
380 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Get-Module -ListAvailable" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$originalPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.1" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Download" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Too" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Az" -Force > $null
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.1\Foo.psd1" -ModuleVersion 1.1
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0\Foo.psd1" -ModuleVersion 2.0
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Az\Az.psd1" -ModuleVersion 1.1
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.1\Foo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0\Foo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Download\Download.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Too\Zoo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Az\Az.psm1" > $null
$fullyQualifiedPathTestCases = @(
@{ ModPath = "$TestDrive/Modules\Foo"; Name = 'Foo'; Version = '2.0'; Count = 1 }
@{ ModPath = "$TestDrive\Modules/Foo\1.1/Foo.psd1"; Name = 'Foo'; Version = '1.1'; Count = 1 }
@{ ModPath = "$TestDrive\Modules/Bar.psd1"; Name = 'Bar'; Version = '0.0'; Count = 1 }
@{ ModPath = "$TestDrive\Modules\Zoo\Too\Zoo.psm1"; Name = 'Zoo'; Version = '0.0'; Count = 1 }
$listModuleNameTestCases = @(
Name = 'Foo'
TestCaseName = 'Match case'
ExpectedName = 'Foo'
ModuleVersion = '2.0'
Name = 'foo'
TestCaseName = 'Mismatched case'
ExpectedName = 'Foo'
ModuleVersion = '2.0'
$loadedModuleNameTestCases = @(
Name = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Managemen*'
TestCaseName = 'Wildcard'
ExpectedName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management'
ModuleVersion = ''
Name = 'microsoft.powershell.managemen*'
TestCaseName = 'Mismatched case'
ExpectedName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management'
ModuleVersion = ''
$env:PSModulePath = Join-Path $testdrive "Modules"
AfterAll {
$env:PSModulePath = $originalPSModulePath
It "Get-Module -ListAvailable" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable
$modules.Count | Should -Be 5
$modules = $modules | Sort-Object -Property Name, Version
$modules.Name -join "," | Should -BeExactly "Az,Bar,Foo,Foo,Zoo"
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be "1.1"
$modules[1].Version | Should -Be "0.0.1"
$modules[2].Version | Should -Be '1.1'
$modules[3].Version | Should -Be '2.0'
It "Get-Module <Name> -ListAvailable" {
$modules = Get-Module F* -ListAvailable
$modules.Count | Should -Be 2
$modules = $modules | Sort-Object -Property Version
$modules.Name -join "," | Should -BeExactly "Foo,Foo"
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be "1.1"
$modules[1].Version | Should -Be "2.0"
It "Get-Module -ListAvailable -All" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -All
$modules.Count | Should -Be 12
$modules = $modules | Sort-Object -Property Name, Path
$modules.Name -join "," | Should -BeExactly "Az,Az,Bar,Bar,Download,Foo,Foo,Foo,Foo,Zoo,Zoo,Zoo"
$modules[0].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Manifest"
$modules[1].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[2].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Manifest"
$modules[3].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[4].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[5].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Manifest"
$modules[5].Version | Should -Be "1.1"
$modules[6].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[7].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Manifest"
$modules[7].Version | Should -Be "2.0"
$modules[8].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[9].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[9].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Too\Zoo.psm1").Path
$modules[10].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Manifest"
$modules[10].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psd1").Path
$modules[11].ModuleType | Should -BeExactly "Script"
$modules[11].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psm1").Path
It "Get-Module <Name> -ListAvailable -All" {
$modules = Get-Module down*, zoo -ListAvailable -All
$modules.Count | Should -Be 4
$modules = $modules | Sort-Object -Property Name, Path
$modules.Name -join "," | Should -BeExactly "Download,Zoo,Zoo,Zoo"
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Download\Download.psm1").Path
$modules[1].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Too\Zoo.psm1").Path
$modules[2].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psd1").Path
