2016-08-26 19:37:51 -07:00

179 lines
6 KiB

#This works only for en-US or fr-FR
if ($PSUICulture -ne 'en-US' -and $PSUICulture -ne 'fr-FR')
Describe 'Testing of script internationalization' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
Context 'converFromString-Data.' {
data mydata
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2' }
Context 'Import default culture' {
import-localizedData mydata;
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should be 'string2 for en-US' }
Context 'Import specific culture' {
import-localizedData mydata -uiculture en-US
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for en-US' }
import-localizedData mydata -uiculture fr-FR
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for fr-FR' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for fr-FR' }
It 'Import non existing culture' {
import-localizedData mydata -uiculture nl-NL -ea SilentlyContinue -ev ev
$ev[0].Exception.GetType() | Should Be System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException
Context 'Import different file name' {
import-localizedData mydata -filename foo
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 from foo in en-US' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 from foo in en-US' }
import-localizedData mydata -filename foo -uiculture fr-FR
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 from foo in fr-FR' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 from foo in fr-FR' }
Context 'Import different file base' {
import-localizedData mydata -basedirectory "${dir}\newbase"
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US under newbase' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for en-US under newbase' }
import-localizedData mydata -basedirectory "${dir}\newbase" -uiculture fr-FR
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for fr-FR under newbase' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for fr-FR under newbase' }
Context 'Import different file base and file name' {
import-localizedData mydata -basedirectory "${dir}\newbase" -filename foo
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US from foo under newbase' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for en-US from foo under newbase' }
import-localizedData mydata -basedirectory "${dir}\newbase" -filename foo -uiculture fr-FR
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for fr-FR from foo under newbase' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for fr-FR from foo under newbase' }
Context "Import variable that doesn't exist" {
import-localizedData mydata2
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata2.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata2.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for en-US' }
It 'Import bad psd1 file - tests the use of disallowed variables' {
$script:exception = $null
& {
trap {$script:exception = $_ ; continue }
import-localizedData mydata -filename bad
$script:exception.exception.gettype() | Should Be System.management.automation.psinvalidoperationexception
Context 'Import if psd1 file' {
import-localizedData mydata -filename if
if ($psculture -eq 'en-US')
It '$mydata.string1' { $mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US in if' }
It '$mydata.string2' { $mydata.string2 | Should Be 'string2 for en-US in if' }
It '$mydata should not be null' { $mydata | Should Be $null }
$testData = @(
@{cmd = 'data d { @{ x=$(get-command)} }';Expected='*get-command*'},
@{cmd = 'data d { if ($(get-command)) {} }';Expected='*get-command*'},
@{cmd = 'data d { @(get-command) }';Expected='*get-command*'}
It 'Allowed cmdlets checked properly' -TestCase:$testData {
param ($cmd, $Expected)
$script:exception = $null
& {
trap {$script:exception = $_.Exception ; continue }
iex $cmd
#$exception -like '*get-command*' | Should Be $true
$exception -like $Expected | Should Be $true
Context 'Check alternate syntax that also supports complex variable names' {
& {
$script:mydata = data { 123 }
It '$mydata' { $mydata | Should Be 123 }
$mydata = data { 456 }
& {
# This import should not clobber the one at script scope
import-localizedData mydata -uiculture en-US
It '$mydata' { $mydata | Should Be 456 }
& {
# This import should clobber the one at script scope
import-localizedData script:mydata -uiculture en-US
It '$script:mydata.string1' { $script:mydata.string1 | Should Be 'string1 for en-US'}
Context 'Check fallback to current directory plus -SupportedCommand parameter' {
new-alias MyConvertFrom-StringData ConvertFrom-StringData
import-localizeddata local:mydata -uiculture fr-ca -filename I18n.Tests_fallback.psd1 -SupportedCommand MyConvertFrom-StringData
It '$mydata[0].string1' { $mydata[0].string1 | Should Be 'fallback string1 for en-US' }
It '$mydata[1]' { $mydata[1] | Should Be 42 }