
75 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Test restricted language check method on scriptblocks" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
Set-StrictMode -v 2
function list {
$l = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()
$args | ForEach-Object {$l.Add($_)}
, $l
AfterAll {
Set-StrictMode -Off
It 'Check basic expressions' {
{{2+2}.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, $null, $false) } | Should -Not -Throw # Succeed with no variables
It 'Check default variables' {
{{ $PSCulture, $PSUICulture, $true, $false, $null}.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, $null, $false) } | Should -Not -Throw
It 'Check default variables' {
{ {2+$a}.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, $null, $false) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParseException'
It 'Check union of default + one allowed variables' {
{ { 2 + $a }.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list a), $false) } | Should -Not -Throw # succeed
It 'Check union of default + two allowed variables' {
{ { $a + $b }.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list a b), $false) } | Should -Not -Throw # succeed
It 'Check union of default + allowed variables' {
{ { $PSCulture, $PSUICulture, $true, $false, $null, $a, $b}.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list a b), $false) } | Should -Not -Throw
It 'Check union of default + one disallowed variables' {
{ { $a + $b + $c }.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list a b), $false) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParseException'
It 'Check union of default + one allowed variable and but not allow environment variable' {
{ { 2 + $a + $env:foo }.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list a), $false) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParseException'
It 'Check union of default + one allowed variable name and allow environment variable ' {
{{ 2 + $a + $env:foo }.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list a), $true)} | Should -Not -Throw # succeed
It 'Check that wildcard allows env even if the flag is set to false' {
{ { 2 + $a + $b + $c + $env:foo }.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, (list *), $false)} | Should -Not -Throw # succeed
It 'Check for restricted commands' {
{ {Get-Date}.CheckRestrictedLangauge($null, $null, $false) } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'MethodNotFound'
It 'Check for allowed commands and variables' {
{ { Get-Process | where name -Match $pattern | foreach $prop }.CheckRestrictedLanguage(
(list get-process where foreach),
(list prop pattern)
, $false) } | Should -Not -Throw