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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Tests for indexers' -Tags "CI" {
It 'Indexer in dictionary' {
$hashtable = @{ "Hello"="There" }
$hashtable["Hello"] | Should -BeExactly "There"
It 'Accessing a Indexed property of a dictionary that does not exist should return $null' {
$hashtable = @{ "Hello"="There" }
$hashtable["Hello There"] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'CimClass implements an indexer' -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) {
$service = Get-CimClass -ClassName Win32_Service
$service.CimClassProperties["DisplayName"].Name | Should -BeExactly 'DisplayName'
It 'Accessing a Indexed property of a CimClass that does not exist should return $null' -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) {
$service = Get-CimClass -ClassName Win32_Service
$service.CimClassProperties["Hello There"] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'ITuple implementations can be indexed' {
$tuple = [Tuple]::Create(10, 'Hello')
$tuple[0] | Should -Be 10
$tuple[1] | Should -BeExactly 'Hello'
It 'ITuple objects can be spliced' {
$tuple = [Tuple]::Create(10, 'Hello')
$tuple[0..1] | Should -Be @(10, 'Hello')
It 'Index of -1 should return the last item for ITuple objects' {
$tuple = [Tuple]::Create(10, 'Hello')
$tuple[-1] | Should -BeExactly 'Hello'