
716 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Describe 'get-help HelpFunc1' -Tags "Feature" {
BeforeAll {
function TestHelpError {
[string] $expectedError
It 'Help result should be $null' { $x | Should -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$e.Count' { $e.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 }
It 'FullyQualifiedErrorId' { $e[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly $expectedError }
function TestHelpFunc1 {
param( $x )
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "A relatively useless function." }
It '$x.Description' { $x.Description[0].Text | Should -BeExactly "A description`n`n with indented text and a blank line." }
It '$x.alertSet.alert' { $x.alertSet.alert[0].Text | Should -BeExactly "This function is mostly harmless." }
It '$x.relatedLinks.navigationLink[0].uri' { $x.relatedLinks.navigationLink[0].uri | Should -BeExactly "https://blogs.msdn.com/powershell" }
It '$x.relatedLinks.navigationLink[1].linkText' { $x.relatedLinks.navigationLink[1].linkText | Should -BeExactly "other commands" }
It '$x.examples.example.code' { $x.examples.example.code | Should -BeExactly "If you need an example, you're hopeless." }
It '$x.inputTypes.inputType.type.name' { $x.inputTypes.inputType.type.name | Should -BeExactly "Anything you like." }
It '$x.returnValues.returnValue.type.name' { $x.returnValues.returnValue.type.name | Should -BeExactly "Nothing." }
It '$x.Component' { $x.Component | Should -BeExactly "Something" }
It '$x.Role' { $x.Role | Should -BeExactly "CrazyUser" }
It '$x.Functionality' { $x.Functionality | Should -BeExactly "Useless" }
# A relatively useless function.
# A description
# with indented text and a blank line.
# This function is mostly harmless.
# https://blogs.msdn.com/powershell
# other commands
# If you need an example, you're hopeless.
# Anything you like.
# Nothing.
# Something
# CrazyUser
# Useless
function helpFunc1 {}
Set-Item function:dynamicHelpFunc1 -Value {
# A relatively useless function.
# A description
# with indented text and a blank line.
# This function is mostly harmless.
# https://blogs.msdn.com/powershell
# other commands
# If you need an example, you're hopeless.
# Anything you like.
# Nothing.
# Something
# CrazyUser
# Useless
process { }
Context 'Get-Help helpFunc1' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1
TestHelpFunc1 $x
Context 'Get-Help dynamicHelpFunc1' {
$x = Get-Help dynamicHelpFunc1
TestHelpFunc1 $x
Context 'get-help helpFunc1 -component blah' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1 -Component blah -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
TestHelpError $x $e 'HelpNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetHelpCommand'
Context 'get-help helpFunc1 -component Something' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1 -Component Something -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
TestHelpFunc1 $x
It '$e should be empty' { $e.Count | Should -Be 0 }
Context 'get-help helpFunc1 -role blah' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1 -Component blah -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
TestHelpError $x $e 'HelpNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetHelpCommand'
Context 'get-help helpFunc1 -role CrazyUser' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1 -Role CrazyUser -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
TestHelpFunc1 $x
It '$e should be empty' { $e.Count | Should -Be 0 }
Context '$x = get-help helpFunc1 -functionality blah' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1 -Functionality blah -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
TestHelpError $x $e 'HelpNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetHelpCommand'
Context '$x = get-help helpFunc1 -functionality Useless' {
$x = Get-Help helpFunc1 -Functionality Useless -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
TestHelpFunc1 $x
It '$e should be empty' { $e.Count | Should -Be 0 }
Describe 'get-help file' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
try {
$tmpfile = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension([IO.Path]::GetTempFileName(), "ps1")
} catch {
AfterAll {
Remove-Item $tmpfile -Force -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
Context 'get-help file1' {
# Function help, not script help
function foo
get-help foo
'@ > $tmpfile
$x = Get-Help $tmpfile
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
$x = & $tmpfile
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly 'Function help, not script help' }
Context 'get-help file2' {
# Note - 2 blank lines below are intentional, do not delete
# Script help, not function help
function foo
get-help foo
'@ > $tmpfile
$x = Get-Help $tmpfile
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly 'Script help, not function help' }
$x = & $tmpfile
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
Describe 'get-help other tests' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
try {
$tempFile = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension([IO.Path]::GetTempFileName(), "ps1")
} catch {
AfterAll {
Remove-Item $tempFile -Force -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
Context 'get-help missingHelp' {
# Blank lines here are important, do not adjust the formatting, remove blank lines, etc.
This help block doesn't belong to any function because it is more than 1 line away from the function.
