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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "ForEach-Object" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$testModulePsd1 = Join-Path $TestDrive "ForEachObjectTest.psd1"
$testModulePsm1 = Join-Path $TestDrive "ForEachObjectTest.psm1"
Set-Content -Path $testModulePsm1 -Value @'
function Zoo { "ForEachObjectTest-Zoo" }
function GetScriptBlock { return { Zoo } }
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePsd1 -RootModule $testModulePsm1 -FunctionsToExport "GetScriptBlock"
Import-Module $testModulePsd1
AfterAll {
Remove-Module -Name ForEachObjectTest
It "Foreach-Object should execute script block in caller scope" {
$null = 1..2 | ForEach-Object { $bar = 100 }
Get-Variable -Name bar -Scope 0 -ValueOnly | Should -BeExactly 100
It "Foreach-Object should execute script block in caller scope regardless of the invocation operator in use" {
$null = 1..2 | . ForEach-Object { $bar = "bar" }
$null = 1..2 | & ForEach-Object { $foo = "foo" }
Get-Variable -Name bar -Scope 0 -ValueOnly | Should -BeExactly "bar"
Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope 0 -ValueOnly | Should -BeExactly "foo"
It "Foreach-Object should execute script block in the module scope if specified" {
{ 1 | ForEach-Object { Zoo } } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "CommandNotFoundException"
$m = Get-Module ForEachObjectTest
1 | & $m ForEach-Object { Zoo } | Should -BeExactly "ForEachObjectTest-Zoo"
It "ForEach-Object should execute script block in the session state that the script block is associated with" {
$sbToUse = GetScriptBlock
1 | ForEach-Object $sbToUse | Should -BeExactly "ForEachObjectTest-Zoo"
It "ForEach-Object scriptblock should get the 'InvocationInfo' from the caller scope" {
$file = New-Item TestDrive:\test.ps1 -ItemType File -Force
Set-Content -Path $file -Value '1 | ForEach-Object { $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name }'
TestDrive:\test.ps1 | Should -BeExactly "test.ps1"