Bruce Payette 11ad02a15a Adding support for native command globbing on UNIX (#3643)
This change enables globbing (wildcard expansion) against the file system for native commands like '/bin/ls'. The expansion is only done in the file system. In non-filesystem drives expansion is not done and the pattern is returned unchanged.

Limitations of the fix:
Currently quoting is not honored so for a command like /bin/ls "*.txt", wildcard expansion will still be done. Adding support for bare word detection will come in a future PR. Use --% to suppress wildcard expansion e.g. git add --% *
2017-05-01 12:23:36 -07:00

59 lines
2.3 KiB

Describe 'Native UNIX globbing tests' -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if (-not $IsWindows )
"" > "$TESTDRIVE/abc.txt"
"" > "$TESTDRIVE/bbb.txt"
"" > "$TESTDRIVE/cbb.txt"
$defaultParamValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $IsWindows
AfterAll {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues
# Test * expansion
It 'The globbing pattern *.txt should match 3 files' {
(/bin/ls $TESTDRIVE/*.txt).Length | Should Be 3
It 'The globbing pattern *b.txt should match 2 files whose basenames end in "b"' {
(/bin/ls $TESTDRIVE/*b.txt).Length | Should Be 2
# Test character classes
It 'The globbing pattern should match 2 files whose names start with either "a" or "b"' {
(/bin/ls $TESTDRIVE/[ab]*.txt).Length | Should Be 2
It 'Globbing abc.* should return one file name "abc.txt"' {
/bin/ls $TESTDRIVE/abc.* | Should Match "abc.txt"
# Test that ? matches any single character
It 'Globbing [cde]b?.* should return one file name "cbb.txt"' {
/bin/ls $TESTDRIVE/[cde]b?.* | Should Match "cbb.txt"
It 'Should return the original pattern if there are no matches' {
/bin/echo $TESTDRIVE/*.nosuchfile | Should Match "\*\.nosuchfile$"
# Test the behavior in non-filesystem drives
It 'Should not expand patterns on non-filesystem drives' {
/bin/echo env:ps* | Should BeExactly "env:ps*"
# Test the behavior for files with spaces in the names
It 'Globbing filenames with spaces should match 2 files' {
"" > "$TESTDRIVE/foo bar.txt"
"" > "$TESTDRIVE/foo baz.txt"
(/bin/ls $TESTDRIVE/foo*.txt).Length | Should Be 2
# Test ~ expansion
It 'Tilde should be replaced by the filesystem provider home directory' {
/bin/echo ~ | Should BeExactly ($executioncontext.SessionState.Provider.Get("FileSystem").Home)
# Test ~ expansion with a path fragment (e.g. ~/foo)
It '~/foo should be replaced by the <filesystem provider home directory>/foo' {
/bin/echo ~/foo | Should BeExactly "$($executioncontext.SessionState.Provider.Get("FileSystem").Home)/foo"