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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Replace Operator" -Tags CI {
Context "Replace operator" {
It "Replace operator can replace string values using regular expressions" {
$res = "Get-Process" -replace "Get", "Stop"
$res | Should -BeExactly "Stop-Process"
$res = "image.gif" -replace "\.gif$",".jpg"
$res | Should -BeExactly "image.jpg"
It "Replace operator can convert an substitution object to string" {
$substitution = Get-Process -Id $pid
$res = "!3!" -replace "3",$substitution
$res | Should -BeExactly "!System.Diagnostics.Process (pwsh)!"
It "Replace operator can be case-insensitive and case-sensitive" {
$res = "book" -replace "B","C"
$res | Should -BeExactly "Cook"
$res = "book" -ireplace "B","C"
$res | Should -BeExactly "Cook"
$res = "book" -creplace "B","C"
$res | Should -BeExactly "book"
It "Replace operator can take 2 arguments, a mandatory pattern, and an optional substitution" {
$res = "PowerPoint" -replace "Point","Shell"
$res | Should -BeExactly "PowerShell"
$res = "PowerPoint" -replace "Point"
$res | Should -BeExactly "Power"
It "Replace operator can take an enumerable as first argument, a mandatory pattern, and an optional substitution" {
$res = "PowerPoint1","PowerPoint2" -replace "Point","Shell"
$res.Count | Should -Be 2
$res[0] | Should -BeExactly "PowerShell1"
$res[1] | Should -BeExactly "PowerShell2"
$res = "PowerPoint1","PowerPoint2" -replace "Point"
$res.Count | Should -Be 2
$res[0] | Should -BeExactly "Power1"
$res[1] | Should -BeExactly "Power2"
Context "Replace operator substitutions" {
It "Replace operator supports numbered substitution groups using ```$n" {
$res = "domain.example" -replace ".*\.(\w+)$","Tld of '`$0' is - '`$1'"
$res | Should -BeExactly "Tld of 'domain.example' is - 'example'"
It "Replace operator supports named substitution groups using ```${name}" {
$res = "domain.example" -replace ".*\.(?<tld>\w+)$","`${tld}"
$res | Should -BeExactly "example"
It "Replace operator can take a ScriptBlock in place of a substitution string" {
$res = "ID ABC123" -replace "\b[A-C]+", {return "X" * $_.Value.Length}
$res | Should -BeExactly "ID XXX123"
It "Replace operator can take a MatchEvaluator in place of a substitution string" {
$matchEvaluator = {return "X" * $args[0].Value.Length} -as [System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator]
$res = "ID ABC123" -replace "\b[A-C]+", $matchEvaluator
$res | Should -BeExactly "ID XXX123"
It "Replace operator can take a static PSMethod in place of a substitution string" {
class R {
static [string] Replace([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match]$Match) {
return "X" * $Match.Value.Length
$substitutionMethod = [R]::Replace
$res = "ID 0000123" -replace "\b0+", $substitutionMethod
$res | Should -BeExactly "ID XXXX123"
Describe "Culture-invariance tests for -split and -replace" -Tags CI {
BeforeAll {
$skipTest = -not [ExperimentalFeature]::IsEnabled("PSCultureInvariantReplaceOperator")
if ($skipTest) {
Write-Verbose "Test Suite Skipped. The test suite requires the experimental feature 'PSCultureInvariantReplaceOperator' to be enabled." -Verbose
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
} else {
$prevCulture = [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture
# The French culture uses "," as the decimal mark.
[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = 'fr'
AfterAll {
if ($skipTest) {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
} else {
[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = $prevCulture
It "-split: LHS stringification is not culture-sensitive" {
1.2 -split ',' | Should -Be '1.2'
It "-replace: LHS stringification is not culture-sensitive" {
1.2 -replace ',' | Should -Be '1.2'