
368 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Experimental Feature Basic Tests - Feature-Disabled" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$skipTest = $EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Contains('ExpTest.FeatureOne')
if ($skipTest) {
Write-Verbose "Test Suite Skipped. The test suite requires the experimental feature 'ExpTest.FeatureOne' to be disabled." -Verbose
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
} else {
$TestModule = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "assets" "ExpTest"
$AssemblyPath = Join-Path $TestModule "ExpTest.dll"
if (-not (Test-Path $AssemblyPath)) {
$SourcePath = Join-Path $TestModule "ExpTest.cs"
Add-Type -Path $SourcePath -OutputType Library -OutputAssembly $AssemblyPath
$moduleInfo = Import-Module $TestModule -PassThru
AfterAll {
if ($skipTest) {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
} else {
Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $moduleInfo -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "No experimental features is enabled" {
$EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Replace existing command <Name> - version one should be shown" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Invoke-AzureFunction"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Invoke-AzureFunctionCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
$command.Source | Should -BeExactly $moduleInfo.Name
& $Name -Token "Token" -Command "Command" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-AzureFunction Version ONE"
if ($CommandType -eq "Function") {
$expectedErrorId = "CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand"
{ Get-Command "Invoke-AzureFunctionV2" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $expectedErrorId
{ & $moduleInfo { Get-Command "Invoke-AzureFunctionV2" -ErrorAction Stop } } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $expectedErrorId
It "Experimental parameter set - '<Name>' should NOT have '-SwitchOne' and '-SwitchTwo'" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Get-GreetingMessage"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Get-GreetingMessageCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-Name'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 12
& $Name -Name Joe | Should -BeExactly "Hello World Joe."
It "Experimental parameter set - '<Name>' should NOT have 'WebSocket' parameter set" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Invoke-MyCommand"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Invoke-MyCommandCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-UserName', '-ComputerName', '-ConfigurationName', '-VMName', '-Port', '-ThrottleLimit' and '-Command'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 18
$command.ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["UserName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["UserName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("ComputerSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ComputerName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ComputerName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("ComputerSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ConfigurationName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ConfigurationName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("ComputerSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["VMName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["VMName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("VMSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Port"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["Port"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("VMSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ThrottleLimit"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ThrottleLimit"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Command"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["Command"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
## 11 common parameters + '-UserName', '-ComputerName', '-ConfigurationName', '-ThrottleLimit' and '-Command'
$command.ParameterSets[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "ComputerSet"
$command.ParameterSets[0].Parameters.Count | Should -Be 16
## 11 common parameters + '-VMName', '-Port', '-ThrottleLimit' and '-Command'
$command.ParameterSets[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "VMSet"
$command.ParameterSets[1].Parameters.Count | Should -Be 15
& $Name -UserName "user" -ComputerName "localhost" -ConfigurationName "config" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with ComputerSet"
& $Name -VMName "VM" -Port "80" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with VMSet"
It "Experimental parameter set - '<Name>' should have '-SessionName' only" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Test-MyRemoting"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyRemotingCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-SessionName'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 12
$command.Parameters["SessionName"].ParameterType.FullName | Should -BeExactly "System.String"
$command.Parameters.ContainsKey("ComputerName") | Should -Be $false
It "Use 'Experimental' attribute directly on parameters - '<Name>'" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Save-MyFile"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Save-MyFileCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-ByUrl', '-ByRadio', '-FileName', '-Configuration'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 15
$command.ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["ByUrl"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ByUrl"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("UrlSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ByRadio"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ByRadio"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("RadioSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Configuration"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["Configuration"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("UrlSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Configuration"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("RadioSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["FileName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["FileName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters.ContainsKey("Destination") | Should -Be $false
It "Dynamic parameters - <CommandType>-<Name>" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamOne"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamOneCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamTwo"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamTwoCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-Name' (dynamic parameters are not triggered)
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 12
$command.Parameters["Name"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$command = Get-Command $Name -ArgumentList "Joe"
## 11 common parameters + '-Name' and '-ConfigName' (dynamic parameters are triggered)
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 13
$command.Parameters["ConfigName"].Attributes.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["ConfigName"].Attributes[0] | Should -BeOfType [parameter]
$command.Parameters["ConfigName"].Attributes[1] | Should -BeOfType [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]
$command.Parameters.ContainsKey("ConfigFile") | Should -Be $false
Describe "Experimental Feature Basic Tests - Feature-Enabled" -Tag "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$skipTest = -not $EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Contains('ExpTest.FeatureOne')
if ($skipTest) {
Write-Verbose "Test Suite Skipped. The test suite requires the experimental feature 'ExpTest.FeatureOne' to be enabled." -Verbose
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
} else {
$TestModule = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "assets" "ExpTest"
$AssemblyPath = Join-Path $TestModule "ExpTest.dll"
if (-not (Test-Path $AssemblyPath)) {
$SourcePath = Join-Path $TestModule "ExpTest.cs"
Add-Type -Path $SourcePath -OutputType Library -OutputAssembly $AssemblyPath
$moduleInfo = Import-Module $TestModule -PassThru
AfterAll {
if ($skipTest) {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
} else {
Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $moduleInfo -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Experimental feature 'ExpTest.FeatureOne' should be enabled" {
$EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Count | Should -Be 1
$EnabledExperimentalFeatures -contains "ExpTest.FeatureOne" | Should -Be $true
It "Replace existing command <Name> - version two should be shown" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Invoke-AzureFunction"; CommandType = "Alias" }
@{ Name = "Invoke-AzureFunctionCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
$command.Source | Should -BeExactly $moduleInfo.Name
& $Name -Token "Token" -Command "Command" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-AzureFunction Version TWO"
if ($CommandType -eq "Alias") {
$command.Definition | Should -Be "Invoke-AzureFunctionV2"
$expectedErrorId = "CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand"
{ Get-Command "Invoke-AzureFunction" -CommandType Function -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $expectedErrorId
{ & $moduleInfo { Get-Command "Invoke-AzureFunction" -CommandType Function -ErrorAction Stop } } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $expectedErrorId
It "Experimental parameter set - '<Name>' should have '-SwitchOne' and '-SwitchTwo'" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Get-GreetingMessage"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Get-GreetingMessageCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-Name' + '-SwitchOne' + '-SwitchTwo'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 14
$command.ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 3
& $Name -Name Joe | Should -BeExactly "Hello World Joe."
