Steve Lee 2639cd89ce Autocorrected CRLF to LF (#4943)
Also, fix `Parser.Tests.ps1` after correcting CRLF.
2017-09-29 16:28:15 -07:00

142 lines
4 KiB

$baseTypes = @{
[SByte] = 'sbyte'; [Byte] = 'byte'
[Int16] = 'short'; [UInt16] = 'ushort'
[Int32] = 'int'; [UInt32] = 'uint'
[Int64] = 'long'; [UInt64] = 'ulong'
$ns = [Guid]::NewGuid() -replace '-',''
$typeDefinition = "namespace ns_$ns`n{"
$enumTypeNames = foreach ($baseType in $baseTypes.Keys)
$baseTypeName = $baseTypes[$baseType]
$typeDefinition += @"
public enum E_$baseTypeName : $baseTypeName
Min = $($baseType::MinValue),
MinPlus1 = $($baseType::MinValue + 1),
MaxMinus1 = $($baseType::MaxValue - 1),
Max = $($baseType::MaxValue)
$typeDefinition += "`n}"
Write-Verbose $typeDefinition
Add-Type $typeDefinition
Describe "bnot on enums" -Tags "CI" {
foreach ($enumType in [type[]]$enumTypeNames)
Context $enumType.Name {
It "max - 1" {
$res = -bnot $enumType::MaxMinus1
$res | Should Be $enumType::MinPlus1
$res | Should BeOfType $enumType
It "min + 1" {
$res = -bnot $enumType::MinPlus1
$res | Should Be $enumType::MaxMinus1
$res | Should BeOfType $enumType
It "Max" {
$res = -bnot $enumType::Max
$res | Should Be $enumType::Min
$res | Should BeOfType $enumType
It "Min" {
$res = -bnot $enumType::Min
$res | Should Be $enumType::Max
$res | Should BeOfType $enumType
Describe "bnot on integral types" -Tags "CI" {
foreach ($baseType in $baseTypes.Keys)
Context $baseType.Name {
$max = $baseType::MaxValue
$maxMinus1 = $max - 1
$min = $baseType::MinValue
$minPlus1 = $min + 1
if ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([type]$baseType) -lt 4)
$expectedResultType = [int]
$expectedResultType = $baseType
if ($baseType -eq [byte] -or $baseType -eq [uint16])
# Because of type promotion rules, unsigned types smaller than int
# don't quite follow the pattern of "flip all the bits", so our
# tests are a little different.
It "max - 1" {
$res = -bnot $maxMinus1
$res | Should Be (-bnot [int]$maxMinus1)
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "min + 1" {
$res = -bnot $minPlus1
$res | Should Be (-bnot [int]$minPlus1)
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "max" {
$res = -bnot $max
$res | Should Be (-bnot [int]$max)
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "min" {
$res = -bnot $min
$res | Should Be (-bnot [int]$min)
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "max - 1" {
$res = -bnot $maxMinus1
$res | Should Be $minPlus1
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "min + 1" {
$res = -bnot $minPlus1
$res | Should Be $maxMinus1
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "max" {
$res = -bnot $max
$res | Should Be $min
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType
It "min" {
$res = -bnot $min
$res | Should Be $max
$res | Should BeOfType $expectedResultType