PowerShell Team c748652c34 Copy all mapped files from [SD:725290]
commit 8cec8f150da7583b7af5efbe2853efee0179750c
2016-07-28 23:23:03 -07:00

189 lines
6.1 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Management.Automation;
namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands
/// <summary>
/// A cmdlet that sets the properties of the TraceSwitch instances that are instantiated in the process
/// </summary>
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Set, "TraceSource", DefaultParameterSetName = "optionsSet", HelpUri = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113400")]
public class SetTraceSourceCommand : TraceListenerCommandBase
#region Parameters
/// <summary>
/// The TraceSource parameter determines which TraceSource categories the
/// operation will take place on.
/// </summary>
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)]
public string[] Name
get { return base.NameInternal; }
set { base.NameInternal = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The flags to be set on the TraceSource
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
[Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public PSTraceSourceOptions Option
get { return base.OptionsInternal; }
base.OptionsInternal = value;
} // Flags
/// <summary>
/// The parameter which determines the options for output from the
/// trace listeners.
/// </summary>
[Parameter (ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public TraceOptions ListenerOption
get { return base.ListenerOptionsInternal; }
base.ListenerOptionsInternal = value;
/// <summary>
/// Adds the file trace listener using the specified file
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
[Parameter (ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public string FilePath
get { return base.FileListener; }
set { base.FileListener = value; }
} // File
/// <summary>
/// Force parameter to control read-only files
/// </summary>
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public SwitchParameter Force
get { return base.ForceWrite; }
set { base.ForceWrite = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If this parameter is specified the Debugger trace listener
/// will be added.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
[Parameter (ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public SwitchParameter Debugger
get { return base.DebuggerListener; }
set { base.DebuggerListener = value; }
} // Debugger
/// <summary>
/// If this parameter is specified the Msh Host trace listener
/// will be added.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public SwitchParameter PSHost
get { return base.PSHostListener; }
set { base.PSHostListener = value; }
} // PSHost
/// <summary>
/// If set, the specified listeners will be removed regardless
/// of their type.
/// </summary>
[Parameter (ParameterSetName = "removeAllListenersSet")]
public string[] RemoveListener
get { return removeListeners; }
set { removeListeners = value; }
private string[] removeListeners = new string[] { "*" };
/// <summary>
/// If set, the specified file trace listeners will be removed.
/// </summary>
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "removeFileListenersSet")]
public string[] RemoveFileListener
get { return removeFileListeners; }
set { removeFileListeners = value; }
private string[] removeFileListeners = new string[] { "*" };
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the modified PSTraceSource should be written out.
/// Default is false.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
[Parameter (ParameterSetName = "optionsSet")]
public SwitchParameter PassThru
get { return passThru; }
set { passThru = value; }
} // Passthru
private bool passThru;
#endregion Parameters
#region Cmdlet code
/// <summary>
/// Sets the TraceSource properties
/// </summary>
protected override void ProcessRecord ()
Collection<PSTraceSource> matchingSources = null;
switch (ParameterSetName)
case "optionsSet":
Collection<PSTraceSource> preconfiguredTraceSources = null;
matchingSources = ConfigureTraceSource(Name, true, out preconfiguredTraceSources);
if (PassThru)
WriteObject(matchingSources, true);
WriteObject(preconfiguredTraceSources, true);
case "removeAllListenersSet":
matchingSources = GetMatchingTraceSource(Name, true);
RemoveListenersByName(matchingSources, RemoveListener, false);
case "removeFileListenersSet":
matchingSources = GetMatchingTraceSource(Name, true);
RemoveListenersByName(matchingSources, RemoveFileListener, true);
} // ProcessRecord
#endregion Cmdlet code