
349 lines
8.4 KiB

Describe 'Exceptions flow for classes' -Tags "CI" {
$canaryHashtable = @{}
$iss = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
$iss.Variables.Add([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('canaryHashtable', $canaryHashtable, $null))
$iss.Commands.Add([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry]::new('Get-Canary', '$canaryHashtable'))
$ps = [powershell]::Create($iss)
BeforeEach {
Context 'All calls are inside classes' {
It 'does not execute statements after instance method with exception' {
# Put try-catch outside to avoid try-catch logic altering analysis
try {
$ps.AddScript( @'
class C
[void] m1()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = 42
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = 100
[void] ImThrow()
throw 'I told you'
} catch {}
$canaryHashtable['canary'] | Should Be 42
It 'does not execute statements after static method with exception' {
# Put try-catch outside to avoid try-catch logic altering analysis
try {
$ps.AddScript( @'
class C
static [void] s1()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = 43
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = 100
static [void] ImThrow()
1 / 0
} catch {}
$canaryHashtable['canary'] | Should Be 43
It 'does not execute statements after instance method with exception and deep stack' {
# Put try-catch outside to avoid try-catch logic altering analysis
try {
$ps.AddScript( @'
class C
[void] m1()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = 1
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = -6101
[void] m2()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] += 10
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = -6102
[void] m3()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] += 100
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = -6103
[void] m4()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] += 1000
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = -6104
[void] ImThrow()
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
$canaryHashtable['canary'] += 10000
1 / 0
} catch {}
$canaryHashtable['canary'] | Should Be 11111
Context 'Class method call PS function' {
$body = @'
class C
[void] m1()
static [void] s1()
function m2()
$canary = Get-Canary
$canary['canaryM'] = 45
$canary['canaryM'] = 100
function s2()
$canary = Get-Canary
$canary['canaryS'] = 46
$canary['canaryS'] = 100
function CallImThrow()
function ImThrow()
1 / 0
It 'does not execute statements after function with exception called from instance method' {
# Put try-catch outside to avoid try-catch logic altering analysis
try {
$ps.AddScript('$c = [C]::new(); $c.m1()').Invoke()
} catch {}
$canaryHashtable['canaryM'] | Should Be 45
It 'does not execute statements after function with exception called from static method' {
# Put try-catch outside to avoid try-catch logic altering analysis
try {
} catch {}
$canaryHashtable['canaryS'] | Should Be 46
Context "No class is involved" {
It "functions calls continue execution by default" {
try {
$ps.AddScript( @'
$canaryHashtable = Get-Canary
function foo() { 1 / 0; $canaryHashtable['canary'] += 10 }
$canaryHashtable['canary'] = 1
$canaryHashtable['canary'] += 100
} catch {}
$canaryHashtable['canary'] | Should Be 111
Describe "Exception error position" -Tags "CI" {
class MSFT_3090412
static f1() { [MSFT_3090412]::bar = 42 }
static f2() { throw "an error in f2" }
static f3() { "".Substring(0, 10) }
static f4() { dir nosuchfile -ea Stop }
It "Setting a property that doesn't exist" {
try {
throw "f1 should have thrown"
} catch {
$_.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match ([regex]::Escape('[MSFT_3090412]::bar = 42'))
It "Throwing an exception" {
try {
throw "f2 should have thrown"
} catch {
$_.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match ([regex]::Escape('throw "an error in f2"'))
It "Calling a .Net method that throws" {
try {
throw "f3 should have thrown"
} catch {
$_.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match ([regex]::Escape('"".Substring(0, 10)'))
It "Terminating error" {
try {
throw "f4 should have thrown"
} catch {
$_.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match ([regex]::Escape('dir nosuchfile -ea Stop'))
Describe "Exception from initializer" -Tags "CI" {
class MSFT_6397334a
[int]$a = "zz"
MSFT_6397334a() {}
class MSFT_6397334b
[int]$a = "zz"
class MSFT_6397334c
static [int]$a = "zz"
static MSFT_6397334a() {}
class MSFT_6397334d
static [int]$a = "zz"
It "instance member w/ ctor" {
try {
throw "[MSFT_6397334a]::new() should have thrown"
$e = $_
$e.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be InvalidCastFromStringToInteger
$e.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match 'a = "zz"'
It "instance member w/o ctor" {
try {
throw "[MSFT_6397334b]::new() should have thrown"
$e = $_
$e.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be InvalidCastFromStringToInteger
$e.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match 'a = "zz"'
It "static member w/ ctor" {
try {
$null = [MSFT_6397334c]::a
throw "[MSFT_6397334c]::a should have thrown"
$_.Exception.GetType().FullName | Should Be System.TypeInitializationException
$e = $_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException.ErrorRecord
$e.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be InvalidCastFromStringToInteger
$e.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match 'a = "zz"'
It "static member w/o ctor" {
try {
$null = [MSFT_6397334d]::a
throw "[MSFT_6397334d]::a should have thrown"
$_.Exception.GetType().FullName | Should Be System.TypeInitializationException
$e = $_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException.ErrorRecord
$e.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be InvalidCastFromStringToInteger
$e.InvocationInfo.Line | Should Match 'a = "zz"'