$modules[3].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psm1").Path
It "Get-Module <Path> -ListAvailable" {
$modules = Get-Module "$testdrive\Modules\*" -ListAvailable
$modules.Count | Should -Be 5
$modules = $modules | Sort-Object -Property Name, Version
$modules.Name -join "," | Should -BeExactly "Az,Bar,Foo,Foo,Zoo"
$modules[2].Version | Should -Be "1.1"
$modules[3].Version | Should -Be '2.0'
It "Get-Module <Path> -ListAvailable -All" {
$modules = Get-Module "$testdrive\Modules\*" -ListAvailable -All
$modules.Count | Should -Be 6
$modules = $modules | Sort-Object -Property Name, Path
$modules.Name -join "," | Should -BeExactly "Az,Bar,Foo,Foo,Zoo,Zoo"
$modules[4].Path | Should -BeExactly (Resolve-Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Too\Zoo.psm1").Path
It "Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = '<Name>' ; ModuleVersion = '<ModuleVersion>'} -ListAvailable - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $listModuleNameTestCases {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$moduleSpecification = @{ModuleName = $name ; ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion}
$modules = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $moduleSpecification -ListAvailable
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules.Name | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedName
$modules.Version | Should -BeExactly $ModuleVersion
It "Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = '<Name>' ; ModuleVersion = '<ModuleVersion>'} - <TestCaseName>" -TestCases $loadedModuleNameTestCases {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$moduleSpecification = @{ModuleName = $name ; ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion}
$modules = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $moduleSpecification
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules.Name | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedName
$modules.Version | Should -BeExactly $ModuleVersion
It "Get-Module <Name> -Refresh -ListAvailable" {
$modules = Get-Module -Name 'Zoo' -ListAvailable
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules.Name | Should -BeExactly "Zoo"
$modules.ExportedFunctions.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because 'No exports were defined'
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Zoo\Zoo.psd1" -FunctionsToExport 'Test-ZooFunction'
$modules = Get-Module -Name 'Zoo' -ListAvailable -Refresh
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules.Name | Should -BeExactly "Zoo"
$modules.ExportedFunctions.Count | Should -Be 1 -Because 'We added a new function to export'
It "Get-Module respects absolute paths in module specifications: <ModPath>" -TestCases $fullyQualifiedPathTestCases {
param([string]$ModPath, [string]$Name, [string]$Version, [int]$Count)
$modSpec = @{
ModuleName = $ModPath
RequiredVersion = $Version
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName $modSpec
$modules | Should -HaveCount $Count
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $Name
$modules.Version | Should -Contain $Version
Context "PSEdition" {
BeforeAll {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\DesktopOnlyModule" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\CoreOnlyModule" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\CoreAndDesktopModule" -Force > $null
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\DesktopOnlyModule\DesktopOnlyModule.psd1" -CompatiblePSEditions Desktop
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\CoreOnlyModule\CoreOnlyModule.psd1" -CompatiblePSEditions Core
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\CoreAndDesktopModule\CoreAndDesktopModule.psd1" -CompatiblePSEditions Core, Desktop
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\DesktopOnlyModule\DesktopOnlyModule.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\CoreOnlyModule\CoreOnlyModule.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\CoreAndDesktopModule\CoreAndDesktopModule.psm1" > $null
It "Get-Module -PSEdition <CompatiblePSEditions> -ListAvailable" -TestCases @(
@{ CompatiblePSEditions = 'Desktop'; ExpectedModule = 'CoreAndDesktopModule', 'DesktopOnlyModule' },
@{ CompatiblePSEditions = 'Core' ; ExpectedModule = 'CoreAndDesktopModule', 'CoreOnlyModule' }
) {
param ($CompatiblePSEditions, $ExpectedModule)
$modules = Get-Module -PSEdition $CompatiblePSEditions -ListAvailable
$modules | Should -HaveCount $ExpectedModule.Count
$modules.Name | Sort-Object | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedModule
Context "Module analysis shouldn't load assembly" {
BeforeAll {