function missingHelp { param($abc) }
$x = Get-Help missingHelp
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis.Trim() | Should -BeExactly 'missingHelp [[-abc] <Object>]' }
Context 'get-help helpFunc2' {
This help block goes on helpFunc2
function helpFunc2 { param($abc) }
$x = Get-Help helpFunc2
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis.Trim() | Should -BeExactly 'This help block goes on helpFunc2' }
Context 'get-help file and get-help helpFunc2' {
$script = @"
This is script help
This is function help for helpFunc2
function helpFunc2 {}
get-help helpFunc2
Set-Content $tempFile $script
$x = Get-Help $tempFile
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "This is script help" }
$x = & $tempFile
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "This is function help for helpFunc2" }
Context 'get-help file and get-help helpFunc2' {
$script = @"
# This is script help
# This is function help for helpFunc2
function helpFunc2 {}
get-help helpFunc2
Set-Content $tempFile $script
$x = Get-Help $tempFile
It $x.Synopsis { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "This is script help" }
$x = & $tempFile
It $x.Synopsis { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "This is function help for helpFunc2" }
Context 'get-help psuedo file' {
$script = @'
# Psuedo-Copyright header comment
#requires -version 2.0
# .Synopsis
# Changes Admin passwords across all KDE servers.
Set-Content $tempFile $script
$x = Get-Help $tempFile
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "Changes Admin passwords across all KDE servers." }
It '$x.parameters.parameter[0].required' { $x.parameters.parameter[0].required | Should -BeTrue}
It '$x.syntax.syntaxItem[0].parameter.required' { $x.syntax.syntaxItem[0].parameter.required | Should -BeTrue}
It '$x.syntax.syntaxItem[0].parameter.parameterValue.required' { $x.syntax.syntaxItem[0].parameter.parameterValue.required | Should -BeTrue}
It 'Common parameters should not be appear in the syntax' { $x.Syntax -like "*verbose*" | Should -BeFalse }
It 'Common parameters should not be in syntax maml' {@($x.syntax.syntaxItem[0].parameter).Count | Should -Be 1}
It 'Common parameters should also not appear in parameters maml' { $x.parameters.parameter.Count | Should -Be 2}
It 'helpFunc3 -?' {
function helpFunc3()
# A synopsis of helpFunc3.
$x = helpFunc3 -?
$x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "A synopsis of helpFunc3."
It 'get-help helpFunc4' {
function helpFunc4()
$x = Get-Help helpFunc4
$x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly ""
Context 'get-help helpFunc5' {
function helpFunc5
# .EXTERNALHELP scriptHelp.Tests.xml
$x = Get-Help helpFunc5
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "A useless function, really." }
Context 'get-help helpFunc6 script help xml' {
function helpFunc6
# .EXTERNALHELP scriptHelp1.xml
if ($PSUICulture -ieq "en-us")
$x = Get-Help helpFunc6
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "Useless. Really, trust me on this one." }
Context 'get-help helpFunc6 script help xml' {
function helpFunc6
# .EXTERNALHELP newbase/scriptHelp1.xml
if ($PSUICulture -ieq "en-us")
$x = Get-Help helpFunc6
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly "Useless in newbase. Really, trust me on this one." }
Context 'get-help helpFunc7' {
function helpFunc7
$x = Get-Help helpFunc7
It '$x.Name' { $x.Name | Should -BeExactly 'Get-Help' }
It '$x.Category' { $x.Category | Should -BeExactly 'Cmdlet' }
# Make sure help is a function, or the test would fail
if ($null -ne (Get-Command -type Function help))
if ((Get-Content function:help) -Match "FORWARDHELP")
$x = Get-Help help
It '$x.Name' { $x.Name | Should -BeExactly 'Get-Help' }
It '$x.Category' { $x.Category | Should -BeExactly 'Cmdlet' }
Context 'get-help helpFunc8' {
function func8
# Help on helpFunc8, not func8
function helpFunc8
Get-Help helpFunc8
$x = Get-Help func8
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
$x = func8
It '$x.Synopsis' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly 'Help on helpFunc8, not func8' }
Context 'get-help helpFunc9' {
function helpFunc9
# Help on helpFunc9, not func9
function func9
Get-Help func9
$x = Get-Help helpFunc9
It 'help is on the outer functon' { $x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly 'Help on helpFunc9, not func9' }
$x = helpFunc9
It '$x should not be $null' { $x | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It 'get-help helpFunc10' {
# Help on helpFunc10
function helpFunc10
$x = Get-Help helpFunc10
$x.Synopsis | Should -BeExactly 'Help on helpFunc10'
Context 'get-help helpFunc11' {
function helpFunc11
# .Synopsis
# useless, sorry
# not in help
<# abc #><# help #> [parameter()] [string]
# def help
# ghi help
# jkl help
<#mno help#>$mno,
<#pqr help#>[int]$pqr
$x = Get-Help helpFunc11 -det
$x.Parameters.parameter | ForEach-Object {
It '$_.description' { $_.description[0].text | Should -Match "^$($_.Name)\s+help" }
Context 'get-help helpFunc12' {
# Test case w/ cmdlet binding, but no parameter sets.
function helpFunc12 {
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Name,
[string]$Extension = "txt",
$name = $name + "." + $extension
Adds a file name extension to a supplied name.
