
392 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Validate Attributes Tests' -Tags 'CI' {
Context "ValidateCount" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateCount(-1,2)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ExceptionConstructingAttribute"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateCount(1,-1)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ExceptionConstructingAttribute"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateCount(2, 1)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ValidateRangeMaxLengthSmallerThanMinLength"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateCount(2, 2)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo 1 }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateCountExactFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateCount(2, 3)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo 1 }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateCountMinMaxFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateCount(2, 3)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo 1,2,3,4 }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateCountMinMaxFailure"
It 'Exception: <FullyQualifiedErrorId>:<InnerErrorId>' -TestCases $testCases {
param($ScriptBlock, $FullyQualifiedErrorId, $InnerErrorId)
$ScriptBlock | Should -Throw -ErrorId $FullyQualifiedErrorId
if ($InnerErrorId) {
$error[0].exception.innerexception.errorrecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be $InnerErrorId
It 'No Exception: valid argument count' {
{ function foo { param([ValidateCount(2, 4)] [string[]] $bar) }; foo 1,2,3,4 } | Should -Not -Throw
Context "ValidateRange - ParameterConstuctors" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('xPositive')] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ExceptionConstructingAttribute"
InnerErrorId = "SubstringDisambiguationEnumParseThrewAnException"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange(2,1)] [int] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "MaxRangeSmallerThanMinRange"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange("one",10)] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "MinRangeNotTheSameTypeOfMaxRange"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange(1,"two")] $bar) }; foo }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "MinRangeNotTheSameTypeOfMaxRange"
InnerErrorId = ""
It 'Exception: <FullyQualifiedErrorId>:<InnerErrorId>' -TestCases $testCases {
param($ScriptBlock, $FullyQualifiedErrorId, $InnerErrorId)
$ScriptBlock | Should -Throw -ErrorId $FullyQualifiedErrorId
if ($InnerErrorId) {
$error[0].exception.innerexception.errorrecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be $InnerErrorId
Context "ValidateRange - User Defined Range"{
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange(1,10)] [int] $bar) }; foo -1 }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangeTooSmall"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange(1,10)] [int] $bar) }; foo 11 }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangeTooBig"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange(1,10)] $bar) }; foo "one" }
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidationRangeElementType"
$validTestCases = @(
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange(1,10)] [int] $bar) }; foo 5 }
It 'Exception: <FullyQualifiedErrorId>:<InnerErrorId>' -TestCases $testCases {
param($ScriptBlock, $FullyQualifiedErrorId, $InnerErrorId)
$ScriptBlock | Should -Throw -ErrorId $FullyQualifiedErrorId
if ($InnerErrorId) {
$error[0].exception.innerexception.errorrecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be $InnerErrorId
It 'No Exception: value within range' -TestCases $validTestCases {
$ScriptBlock | Should -Not -Throw
Context "ValidateRange - Predefined Range" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange("Positive")] [int] $bar) }; foo -1 }
RangeType = "Positive"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangePositiveFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange("Positive")] [int] $bar) }; foo 0 }
RangeType = "Positive"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangePositiveFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange("Positive")] $bar) }; foo "one" }
RangeType = "Positive"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonNegative')] [int] $bar) }; foo -1 }
RangeType = "NonNegative"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangeNonNegativeFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonNegative')] $bar) }; foo "one" }
RangeType = "NonNegative"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('Negative')] [int] $bar) }; foo 1 }
RangeType = "Negative"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangeNegativeFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('Negative')] [int] $bar) }; foo 0 }
RangeType = "Negative"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangeNegativeFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('Negative')] $bar) }; foo "one" }
RangeType = "Negative"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = ""
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonPositive')] $bar) }; foo 1 }
RangeType = "NonPositive"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = "ValidateRangeNonPositiveFailure"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonPositive')] $bar) }; foo "one" }
RangeType = "NonPositive"
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,foo"
InnerErrorId = ""
$validTestCases = @(
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange("Positive")] [int] $bar) }; foo 15 }
RangeType = "Positive"
TestValue = 15
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange("Positive")] [double]$bar) }; foo ([double]::MaxValue) };
RangeType = "Positive"
TestValue = [double]::MaxValue
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonNegative')] [int] $bar) }; foo 0 }
RangeType = "NonNegative"
TestValue = 0
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonNegative')] [int] $bar) }; foo 15 }
RangeType = "NonNegative"
TestValue = 15
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonNegative')] [double]$bar) }; foo ([double]::MaxValue) };
RangeType = "NonNegative"
TestValue = [double]::MaxValue
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('Negative')] [int] $bar) }; foo -15 }
RangeType = "Negative"
TestValue = -15
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('Negative')] [double]$bar) }; foo ([double]::MinValue) };
TestValue = [double]::MinValue