& $Name -Name Joe -SwitchOne | Should -BeExactly "Hello World Joe.-SwitchOne is on."
& $Name -Name Joe -SwitchTwo | Should -BeExactly "Hello World Joe.-SwitchTwo is on."
It "Experimental parameter set - '<Name>' should have 'WebSocket' parameter set" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Invoke-MyCommand"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Invoke-MyCommandCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-UserName', '-ComputerName', '-ConfigurationName', '-VMName', '-Port',
## '-Token', '-WebSocketUrl', '-ThrottleLimit' and '-Command'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 20
$command.ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 3
$command.Parameters["UserName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["UserName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("ComputerSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ComputerName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ComputerName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("ComputerSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["VMName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["VMName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("VMSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Token"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["Token"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("WebSocketSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["WebSocketUrl"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["WebSocketUrl"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("WebSocketSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ConfigurationName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["ConfigurationName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("ComputerSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ConfigurationName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("WebSocketSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Port"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["Port"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("VMSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Port"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("WebSocketSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ThrottleLimit"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ThrottleLimit"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Command"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["Command"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
## 11 common parameters + '-UserName', '-ComputerName', '-ConfigurationName', '-ThrottleLimit' and '-Command'
$command.ParameterSets[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "ComputerSet"
$command.ParameterSets[0].Parameters.Count | Should -Be 16
## 11 common parameters + '-VMName', '-Port', '-ThrottleLimit' and '-Command'
$command.ParameterSets[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "VMSet"
$command.ParameterSets[1].Parameters.Count | Should -Be 15
## 11 common parameters + '-Token', '-WebSocketUrl', '-ConfigurationName', '-Port', '-ThrottleLimit', '-Command'
$command.ParameterSets[2].Name | Should -BeExactly "WebSocketSet"
$command.ParameterSets[2].Parameters.Count | Should -Be 17
& $Name -UserName "user" -ComputerName "localhost" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with ComputerSet"
& $Name -UserName "user" -ComputerName "localhost" -ConfigurationName "config" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with ComputerSet"
& $Name -VMName "VM" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with VMSet"
& $Name -VMName "VM" -Port "80" | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with VMSet"
& $Name -Token "token" -WebSocketUrl 'url' | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with WebSocketSet"
& $Name -Token "token" -WebSocketUrl 'url' -ConfigurationName 'config' -Port 80 | Should -BeExactly "Invoke-MyCommand with WebSocketSet"
It "Experimental parameter set - '<Name>' should have '-ComputerName' only" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Test-MyRemoting"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyRemotingCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-ComputerName'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 12
$command.Parameters["ComputerName"].ParameterType.FullName | Should -BeExactly "System.String"
$command.Parameters.ContainsKey("SessionName") | Should -Be $false
It "Use 'Experimental' attribute directly on parameters - '<Name>'" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Save-MyFile"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Save-MyFileCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-ByUrl', '-ByRadio', '-FileName', '-Destination'
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 15
$command.ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["ByUrl"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ByUrl"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("UrlSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["ByRadio"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["ByRadio"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("RadioSet") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["Destination"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["Destination"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters["FileName"].ParameterSets.Count | Should -Be 1
$command.Parameters["FileName"].ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets") | Should -Be $true
$command.Parameters.ContainsKey("Configuration") | Should -Be $false
It "Dynamic parameters - <CommandType>-<Name>" -TestCases @(
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamOne"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamOneCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamTwo"; CommandType = "Function" }
@{ Name = "Test-MyDynamicParamTwoCSharp"; CommandType = "Cmdlet" }
) {
param($Name, $CommandType)
$command = Get-Command $Name
$command.CommandType | Should -Be $CommandType
## 11 common parameters + '-Name' (dynamic parameters are not triggered)
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 12
$command.Parameters["Name"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$command = Get-Command $Name -ArgumentList "Joe"
## 11 common parameters + '-Name' and '-ConfigFile' (dynamic parameters are triggered)
$command.Parameters.Count | Should -Be 13
$command.Parameters["ConfigFile"].Attributes.Count | Should -Be 2
$command.Parameters["ConfigFile"].Attributes[0] | Should -BeOfType [parameter]
$command.Parameters["ConfigFile"].Attributes[1] | Should -BeOfType [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]
$command.Parameters.ContainsKey("ConfigName") | Should -Be $false