Id $winRMHostProcId
# Get local remote runspace to attached process
$hostRS = Get-Runspace -Name PSAttachRunspace
It "Verifies that the attached-to host runspace was found" {
$hostRS | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
($hostRS.RunspaceStateInfo.State -eq 'Opened') | Should -BeTrue
# Wait for host runspace to become available.
$count = 0
while (($hostRS.RunspaceAvailability -ne 'Available') -and ($count++ -lt 60))
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
It "Verifies that the attached-to host runspace is available" {
($hostRS.RunspaceAvailability -eq 'Available') | Should -BeTrue
# Get call stack from default runspace.
$script = @'
$rs = Get-Runspace -Id 1
if ($null -eq $rs) { throw 'Runspace not found' }
return $rs.Debugger.GetCallStack()
[powershell]$psHost = [powershell]::Create()
$psHost.Runspace = $hostRS
$stack = $psHost.Invoke()
# Detach from process
It "Verifies a call stack was returned from the attached-to host." {
$stack | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
($stack.Count -gt 0) | Should -BeTrue
# Clean up
if ($Host.IsRunspacePushed) { $Host.PopRunspace() }
if ($null -ne $psHost) { $psHost.Dispose() }
if ($null -ne $hostRS) { $hostRS.Dispose() }
if ($null -ne $ps) { $ps.Dispose() }
if ($null -ne $rs) { $rs.Dispose() }