
111 lines
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Describe "Verify SBOMs" {
BeforeAll {
Write-Verbose "In Describe BeforeAll" -Verbose
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/../../../build.psm1
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/../packaging.psd1 -Force
$matchCases = @()
$testCases = @()
$missingFromPackageCases = @()
$missingFromManifestCases = @()
Write-Verbose "${env:PACKAGE_FOLDER}" -Verbose
Get-ChildItem $env:PACKAGE_FOLDER -Filter *.zip | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Found $($_.Name)..." -Verbose
$testCases += @{
FilePath = $_.FullName
Name = $_.Name
foreach($case in $testCases) {
$name = $case.Name
Write-Verbose "Testing $name..." -Verbose
$extractedPath = Join-Path Testdrive:\ -ChildPath ([System.io.path]::GetRandomFileName())
$null = New-Item -Path $extractedPath -ItemType Directory -Force
Expand-Archive -Path $case.FilePath -DestinationPath $extractedPath
$manifestPath = Join-Path $extractedPath -ChildPath '/_manifest/spdx_2.2/manifest.spdx.json'
It "$name has a BOM" {
$manifestPath | Should -Exist
Test-PackageManifest -PackagePath $extractedPath | ForEach-Object {
$status = $_.Status
$expectedHash = $_.ExpectedHash
$actual = $_.ActualHash
$file = $_.File
switch($status) {
# cover match and mismatch
default {
$matchCases += @{
Name = $name
File = $file
ActualHash = $actual
ExpectedHash = $ExpectedHash
Status = $status
"MissingFromPackage" {
$missingFromPackageCases = @{
Name = $name
File = $file
ActualHash = $actual
ExpectedHash = $ExpectedHash
Status = $status
"MissingFromManifest" {
$missingFromManifestCases = @{
Name = $name
File = $file
ActualHash = $actual
ExpectedHash = $ExpectedHash
Status = $status
Context "Zip files" {
BeforeAll {
Write-Verbose "In Context BeforeAll" -Verbose
It "<name> should have <file> with matching hash" -TestCases $matchCases {
$status | Should -Be "Match" -Because "$actualHash should be $expectedHash"
It "<name> should have <file> with matching hash" -TestCases $missingFromPackageCases -Skip:($missingFromPackageCases.Count -eq 0) {
$status | Should -Be "Match" -Because "All files in manifest should exist in package"
It "Manifest for <name> should have <file>" -TestCases $missingFromManifestCases -Skip:($missingFromManifestCases.Count -eq 0) {
$status | Should -Be "Match" -Because "All files in package should exist in manifest"