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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Get-Command Feature tests" -Tag Feature {
Context "-UseFuzzyMatch tests" {
It "Should match cmdlets" {
$cmds = Get-Command get-hlp -UseFuzzyMatch
$cmds.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
$cmds[0].Name | Should -BeExactly 'Get-Help' -Because "This should be closest match so shows up first"
It "Should match native commands" {
$input = "pwsg"
$expectedcmd = "pwsh"
if ($IsWindows) {
$expectedcmd = "pwsh.EXE"
$cmds = Get-Command $input -UseFuzzyMatch
$cmds.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
$cmds.Name | Should -Contain $expectedcmd
Context "-UseAbbreviationExpansion tests" {
BeforeAll {
$testModulesPath = Join-Path $testdrive "Modules"
$testPSModulePath = [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $testModulesPath
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $testModulesPath
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $testModulesPath "test1")
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $testModulesPath "test2")
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $testModulesPath "test1/test1.psm1") -Value "function Import-FooZedZed {}"
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $testModulesPath "test2/test2.psm1") -Value "function Invoke-FooZedZed {}"
It "Can return multiple results relying on auto module loading" {
$results = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -outputformat xml -command "`$env:PSModulePath += '$testPSModulePath'; Get-Command i-fzz -UseAbbreviationExpansion"
$results | Should -HaveCount 2
$results.Name | Should -Contain "Invoke-FooZedZed"
$results.Name | Should -Contain "Import-FooZedZed"
It "Valid cmdlets works with name <name> and module <module>" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "i-psdf"; expected = "Import-PowerShellDataFile"; module = $null },
@{ Name = "i-psdf"; expected = "Import-PowerShellDataFile"; module = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility" },
@{ Name = "r-psb" ; expected = "Remove-PSBreakpoint" ; module = $null },
@{ Name = "r-psb" ; expected = "Remove-PSBreakpoint" ; module = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility" }
) {
param($name, $expected, $module)
$params = @{
UseAbbreviationExpansion = $true;
Name = $name;
if ($module) {
$params += @{ Module = $module }
$results = Get-Command @params
$results | Should -HaveCount 1
$results.Name | Should -BeExactly $expected
It "Can return multiple results for cmdlets matching abbreviation" {
# use mixed casing to validate case insensitivity
$results = Get-Command i-C -UseAbbreviationExpansion
$results.Name | Should -Contain "Invoke-Command"
$results.Name | Should -Contain "Import-Clixml"
$results.Name | Should -Contain "Import-Csv"
It "Will return multiple results for functions matching abbreviation" {
$manifestPath = Join-Path $testdrive "test.psd1"
$modulePath = Join-Path $testdrive "test.psm1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestPath -FunctionsToExport "Get-FoodBar","Get-FB" -RootModule test.psm1
function Get-FoodBar { "foodbar" }
function Get-FB { "fb" }
"@ > $modulePath
try {
Import-Module $manifestPath
$results = Get-Command g-fb -UseAbbreviationExpansion
$results | Should -HaveCount 2
$results[0].Name | Should -BeIn "Get-FB","Get-FoodBar"
$results[1].Name | Should -BeIn "Get-FB","Get-FoodBar"
$results[0].Name | Should -Not -Be $results[1].Name
finally {
Remove-Module test
It "Non-existing cmdlets returns non-terminating error" {
{ Get-Command g-adf -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand"
It "No results if wildcard is used" {
Get-Command i-psd* -UseAbbreviationExpansion | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Describe "Get-Command" -Tag CI {
BeforeAll {
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Context "-Syntax tests" {
It "Should return a string object when -Name is an alias and -Syntax is specified" {
$Result = Get-Command -Name del -Syntax
$Result | Should -BeOfType [String]
$Result | Should -Match 'del \[-Path\]'
It "Should replace commands with aliases in matching commands when using a wildcard search" {
$Result = Get-Command -Name sp* -Syntax
$Result | Should -BeOfType [String]
$Result -join '' | Should -Match 'sp \(alias\) -> Set-ItemProperty'
$Result -join '' | Should -Match 'sp \[-Path\]'
It "Should not add the alias (alias) -> command decorator for non-alias commands" {
$Result = Get-Command -Name sp* -Syntax
$Result -join '' | Should -Not -Match 'Split-Path \(alias\) -> Split-Path'
$Result -join '' | Should -Match 'Split-Path \[-Path\]'
It "Should only replace aliases when given multiple entries including a command and an alias" {
$Result = Get-Command -Name get-help, del -Syntax
$Result -join '' | Should -Match 'del \(alias\) -> Remove-Item'
$Result -join '' | Should -Match 'del \[-Path\]'
$Result -join '' | Should -Match 'Get-Help \[\[-Name\]'
$Result -join '' | Should -Not -Match 'del \(alias\) -> Get-Help'
It "Should return the path to an aliased script when -Syntax is specified" {
# First, create a script file
$TestGcmSyntax = @'
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
process {
"Processing ${Name}"
Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\Test-GcmSyntax.ps1 -Value $TestGcmSyntax
# Now set up an alias for that file
New-Alias -Name tgs -Value TestDrive:\Test-GcmSyntax.ps1
$Result = Get-Command -Name tgs -Syntax
$Result | Should -Match "tgs \(alias\) -> $([Regex]::Escape((Get-Item TestDrive:\\Test-GcmSyntax.ps1).FullName))"
Context "-Name tests" {
It "Should return a AliasInfo object when -Name is an alias" {
$Result = Get-Command -Name del
$Result | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]
$Result.DisplayName | Should -Be 'del -> Remove-Item'
It "Should return a CommandInfo object when -Name is a command" {
$Result = Get-Command -Name Remove-Item
$Result | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo]
It "Throws '<expected>' exception if '<Name>' name is used" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = 'space'; Value = ' '; expected = "CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand" }
@{ Name = 'empty'; Value = ''; expected = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand" }
@{ Name = 'null'; Value = $null; expected = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand" }
) {
param($value, $expected)
{ Get-Command $value -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $expected