
131 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "TestData cmdlets" -Tags "CI" {
Context "Get-TypeData" {
It "System.DateTime" {
(Get-TypeData System.DateTime).TypeName | Should -Be System.DateTime
# Supports pipelining?
("System.DateTime" | Get-TypeData).TypeName | Should -Be System.DateTime
It "Type accelerators" {
(Get-TypeData DateTime).TypeName | Should -Be System.DateTime
(Get-TypeData psCredential).TypeName | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
It "Accept multiple types" {
$types = Get-TypeData System.DateTime, System.Management.Automation* | Sort-Object -Property TypeName
$types[0].TypeName | Should -Be System.DateTime
for($i = 1; $i -lt $types.Count; $i++)
$types[$i].TypeName.StartsWith("System.Management.Automation") | Should -BeTrue
It "System.Object" {
Get-TypeData System.Object | Should -Be $null
# The rest of these tests do their work in another runspace to avoid messing up the current runspace
Context "Update-TypeData" {
BeforeAll {
$script:ps = [PowerShell]::Create()
BeforeEach {
AfterAll {
$script:ps = $null
It "TypeAdapter parameter" {
$type = $ps.AddScript(@"
Update-TypeData -TypeName Void -TypeAdapter Microsoft.PowerShell.Cim.CimInstanceAdapter
Get-TypeData System.Void
$type[0].TypeName | Should -Be System.Void
$type[0].TypeAdapter.FullName | Should -Be Microsoft.PowerShell.Cim.CimInstanceAdapter
Context "Remove-TypeData" {
BeforeAll {
$script:ps = [PowerShell]::Create()
Setup -F dummy1.types.ps1xml -Content "<Types><Type><Name>yyyDummy</Name><Members><ScriptProperty><Name>yyyDummy</Name><GetScriptBlock>'yyyDummy'</GetScriptBlock></ScriptProperty></Members></Type></Types>"
Setup -F dummy2.types.ps1xml -Content "<Types><Type><Name>zzzDummy</Name><Members><ScriptProperty><Name>zzzDummy</Name><GetScriptBlock>'zzzDummy'</GetScriptBlock></ScriptProperty></Members></Type></Types>"
BeforeEach {
AfterAll {
$script:ps = $null
It "Remove type that doesn't exist" {
$typeName = "TypeThatDoesNotExistsAnywhere" + (Get-Random)
$ps.AddScript("Remove-TypeData -TypeName $typeName").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "TypesDynamicRemoveException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveTypeDataCommand"
##{ All of the following It blocks are intended to run in sequence, so don't reorder them.
It "Add type file," {
$ps.AddScript("Update-TypeData -AppendPath $TestDrive\dummy1.types.ps1xml").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Get type data from file just added," {
$type = $ps.AddScript("Get-TypeData -TypeName yyyDummy").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 0
$type[0].TypeName | Should -Be yyyDummy
It "Remove type file just added," {
$ps.AddScript("Remove-TypeData -Path $TestDrive\dummy1.types.ps1xml").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Make sure type was removed" {
$type = $ps.AddScript("Get-TypeData -TypeName yyyDummy").Invoke()
$type.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Add another type file," {
$ps.AddScript("Update-TypeData -AppendPath $TestDrive\dummy2.types.ps1xml").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Now add some type data to one of those newly added types" {
$ps.AddScript("Update-TypeData -TypeName zzzDummy -MemberType NoteProperty -MemberName DynamicDummyProperty -Value 10").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Remove the newly type file," {
$ps.AddScript("Remove-TypeData -Path $TestDrive\dummy2.types.ps1xml").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Remove the newly type file a second time, should error," {
$ps.AddScript("Remove-TypeData -Path $TestDrive\dummy2.types.ps1xml").Invoke()
$ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should -Be 1
$ps.Streams.Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "TypeFileNotExistsInCurrentSession,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveTypeDataCommand"
It "Dynamic property added should still be there" {
$res = $ps.AddScript("Get-TypeData -TypeName zzzDummy").Invoke()
$res.Count | Should -Be 1
$res[0].Members.Keys[0] | Should -Be DynamicDummyProperty
##} All of the preceding It blocks are intended to run in sequence, so don't reorder them.