
615 lines
94 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Verify approved aliases list" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$FullCLR = !$isCoreCLR
$CoreWindows = $isCoreCLR -and $IsWindows
$CoreUnix = $isCoreCLR -and !$IsWindows
$isPreview = $PSVersionTable.GitCommitId.Contains("preview")
if ($IsWindows) {
$configPath = Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath 'Documents' -AdditionalChildPath 'PowerShell'
else {
$configPath = Join-Path -Path $env:HOME -ChildPath '.config' -AdditionalChildPath 'powershell'
if (Test-Path "$configPath/powershell.config.json") {
Move-Item -Path "$configPath/powershell.config.json" -Destination "$configPath/powershell.config.json.backup"
$AllScope = '[System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::AllScope'
$ReadOnly = '[System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::ReadOnly'
$None = '[System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::None'
$commandString = @"
"CommandType", "Name", "Definition", "Present", "ReadOnlyOption", "AllScopeOption", "ConfirmImpact"
"Alias", "%", "ForEach-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "?", "Where-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "ac", "Add-Content", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "asnp", "Add-PSSnapIn", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "cat", "Get-Content", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "cd", "Set-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "CFS", "ConvertFrom-String", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "chdir", "Set-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "clc", "Clear-Content", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "clear", "Clear-Host", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "clhy", "Clear-History", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "cli", "Clear-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "clp", "Clear-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "cls", "Clear-Host", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "clv", "Clear-Variable", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "cnsn", "Connect-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "compare", "Compare-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "copy", "Copy-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "cp", "Copy-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "cpi", "Copy-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "cpp", "Copy-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "curl", "Invoke-WebRequest", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "cvpa", "Convert-Path", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "dbp", "Disable-PSBreakpoint", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "del", "Remove-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "diff", "Compare-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "dir", "Get-ChildItem", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "dnsn", "Disconnect-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ebp", "Enable-PSBreakpoint", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "echo", "Write-Output", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "epal", "Export-Alias", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "epcsv", "Export-Csv", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "epsn", "Export-PSSession", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "erase", "Remove-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "etsn", "Enter-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "exsn", "Exit-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "fc", "Format-Custom", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "fhx", "Format-Hex", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "fl", "Format-List", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "foreach", "ForEach-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "ft", "Format-Table", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "fw", "Format-Wide", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gal", "Get-Alias", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gbp", "Get-PSBreakpoint", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gc", "Get-Content", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gcb", "Get-Clipboard", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "gci", "Get-ChildItem", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gcm", "Get-Command", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gcs", "Get-PSCallStack", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gdr", "Get-PSDrive", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gerr", "Get-Error", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ghy", "Get-History", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gi", "Get-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gin", "Get-ComputerInfo", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "gjb", "Get-Job", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "gl", "Get-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gm", "Get-Member", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gmo", "Get-Module", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gp", "Get-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gps", "Get-Process", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gpv", "Get-ItemPropertyValue", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "group", "Group-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gsn", "Get-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "gsnp", "Get-PSSnapIn", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gsv", "Get-Service", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gtz", "Get-TimeZone", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "gu", "Get-Unique", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gv", "Get-Variable", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "gwmi", "Get-WmiObject", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "h", "Get-History", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "history", "Get-History", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "icm", "Invoke-Command", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "iex", "Invoke-Expression", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ihy", "Invoke-History", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ii", "Invoke-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ipal", "Import-Alias", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ipcsv", "Import-Csv", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ipmo", "Import-Module", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ipsn", "Import-PSSession", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "irm", "Invoke-RestMethod", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ise", "powershell_ise.exe", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "iwmi", "Invoke-WMIMethod", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "iwr", "Invoke-WebRequest", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "kill", "Stop-Process", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "lp", "Out-Printer", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ls", "Get-ChildItem", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "man", "help", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "md", "mkdir", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "measure", "Measure-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "mi", "Move-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "mount", "New-PSDrive", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "move", "Move-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "mp", "Move-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "mv", "Move-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "nal", "New-Alias", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ndr", "New-PSDrive", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ni", "New-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "nmo", "New-Module", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "npssc", "New-PSSessionConfigurationFile", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "nsn", "New-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "nv", "New-Variable", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "nwsn", "New-PSWorkflowSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "ogv", "Out-GridView", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "oh", "Out-Host", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "popd", "Pop-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "ps", "Get-Process", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "pushd", "Push-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "pwd", "Get-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "r", "Invoke-History", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rbp", "Remove-PSBreakpoint", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rcjb", "Receive-Job", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rcsn", "Receive-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rd", "Remove-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rdr", "Remove-PSDrive", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "ren", "Rename-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "ri", "Remove-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rjb", "Remove-Job", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rm", "Remove-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rmdir", "Remove-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rmo", "Remove-Module", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rni", "Rename-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rnp", "Rename-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rp", "Remove-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rsn", "Remove-PSSession", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rsnp", "Remove-PSSnapin", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rujb", "Resume-Job", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "rv", "Remove-Variable", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rvpa", "Resolve-Path", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "rwmi", "Remove-WMIObject", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sajb", "Start-Job", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "sal", "Set-Alias", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "saps", "Start-Process", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sasv", "Start-Service", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sbp", "Set-PSBreakpoint", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sc", "Set-Content", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "scb", "Set-Clipboard", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "select", "Select-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "set", "Set-Variable", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "shcm", "Show-Command", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "si", "Set-Item", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sl", "Set-Location", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sleep", "Start-Sleep", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sls", "Select-String", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "sort", "Sort-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "sp", "Set-ItemProperty", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "spjb", "Stop-Job", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "spps", "Stop-Process", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "spsv", "Stop-Service", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "start", "Start-Process", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "stz", "Set-TimeZone", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "sujb", "Suspend-Job", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Alias", "sv", "Set-Variable", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "swmi", "Set-WMIInstance", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "tee", "Tee-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "trcm", "Trace-Command", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "type", "Get-Content", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "wget", "Invoke-WebRequest", $($FullCLR ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Alias", "where", "Where-Object", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "ReadOnly", "AllScope", ""
