Dongbo Wang dc9b326587 Fix issue #1609 - Get-PSSession -computername fails on nano
Root cause: Microsoft.WSMan.Management  and  Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics  are not put in the default snapin list for win-ops, and thus when a runspace is created using RunspaceConfiguration, those 2 are not loaded as snapins by default, which is a behavior change compared to Nano PS.
Fix: Replace the guard 'PORTABLE' to be 'UNIX' so that they are in the default snapin list when targeting windows platform.
2016-08-05 11:20:14 -07:00

16 lines
575 B

Describe 'Basic engine APIs' -Tags "CI" {
Context 'powershell::Create' {
It 'can create default instance' {
[powershell]::Create() | Should Not Be $null
It "can load the default snapin 'Microsoft.WSMan.Management'" -skip:(-not $IsWindows) {
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.AddScript("Get-Command -Name Test-WSMan") > $null
$result = $ps.Invoke()
$result.Count | Should Be 1
$result[0].PSSnapIn.Name | Should Be "Microsoft.WSMan.Management"