
126 lines
5.3 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "UnixFileSystem additions" -Tag "CI" {
# if PSUnixFileStat is converted from an experimental feature, these tests will need to be changed
BeforeAll {
$experimentalFeatureName = "PSUnixFileStat"
$skipTest = -not $EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Contains($experimentalFeatureName)
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('It:Skip', $skipTest)
AfterAll {
Context "Basic Validation" {
It "Should be an experimental feature on non-Windows systems" {
$feature = Get-ExperimentalFeature -Name $experimentalFeatureName
if ( $IsWindows ) {
$feature | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
else {
$feature.Name | Should -Be $experimentalFeatureName
It "Should include a UnixStat property" {
$i = Get-Item ${TestDrive}
$i.UnixStat | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "The UnixStat property should be the correct type" {
$expected = "System.Management.Automation.Platform+Unix+CommonStat"
$i = (Get-Item /).psobject.properties['UnixStat'].TypeNameOfValue
$i | Should -Be $expected
Context "Validation of additional properties on file system objects" {
BeforeAll {
if ( $IsWindows ) {
$testDir = "${TestDrive}/TestDir"
$testFile = "${testDir}/TestFile"
$testCase = @{ Mode = '000'; Perm = '----------'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '111'; Perm = '---x--x--x'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '222'; Perm = '--w--w--w-'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '333'; Perm = '--wx-wx-wx'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '444'; Perm = '-r--r--r--'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '555'; Perm = '-r-xr-xr-x'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '666'; Perm = '-rw-rw-rw-'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '777'; Perm = '-rwxrwxrwx'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '4777'; Perm = '-rwsrwxrwx'; Item = "${testFile}" },
@{ Mode = '1777'; Perm = 'drwxrwxrwt'; Item = "${testDir}" }
BeforeEach {
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${testDir}"
$null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path "${testFile}"
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path "${testFile}" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${testDir}" -Recurse -Force
It "Should present filemode '<Mode>' string correctly as '<Perm>'" -testCase $testCase {
param ($Mode, $Perm, $Item )
chmod "$Mode" "${Item}"
$i = Get-Item $Item
$i.UnixMode | Should -Be $Perm
It "Should retrieve the user name for the file" {
$i = Get-Item ${testFile}
$user = (/bin/ls -ld $testFile).split(" ",[System.StringSplitOptions]"RemoveEmptyEntries")[2]
$i.User | Should -Be $user
It "Should retrieve the group name for the file" {
$i = Get-Item ${testFile}
$group = (/bin/ls -ld $testFile).split(" ",[System.StringSplitOptions]"RemoveEmptyEntries")[3]
$i.Group | Should -Be $Group
Context "Other properties of UnixStat object" {
BeforeAll {
if ( $IsWindows ) {
$testDir = "${TestDrive}/TestDir"
$testFile = "${testDir}/TestFile"
$null = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $testDir
$null = New-Item -Type File -Path $testFile
Set-Content -Path ${testFile} -Value "abc"
$expectedFileInode,$permission,$expectedFileLinkCount,$user,$group,$expectedFileSize,$unused =
(/bin/ls -ldi ${testFile}).Split(" ", 7, [System.StringSplitOptions]"RemoveEmptyEntries")
$file = Get-Item ${testFile}
$expectedDirInode,$permission,$expectedDirLinkCount,$user,$group,$expectedDirSize,$unused =
(/bin/ls -ldi ${testDir}).Split(" ", 7, [System.StringSplitOptions]"RemoveEmptyEntries")
$Dir = Get-Item ${testDir}
$testCases =
@{ Expected = $expectedFileInode; Observed = $File.UnixStat.Inode; Title = "FileInode" },
@{ Expected = $expectedFileLinkCount; Observed = $File.UnixStat.HardlinkCount; Title = "FileHardlinkCount" },
@{ Expected = $expectedFileSize; Observed = $File.UnixStat.Size; Title = "FileSize" },
@{ Expected = $expectedDirInode; Observed = $Dir.UnixStat.Inode; Title = "DirInode" },
@{ Expected = $expectedDirLinkCount; Observed = $Dir.UnixStat.HardlinkCount; Title = "DirHardlinkCount" },
@{ Expected = $expectedDirSize; Observed = $Dir.UnixStat.Size; Title = "DirSize" }
It "Should have correct values in UnixStat property for '<Title>'" -TestCases $testCases {
param ( $Title, $expected, $observed )
$observed | Should -Be $expected