PS>helpFunc12 -Name foo
Adds .txt to foo
C:\PS>helpFunc12 bar txt
Adds .txt to bar
$x = Get-Help helpFunc12
It '$x.syntax' { ($x.syntax | Out-String -Width 250) | Should -Match "helpFunc12 \[-Name] <String> \[\[-Extension] <String>] \[\[-NoType] <Object>] \[-ASwitch] \[\[-AnEnum] \{Alias.*All}] \[<CommonParameters>]" }
It '$x.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter[3].position' { $x.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter[3].position | Should -BeExactly 'named' }
It '$x.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter[3].parameterValue' { $x.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter[3].parameterValue | Should -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.parameters.parameter[3].parameterValue' { $x.parameters.parameter[3].parameterValue | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter[4].parameterValueGroup' { $x.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter[4].parameterValueGroup | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.parameters.parameter[4].parameterValueGroup' { $x.parameters.parameter[4].parameterValueGroup | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.examples.example[0].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[0].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly 'PS>' }
It '$x.examples.example[0].code' { $x.examples.example[0].code | Should -BeExactly 'helpFunc12 -Name foo' }
It '$x.examples.example[0].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[0].remarks[0].text | Should -BeExactly 'Adds .txt to foo' }
It '$x.examples.example[0].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[0].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }
It '$x.examples.example[1].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[1].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly 'C:\PS>' }
It '$x.examples.example[1].code' { $x.examples.example[1].code | Should -BeExactly 'helpFunc12 bar txt' }
It '$x.examples.example[1].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[1].remarks[0].text | Should -BeExactly 'Adds .txt to bar' }
It '$x.examples.example[1].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[1].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }
Context 'get-help helpFunc12' {
function helpFunc13
empty synopsis
$p2 = 42,
[PSDefaultValue(Help="parameter is mandatory")]
$p3 = $(throw "parameter p3 is not specified")
$x = Get-Help helpFunc13
It '$x.Parameters.parameter[0].globbing' { $x.Parameters.parameter[0].globbing | Should -BeExactly 'true' }
It '$x.Parameters.parameter[1].defaultValue' { $x.Parameters.parameter[1].defaultValue | Should -BeExactly '42' }
It '$x.Parameters.parameter[2].defaultValue' { $x.Parameters.parameter[2].defaultValue | Should -BeExactly 'parameter is mandatory' }
Context 'get-help helpFunc14' {
function helpFunc14
$x = Get-Help helpFunc14
It '$x.Parameters.parameter[0].globbing' { $x.Parameters.parameter[0].globbing | Should -BeExactly 'true' }
Context 'get-help helpFunc15' {
function helpFunc15
$x = Get-Help helpFunc15
It '$x.Parameters.parameter[0].globbing' { $x.Parameters.parameter[0].globbing | Should -BeExactly 'false' }
Context 'get-help -Examples prompt string should have trailing space' {
function foo {
foo bar
It 'prompt should be exactly "PS > " with trailing space' {
(Get-Help foo -Examples).examples.example.introduction.Text | Should -BeExactly "PS > "
Context 'get-help -Examples multi-line code block should be handled' {
function foo {
$a = Get-Service
$a | group Status
PS> $a = Get-Service
PS> $a | group Status
PS> Get-Service
PS> Get-Service
Second line.
PS> Get-Service
Next section.
$x = Get-Help foo
It '$x.examples.example[0].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[0].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly "PS > " }
It '$x.examples.example[0].code' { $x.examples.example[0].code | Should -BeExactly "`$a = Get-Service`n`$a | group Status" }
It '$x.examples.example[0].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[0].remarks[0].text | Should -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.examples.example[0].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[0].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }
It '$x.examples.example[1].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[1].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly "PS>" }
It '$x.examples.example[1].code' { $x.examples.example[1].code | Should -BeExactly "`$a = Get-Service`nPS> `$a | group Status" }
It '$x.examples.example[1].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[1].remarks[0].text | Should -BeExactly "Explanation." }
It '$x.examples.example[1].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[1].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }
It '$x.examples.example[2].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[2].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly "PS>" }
It '$x.examples.example[2].code' { $x.examples.example[2].code | Should -BeExactly "Get-Service`nOutput" }
It '$x.examples.example[2].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[2].remarks[0].text | Should -BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$x.examples.example[2].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[2].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }
It '$x.examples.example[3].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[3].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly "PS>" }
It '$x.examples.example[3].code' { $x.examples.example[3].code | Should -BeExactly "Get-Service`nOutput" }
It '$x.examples.example[3].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[3].remarks[0].text | Should -BeExactly "Explanation.`nSecond line." }
It '$x.examples.example[3].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[3].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }
It '$x.examples.example[4].introduction[0].text' { $x.examples.example[4].introduction[0].text | Should -BeExactly "PS>" }
It '$x.examples.example[4].code' { $x.examples.example[4].code | Should -BeExactly "Get-Service`nOutput" }
It '$x.examples.example[4].remarks[0].text' { $x.examples.example[4].remarks[0].text | Should -BeExactly "Explanation.`n`nNext section." }
It '$x.examples.example[4].remarks.length' { $x.examples.example[4].remarks.length | Should -Be 5 }