
143 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Line endings' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$lf = "`n"
$cr = "`r"
$dq = "`""
$sq = "'"
$hereDB = "@`""
$hereDE = "`"@"
$hereSB = "@'"
$hereSE = "'@"
$testData = @(
Name = 'CR in single quotes here-string';
NewLine = $cr
Begin = $hereSB+$cr;
End = $cr + $hereSE
Name = 'LF in single quotes here-string';
NewLine = $lf
Begin = $hereSB+$lf;
End = $lf + $hereSE
Name = 'CRLF in single quotes here-string';
NewLine = $cr+$lf
Begin = $hereSB+$cr+$lf;
End = $cr+$lf + $hereSE
Name = 'CR in double quotes here string';
Begin = $hereDB + $cr;
NewLine = $cr
End = $cr + $hereDE
Name = 'LF in double quotes here string';
Begin = $hereDB + $lf;
NewLine = $lf
End = $lf + $hereDE
Name = 'CRLF in double quotes here string';
Begin = $hereDB + $cr + $lf;
NewLine = $cr + $lf
End = $cr + $lf + $hereDE
Name = 'CR in double quotes here string';
Begin = $hereDB + $cr;
NewLine = $cr
End = $cr + $hereDE
Name = 'Lf in double quotes here string';
Begin = $hereDB + $lf;
NewLine = $lf
End = $lf + $hereDE
Name = 'CRLF in double quotes here string';
Begin = $hereDB + $cr + $lf;
NewLine = $cr + $lf
End = $cr + $lf + $hereDE
Name = 'CR in single quotes string';
Begin = $sq;
NewLine = $cr
End = $sq
Name = 'LF in single quotes string';
Begin = $sq;
NewLine = $lf
End = $sq
Name = 'CRLF in single quotes string';
Begin = $sq;
NewLine = $cr + $lf
End = $sq
Name = 'CR in double quotes string';
Begin = $dq;
NewLine = $cr
End = $dq
Name = 'LF in double quotes string';
Begin = $dq;
NewLine = $lf
End = $dq
Name = 'CRLF in double quotes string';
Begin = $dq;
NewLine = $cr + $lf
End = $dq
It '<Name> in expression' -TestCases:$testData {
param([string]$Name, $Begin, $End, $NewLine)
# build the content string
$expected = "This$($newline)is$($newline)a$($newline)multi$($newline)line$($newline)string"
# wrap the content in the specified begin and end quoting characters.
$content = "$($Begin)$($expected)$($End)"
$actual = Invoke-Expression $content
# $actual should be the content string ($expected) without the begin and end quoting characters.
$actual | Should -BeExactly $expected
It '<Name> in ps file' -TestCases:$testData {
param([string]$Name, $Begin, $End)
$fileName = $Name.Replace(' ', '') + '.ps1'
# build the content string
$expected = "This$($newline)is$($newline)a$($newline)multi$($newline)line$($newline)string"
# wrap the content in the specified begin and end quoting characters.
$content = "$($Begin)$($expected)$($End)"
# BUG: Set-Content is failing on linux if the file does not exit.
$null = New-Item -Path TESTDRIVE:$fileName -Force
$content | Set-Content -NoNewline -Encoding ascii -Path TESTDRIVE:\$fileName
$actual = &( "TESTDRIVE:\$fileName")
# $actual should be the content string ($expected) without the begin and end quoting characters.
$actual | Should -BeExactly $expected
$test = @"