Steve Lee 2cc091115b Rename powershell.exe to pwsh.exe (#5101)
- Rename powershell.exe to pwsh.exe
- Fixe appveyor.psm1
- Update MSI to include 'pwsh' in path and app paths
- Revert change for hyper-v powershell direct
- Update names in packaging.psm1.
- Fix check for SxS
2017-10-17 17:25:11 -07:00

24 lines
1.1 KiB

# escape=`
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
SHELL ["pwsh.exe","-command"]
# the source msi should change on a daily basis
# the destination should not change
ADD PSCore.msi /PSCore.msi
# the msipath (PSCore.msi) below will need to change based on the daily package
# set up for basic auth
# install-powershellremoting will restart winrm service
RUN new-LocalUser -Name testuser -password (ConvertTo-SecureString 11aa!!AA -asplaintext -force); `
add-localgroupmember -group administrators -member testuser; `
set-item wsman:/localhost/service/auth/basic $true; `
set-item WSMan:/localhost/client/trustedhosts "*" -force; `
set-item wsman:/localhost/service/AllowUnencrypted $true; `
set-item WSMan:/localhost/client/AllowUnencrypted $true; `
Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '-qn', `
'-i c:\PSCore.msi','-log c:\PSCore-install.log','-norestart' -wait ; `
$psexec = get-item -path ${ENV:ProgramFiles}/powershell/*/pwsh.exe; `
$corehome = $psexec.directory.fullname; `
& $psexec Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1; `
remove-item -force c:\PSCore.msi