$tempModulePath = Join-Path $TestDrive "TempModules"
$testModuleDir = Join-Path $tempModulePath "MyModuelTest"
$moduleManifest = Join-Path $testModuleDir "MyModuelTest.psd1"
$assemblyPath = Join-Path $testModuleDir "MyModuelTestCommandAssembly.dll"
$null = New-Item $testModuleDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not (Test-Path $moduleManifest))
Set-Content $moduleManifest -Value @'
RootModule = 'MyModuelTestCommandAssembly.dll'
ModuleVersion = '0.0.1'
GUID = '5776ed43-1607-4e64-be76-acacdf8e9c8c'
FunctionsToExport = @()
CmdletsToExport = @("Get-Test")
AliasesToExport = @()
$code = @'
using System.Management.Automation;
[Cmdlet("Get", "Test")]
public class MyModuelTestCommand : PSCmdlet
protected override void ProcessRecord()
if (-not (Test-Path $assemblyPath))
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code -OutputAssembly $assemblyPath
It "'Get-Module -ListAvailable' should not load the module assembly" {
## $fullName should be null and thus the result should just be the module's name.
$result = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -noprofile -c "`$env:PSModulePath = '$tempModulePath'; `$module = Get-Module -ListAvailable; `$fullName = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object Location -eq $assemblyPath | Foreach-Object FullName; `$module.Name + `$fullName"
$result | Should -BeExactly "MyModuelTest"
Describe 'Get-Module -ListAvailable with path' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$moduleName = 'Banana'
$modulePath = Join-Path $TestDrive $moduleName
$v1 = '1.2.3'
$v2 = '4.8.3'
$v1DirPath = Join-Path $modulePath $v1
$v2DirPath = Join-Path $modulePath $v2
$manifestV1Path = Join-Path $v1DirPath "$moduleName.psd1"
$manifestV2Path = Join-Path $v2DirPath "$moduleName.psd1"
New-Item -ItemType Directory $modulePath
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $v1DirPath
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $v2DirPath
New-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestV1Path -ModuleVersion $v1
New-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestV2Path -ModuleVersion $v2
It "Gets all versions by path" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable $modulePath | Sort-Object -Property Version
$modules | Should -HaveCount 2
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV1Path
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be $v1
$modules[1].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[1].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV2Path
$modules[1].Version | Should -Be $v2
It "Gets all versions by FullyQualifiedName with path with lower version" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ ModuleName = $modulePath; ModuleVersion = '0.0' } | Sort-Object -Property Version
$modules | Should -HaveCount 2
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV1Path
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be $v1
$modules[1].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[1].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV2Path
$modules[1].Version | Should -Be $v2
It "Gets high version by FullyQualifiedName with path with high version" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ ModuleName = $modulePath; ModuleVersion = '2.0' } | Sort-Object -Property Version
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV2Path
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be $v2
It "Gets low version by FullyQualifiedName with path with low maximum version" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ ModuleName = $modulePath; MaximumVersion = '2.0' } | Sort-Object -Property Version
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV1Path
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be $v1
It "Gets low version by FullyQualifiedName with path with low maximum version and version" {
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ ModuleName = $modulePath; MaximumVersion = '2.0'; ModuleVersion = '1.0' } | Sort-Object -Property Version
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly $manifestV1Path
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be $v1
It "Gets correct version by FullyQualifiedName with path with required version" -TestCases @(
@{ Version = $v1 }
@{ Version = $v2 }
) {
switch ($Version)
$expectedPath = $manifestV1Path
$expectedPath = $manifestV2Path
$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ ModuleName = $modulePath; RequiredVersion = $Version }
$modules | Should -HaveCount 1
$modules[0].Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$modules[0].Path | Should -BeExactly $expectedPath
$modules[0].Version | Should -Be $Version