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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# get a random string of characters a-z and A-Z
function Get-RandomString
param ( [int]$Length = 8 )
$chars = .{ ([int][char]'a')..([int][char]'z');([int][char]'A')..([int][char]'Z') }
([char[]]($chars | Get-Random -Count $Length)) -join ""
# get a random string which is not the name of an existing provider
function Get-NonExistantProviderName
param ( [int]$Length = 8 )
do {
$providerName = Get-RandomString -Length $Length
} until ( $null -eq (Get-PSProvider -PSProvider $providername -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) )
# get a random string which is not the name of an existing drive
function Get-NonExistantDriveName
param ( [int]$Length = 8 )
do {
$driveName = Get-RandomString -Length $Length
} until ( $null -eq (Get-PSDrive $driveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) )
# get a random string which is not the name of an existing function
function Get-NonExistantFunctionName
param ( [int]$Length = 8 )
do {
$functionName = Get-RandomString -Length $Length
} until ( (Test-Path -Path function:$functionName) -eq $false )
Describe "Clear-Content cmdlet tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$file1 = "file1.txt"
$file2 = "file2.txt"
$file3 = "file3.txt"
$content1 = "This is content"
$content2 = "This is content for alternate stream tests"
Setup -File "$file1"
Setup -File "$file2" -Content $content1
Setup -File "$file3" -Content $content2
$streamContent = "content for alternate stream"
$streamName = "altStream1"
$dirName = "clearcontent"
Setup -Directory "$dirName"
Context "Clear-Content should actually clear content" {
It "should clear-Content of TestDrive:\$file1" {
Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\$file1 -Value "ExpectedContent" -PassThru | Should -BeExactly "ExpectedContent"
Clear-Content -Path TestDrive:\$file1
It "shouldn't get any content from TestDrive:\$file1" {
$result = Get-Content -Path TestDrive:\$file1
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# we could suppress the WhatIf output here if we use the testhost, but it's not necessary
It "The filesystem provider supports should process" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
Clear-Content -Path TestDrive:\$file2 -WhatIf
"TestDrive:\$file2" | Should -FileContentMatch "This is content"
It "The filesystem provider should support ShouldProcess (reference ProviderSupportsShouldProcess member)" {
$cci = ((Get-Command -Name Clear-Content).ImplementingType)::new()
$cci.SupportsShouldProcess | Should -BeTrue
Context "Clear-Content should work with alternate data streams on Windows" {
It "Alternate streams should be cleared with Clear-Content on a file" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
Set-Content -Path "TestDrive:/$file3" -Stream $streamName -Value $streamContent
Get-Content -Path "TestDrive:/$file3" -Stream $streamName | Should -BeExactly $streamContent
Clear-Content -Path "TestDrive:/$file3" -Stream $streamName -ErrorAction Stop
$result = Get-Item -Path "TestDrive:/$file3" -Stream $streamName
$result | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.Internal.AlternateStreamData
$result.length | Should -Be 0
It "Alternate streams should be cleared with Clear-Content on a directory" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
Set-Content -Path "TestDrive:/$dirName" -Stream $streamName -Value $streamContent
Get-Content -Path "TestDrive:/$dirName" -Stream $streamName | Should -BeExactly $streamContent
Clear-Content -Path "TestDrive:/$dirName" -Stream $streamName -ErrorAction Stop
$result = Get-Item -Path "TestDrive:/$dirName" -Stream $streamName
$result | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.Internal.AlternateStreamData
$result.length | Should -Be 0
It "the '-Stream' dynamic parameter is visible to get-command in the filesystem" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
try {
Push-Location -Path TestDrive:
(Get-Command Clear-Content -Stream foo).parameters.keys -eq "Stream" | Should -BeExactly "Stream"
finally {
It "the '-Stream' dynamic parameter should not be visible to get-command in the function provider" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
try {
Push-Location -Path function:
{ Get-Command Clear-Content -Stream $streamName } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand"
finally {
Context "Proper errors should be delivered when bad locations are specified" {
It "should throw when targetting a directory." {
{ Clear-Content -Path . -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ClearDirectoryContent"
It "should throw `"Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path'`" when -Path is `$null" {
{ Clear-Content -Path $null -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearContentCommand"
#[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 903880)]
It "should throw `"Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path'`" when -Path is `$()" {
{ Clear-Content -Path $() -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearContentCommand"
#[DRT][BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 906022)]
It "should throw 'PSNotSupportedException' when you clear-content to an unsupported provider" {
$functionName = Get-NonExistantFunctionName
$null = New-Item -Path function:$functionName -Value { 1 }
{ Clear-Content -Path function:$functionName -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearContentCommand"
It "should throw FileNotFound error when referencing a non-existant file" {
$badFile = "TestDrive:/badfilename.txt"
{ Clear-Content -Path $badFile -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearContentCommand"
It "should throw DriveNotFound error when referencing a non-existant drive" {
$badDrive = "{0}:/file.txt" -f (Get-NonExistantDriveName)
{ Clear-Content -Path $badDrive -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearContentCommand"
# we'll use a provider qualified path to produce this error
It "should throw ProviderNotFound error when referencing a non-existant provider" {
$badProviderPath = "{0}::C:/file.txt" -f (Get-NonExistantProviderName)
{ Clear-Content -Path $badProviderPath -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "ProviderNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearContentCommand"