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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "File encoding tests" -Tag CI {
Context "ParameterType for parameter 'Encoding' should be 'Encoding'" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.* |
Where-Object { $_.Parameters -and $_.Parameters['Encoding'] } |
ForEach-Object { @{ Command = $_ } }
It "Encoding parameter of command '<Command>' is type 'Encoding'" -Testcase $testCases {
param ( $command )
$command.Parameters['Encoding'].ParameterType.FullName | Should -BeExactly "System.Text.Encoding"
Context "File contents are UTF8 without BOM" {
BeforeAll {
$testStr = "t" + ([char]233) + "st"
$nl = [environment]::newline
$utf8Bytes = 116,195,169,115,116
$nlBytes = [byte[]][char[]]$nl
$ExpectedWithNewline = $( $utf8Bytes ; $nlBytes )
$outputFile = "${TESTDRIVE}/file.txt"
$utf8Preamble = [text.encoding]::UTF8.GetPreamble()
$simpleTestCases = @(
# New-Item does not add CR/NL
@{ Command = "New-Item"; Parameters = @{ type = "file";value = $testStr; Path = $outputFile }; Expected = $utf8Bytes ; Operator = "be" }
# the following commands add a CR/NL
@{ Command = "Set-Content"; Parameters = @{ value = $testStr; Path = $outputFile }; Expected = $ExpectedWithNewline ; Operator = "be" }
@{ Command = "Add-Content"; Parameters = @{ value = $testStr; Path = $outputFile }; Expected = $ExpectedWithNewline ; Operator = "be" }
@{ Command = "Out-File"; Parameters = @{ InputObject = $testStr; Path = $outputFile }; Expected = $ExpectedWithNewline ; Operator = "be" }
# Redirection
@{ Command = { $testStr > $outputFile } ; Expected = $ExpectedWithNewline ; Operator = "be" }
function Get-FileBytes ( $path ) {
AfterEach {
if ( Test-Path $outputFile ) {
Remove-Item -Force $outputFile
It "<command> produces correct content '<Expected>'" -TestCases $simpleTestCases {
param ( $Command, $parameters, $Expected, $Operator)
& $command @parameters
$bytes = Get-FileBytes $outputFile
$bytes -join "-" | Should ${Operator} ($Expected -join "-")
It "Export-CSV creates file with UTF-8 encoding without BOM" {
[pscustomobject]@{ Key = $testStr } | Export-Csv $outputFile
$bytes = Get-FileBytes $outputFile
$bytes[0,1,2] -join "-" | Should -Not -Be ($utf8Preamble -join "-")
$bytes -join "-" | Should -Match ($utf8bytes -join "-")
It "Export-CliXml creates file with UTF-8 encoding without BOM" {
[pscustomobject]@{ Key = $testStr } | Export-Clixml $outputFile
$bytes = Get-FileBytes $outputFile
$bytes[0,1,2] -join "-" | Should -Not -Be ($utf8Preamble -join "-")
$bytes -join "-" | Should -Match ($utf8bytes -join "-")
It "Appends correctly on non-Windows systems" -Skip:$IsWindows {
bash -c "echo '${testStr}' > $outputFile"
${testStr} >> $outputFile
$bytes = Get-FileBytes $outputFile
$Expected = $( $ExpectedWithNewline; $ExpectedWithNewline )
$bytes -join "-" | Should -Be ($Expected -join "-")
Context "Parameter 'Encoding' should accept numeric and string Ids" {
BeforeAll {
$testValue = "ф"
if ($IsWindows) {
# Expected bytes: 244 - 'ф', 13 - '`r', 10 - '`n'.
$expectedBytes = 244,13,10 -join "-"
} else {
$expectedBytes = 244,10 -join "-"
It "Parameter 'Encoding' should accept '<encoding>'" -TestCases @(
@{ encoding = 1251 }
@{ encoding = "windows-1251" }
) {
param ( $encoding )
$testFile = "${TESTDRIVE}/fileEncoding-$($encoding).txt"
Set-Content $testFile -Encoding $encoding -Value $testValue
Get-Content $testFile -Encoding $encoding | Should -BeExactly $testValue
(Get-Content $testFile -AsByteStream) -join "-" | Should -BeExactly $expectedBytes