RangeType = "Negative"
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonPositive')] [int] $bar) }; foo 0 }
RangeType = "NonPositive"
TestValue = 0
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonPositive')] [int] $bar) }; foo -15 }
RangeType = "NonPositive"
TestValue = -15
ScriptBlock = { function foo { param([ValidateRange('NonPositive')] [double]$bar) }; foo ([double]::MinValue) }
RangeType = "NonPositive"
TestValue = [double]::MinValue
It 'Exception: <FullyQualifiedErrorId>:<InnerErrorId>, RangeType: <RangeType>' -TestCases $testCases {
param($ScriptBlock, $RangeType, $FullyQualifiedErrorId, $InnerErrorId)
$ScriptBlock | Should -Throw -ErrorId $FullyQualifiedErrorId
if ($InnerErrorId) {
$error[0].exception.innerexception.errorrecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be $InnerErrorId
It 'No Exception: RangeType: <RangeType> - argument "<TestValue>"' -TestCases $validTestCases {
param($ScriptBlock, $RangeType, $testValue)
$ScriptBlock | Should -Not -Throw
Context "ValidateNotNull, ValidateNotNullOrEmpty and Not-Null-Or-Empty check for Mandatory parameter" {
BeforeAll {
function MandatoryFunc {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ByteArray")]
[byte[]] $ByteArray,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ByteList")]
[System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]] $ByteList,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ByteCollection")]
[System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[byte]] $ByteCollection,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Default")]
function NotNullFunc {
[string] $TestType
switch ($TestType) {
"COM-Enumerable" { $Value | ForEach-Object Name }
"Enumerator" {
$items = foreach ($i in $Value) { $i }
$items -join ","
function NotNullOrEmptyFunc {
[string] $TestType
switch ($TestType) {
"COM-Enumerable" { $Value | ForEach-Object Name }
"Enumerator" {
$items = foreach ($i in $Value) { $i }
$items -join ","
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $PSHOME -ChildPath System.Management.Automation.dll
$byteArray = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filePath)
$byteList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]] $byteArray
$byteCollection = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[byte]] $byteArray
## Use the running time of 'MandatoryFunc -Value $byteArray' as the baseline time
## because it does no check on the argument.
$baseline = (Measure-Command { MandatoryFunc -Value $byteArray }).Milliseconds
## Running time should be less than 'UpperBoundTime'
## This is not really a performance test (perf test cannot run reliably in our CI), but a test
## to make sure we don't check the elements of a value-type collection.
## The crossgen'ed 'S.M.A.dll' is about 28mb in size, and it would take more than 2000ms if we
## check each byte of the array, list or collection. We use ($baseline + 200)ms as the upper
## bound value in tests to prove that we don't check each byte.
$UpperBoundTime = $baseline + 200
if ($IsWindows) {
$null = New-Item -Path $TESTDRIVE/file1
$testCases = @(
@{ ScriptBlock = { MandatoryFunc -ByteArray $byteArray } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { MandatoryFunc -ByteList $byteList } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { MandatoryFunc -ByteCollection $byteCollection } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { NotNullFunc -Value $byteArray } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { NotNullFunc -Value $byteList } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { NotNullFunc -Value $byteCollection } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value $byteArray } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value $byteList } }
@{ ScriptBlock = { NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value $byteCollection } }
It "Validate running time '<ScriptBlock>'" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($ScriptBlock)
(Measure-Command $ScriptBlock).Milliseconds | Should -BeLessThan $UpperBoundTime
It "COM enumerable argument should work with 'ValidateNotNull' and 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty'" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$shell = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace("$TESTDRIVE")
$items = $folder.Items()
NotNullFunc -Value $items -TestType "COM-Enumerable" | Should -Be "file1"
NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value $items -TestType "COM-Enumerable" | Should -Be "file1"
It "Enumerator argument should work with 'ValidateNotNull' and 'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty'" {
$data = @(1,2,3)
NotNullFunc -Value $data.GetEnumerator() -TestType "Enumerator" | Should -Be "1,2,3"
NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value $data.GetEnumerator() -TestType "Enumerator" | Should -Be "1,2,3"
It "'ValidateNotNull' should throw on null element of a collection argument" {
## Should throw on null element
{ NotNullFunc -Value @("string", $null, 2) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationError,NotNullFunc"
## Should not throw on empty string element
{ NotNullFunc -Value @("string", "", 2) } | Should -Not -Throw
## Should not throw on an empty collection
{ NotNullFunc -Value @() } | Should -Not -Throw
It "'ValidateNotNullOrEmpty' should throw on null element of a collection argument or empty collection/dictionary" {
{ NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value @("string", $null, 2) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationError,NotNullOrEmptyFunc"
{ NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value @("string", "", 2) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationError,NotNullOrEmptyFunc"
{ NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value @() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationError,NotNullOrEmptyFunc"
{ NotNullOrEmptyFunc -Value @{} } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationError,NotNullOrEmptyFunc"
It "Mandatory parameter should throw on empty collection" {
{ MandatoryFunc -ByteArray ([byte[]]@()) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyArrayNotAllowed,MandatoryFunc"
{ MandatoryFunc -ByteList ([System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]]@()) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyCollectionNotAllowed,MandatoryFunc"
{ MandatoryFunc -ByteList ([System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[byte]]@()) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyCollectionNotAllowed,MandatoryFunc"