James Truher 9e225ccae2 changes tags for tests
Start using tags CI, Feature, Scenario
2016-07-27 12:06:51 -07:00

23 lines
1 KiB

Describe 'conversion syntax' -Tags "CI" {
# these test suite covers ([<type>]<expression>).<method>() syntax.
# it mixes two purposes: casting and super-class method calls.
It 'converts array of single enum to bool' {
# This test relies on the fact that [ConsoleColor]::Black is 0 and all other values are non-zero
[bool]@([ConsoleColor]::Black) | Should Be $false
[bool]@([ConsoleColor]::Yellow) | Should Be $true
It 'calls virtual method non-virtually' {
([object]"abc").ToString() | Should Be "System.String"
# generate random string to avoid JIT optimization
$r = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
([object]($r + "a")).Equals(($r + "a")) | Should Be $false
It 'calls method on a super-type, when conversion syntax used' {
# This test relies on the fact that there are overloads (at least 2) for ToString method.
([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]"Stop").ToString() | Should Be "Stop"