Steve Lee c1c5344a88 Update copyright and license headers (#6134)
Based on standard practices, we need to have a copyright and license notice at the top of each source file. Removed existing copyrights and updated/added copyright notices for .h, .cpp, .cs, .ps1, and .psm1 files.

Updated module manifests for consistency to have Author = "PowerShell" and Company = "Microsoft Corporation". Removed multiple line breaks.

Separate PR coming to update contribution document for new source files: #6140

Manually reviewed each change.

Fix #6073
2018-02-13 09:23:53 -08:00

93 lines
4.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
function getIndex
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $strings.Count; $i++) {
if ($strings[$i] -like $pattern) {
return $i
return -1
try {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:pending"] = $true
Describe "CIM Objects are adapted properly" -Tag @("CI") {
BeforeAll {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$p = get-ciminstance win32_process |Select-object -first 1
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_Win32Process = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?Win32_Process"
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?CIM_Process"
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?CIM_LogicalElement"
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?CIM_ManagedSystemElement"
$indexOf_className_Win32Process = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#Win32_Process"
$indexOf_className_CimProcess = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#CIM_Process"
$indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#CIM_LogicalElement"
$indexOf_className_CimManagedSystemElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#CIM_ManagedSystemElement"
AfterAll {
It "Namespace-qualified Win32_Process is present" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_Win32Process |Should not Be (-1)
It "Namespace-qualified CIM_Process is present" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess |Should not Be (-1)
It "Namespace-qualified CIM_LogicalElement is present" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Namespace-qualified CIM_ManagedSystemElement is present" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of Win32_Process is present" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_className_Win32Process |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of CIM_Process is present" {
$indexOf_className_CimProcess |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of CIM_LogicalElement is present" {
$indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of CIM_ManagedSystemElement is present" {
$indexOf_className_CimManagedSystemElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Win32_Process comes after CIM_Process (namespace qualified)" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_Win32Process |should belessthan $indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess
It "CIM_Process comes after CIM_LogicalElement (namespace qualified)" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess |should belessthan $indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement
It "CIM_LogicalElement comes after CIM_ManagedSystemElement (namespace qualified)" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement |should belessthan $indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement
It "Win32_Process comes after CIM_Process (classname only)" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_className_Win32Process |should belessthan $indexOf_className_CimProcess
It "CIM_Process comes after CIM_LogicalElement (classname only)" {
$indexOf_className_CimProcess |should belessthan $indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement
It "CIM_LogicalElement comes after CIM_ManagedSystemElement (classname only)" {
$indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement |should belessthan $indexOf_className_CimManagedSystemElement
It "Namespace qualified PSTypenames comes after class-only PSTypeNames" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement |should belessthan $indexOf_className_Win32Process
finally {