"Alias", "wjb", "Wait-Job", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", ""
"Alias", "write", "Write-Output", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "ReadOnly", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Add-Computer", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Add-Content", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Add-History", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Add-Member", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Add-PSSnapin", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Add-Type", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Checkpoint-Computer", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Clear-Content", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Clear-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Clear-History", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Clear-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Clear-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Clear-RecycleBin", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "High"
"Cmdlet", "Clear-Variable", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Compare-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Complete-Transaction", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Connect-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Connect-WSMan", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-Csv", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-Json", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-Markdown", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-SddlString", "", $( $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-SecureString", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-String", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "ConvertFrom-StringData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Convert-Path", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Convert-String", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "ConvertTo-Csv", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertTo-Html", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertTo-Json", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertTo-SecureString", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ConvertTo-Xml", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Copy-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Copy-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Debug-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Debug-Process", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Debug-Runspace", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Disable-ComputerRestore", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Disable-ExperimentalFeature", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Disable-PSBreakpoint", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Disable-PSRemoting", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Disable-PSSessionConfiguration", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "Disable-RunspaceDebug", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Disable-WSManCredSSP", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Disconnect-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Disconnect-WSMan", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Enable-ComputerRestore", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Enable-ExperimentalFeature", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Enable-PSBreakpoint", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Enable-PSRemoting", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Enable-PSSessionConfiguration", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Enable-RunspaceDebug", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Enable-WSManCredSSP", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Enter-PSHostProcess", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Enter-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Exit-PSHostProcess", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Exit-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Export-Alias", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Export-Clixml", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Export-Console", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Export-Counter", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Export-Csv", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Export-FormatData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Export-ModuleMember", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Export-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "ForEach-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "Format-Custom", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Format-Default", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Format-Hex", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Format-List", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Format-Table", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Format-Wide", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Acl", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Alias", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-AuthenticodeSignature", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ChildItem", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Clipboard", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-CmsMessage", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Command", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ComputerInfo", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ComputerRestorePoint", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Get-Content", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ControlPanelItem", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Get-Counter", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Credential", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Culture", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Date", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Error", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Event", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Get-EventSubscriber", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ExecutionPolicy", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ExperimentalFeature", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-FileHash", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-FormatData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Help", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-History", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Host", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-HotFix", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-ItemPropertyValue", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Location", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-MarkdownOption", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Member", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Module", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PfxCertificate", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Process", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSBreakpoint", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSCallStack", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSDrive", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSHostProcessInfo", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSProvider", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSSessionCapability", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSSessionConfiguration", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-PSSnapin", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Get-Random", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Runspace", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-RunspaceDebug", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-TimeZone", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-TraceSource", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Transaction", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Get-TypeData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Uptime", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-UICulture", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Unique", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Variable", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-Verb", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-WinEvent", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-WmiObject", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Get-WSManCredSSP", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Get-WSManInstance", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Group-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Import-Alias", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Import-Clixml", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Import-Counter", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Import-Csv", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Import-LocalizedData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Import-Module", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Import-PowerShellDataFile", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Import-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-Command", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-Expression", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-History", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-RestMethod", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-WebRequest", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-WmiMethod", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Invoke-WSManAction", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Join-Path", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Join-String", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Limit-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Measure-Command", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Measure-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Move-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Move-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "New-Alias", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "New-Event", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "New-FileCatalog", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "New-GUID", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "New-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-Module", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "New-ModuleManifest", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "New-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-PSDrive", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "New-PSRoleCapabilityFile", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-PSSessionConfigurationFile", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-PSSessionOption", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-PSTransportOption", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "New-TemporaryFile", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "New-TimeSpan", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-Variable", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "New-WebServiceProxy", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "New-WinEvent", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-WSManInstance", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "New-WSManSessionOption", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-Default", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-File", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-GridView", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-Host", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-LineOutput", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Out-Null", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-Printer", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Out-String", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Pop-Location", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Protect-CmsMessage", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Push-Location", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Read-Host", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Receive-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Receive-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "Register-ArgumentCompleter", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Register-EngineEvent", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Register-ObjectEvent", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Register-PSSessionConfiguration", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Register-WmiEvent", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Alias", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Computer", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Event", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Module", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-PSBreakpoint", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-PSDrive", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-PSSession", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-PSSnapin", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-TypeData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-Variable", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Remove-WmiObject", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Remove-WSManInstance", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Rename-Computer", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Rename-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Rename-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Reset-ComputerMachinePassword", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Resolve-Path", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Restart-Computer", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Restart-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Restore-Computer", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Resume-Job", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Resume-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Save-Help", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Select-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Select-String", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Select-Xml", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Send-MailMessage", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Acl", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Alias", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-AuthenticodeSignature", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Clipboard", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Content", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Date", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-ExecutionPolicy", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Item", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-ItemProperty", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Location", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-MarkdownOption", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-PSBreakpoint", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-PSDebug", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-PSSessionConfiguration", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-StrictMode", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-TimeZone", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-TraceSource", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-Variable", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Set-WmiInstance", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Set-WSManInstance", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Set-WSManQuickConfig", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Show-Command", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Show-ControlPanelItem", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Show-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Show-Markdown", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Sort-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Split-Path", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Start-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Start-Process", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Start-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Start-Sleep", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Start-Transaction", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Start-Transcript", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Stop-Computer", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Stop-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Stop-Process", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Stop-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Stop-Transcript", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Suspend-Job", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Suspend-Service", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Tee-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Test-Connection", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Test-ComputerSecureChannel", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Test-FileCatalog", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Test-Json", "", $( $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Test-ModuleManifest", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Test-Path", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Test-WSMan", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Trace-Command", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Unblock-File", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Undo-Transaction", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Unprotect-CmsMessage", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Unregister-Event", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration","", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows ), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "Update-FormatData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "Update-Help", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Medium"
"Cmdlet", "Update-List", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Update-TypeData", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "Low"
"Cmdlet", "Use-Transaction", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Wait-Debugger", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Wait-Event", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Wait-Job", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Wait-Process", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Where-Object", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Debug", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Error", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-EventLog", "", $($FullCLR ), "", "", ""
"Cmdlet", "Write-Host", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Information", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Output", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Progress", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Verbose", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
"Cmdlet", "Write-Warning", "", $($FullCLR -or $CoreWindows -or $CoreUnix), "", "", "None"
# We control only default engine aliases (Source -eq "") and aliases from following default loaded modules
# We control only default engine Cmdlets (Source -eq "") and Cmdlets from following default loaded modules
$moduleList = @("Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Host", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics", "PSWorkflow", "Microsoft.WSMan.Management", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core")
$getAliases = {
if ($moduleList -is [string]) {
$moduleList = $moduleList | ConvertFrom-Json
Import-Module -Name $moduleList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Source -eq "" -or $moduleList -contains $_.Source }
$getCommands = {
if ($moduleList -is [string]) {
$moduleList = $moduleList | ConvertFrom-Json
Import-Module -Name $moduleList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet | Where-Object { $moduleList -contains $_.Source }
# On Preview releases, Experimental Features may add new cmdlets/aliases, so we get cmdlets/aliases with features disabled
if ($isPreview) {
$emptyConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "test.config.json"
Set-Content -Path $emptyConfigPath -Value "" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
$currentAliasList = pwsh -NoProfile -OutputFormat XML -SettingsFile $emptyConfigPath -Command $getAliases -args ($moduleList | ConvertTo-Json)
$currentCmdletList = pwsh -NoProfile -OutputFormat XML -SettingsFile $emptyConfigPath -Command $getCommands -args ($moduleList | ConvertTo-Json)
else {
$currentAliasList = & $getAliases $moduleList
$currentCmdletList = & $getCommands $moduleList
$commandList = $commandString | ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter ","
$aliasFullList = $commandList | Where-Object { $_.Present -eq "True" -and $_.CommandType -eq "Alias" }
AfterAll {
if (Test-Path "$configPath/powershell.config.json.backup") {
Move-Item -Path "$configPath/powershell.config.json.backup" -Destination "$configPath/powershell.config.json"
It "All approved aliases present (no new aliases added, no aliases removed)" {
$currentDisplayNameAliasList = $currentAliasList | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
$aliasDisplayNameAliasList = $aliasFullList | ForEach-Object { "{0} -> {1}" -f $_.Name, $_.Definition}
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $currentDisplayNameAliasList -DifferenceObject $aliasDisplayNameAliasList
# Below 'Should Be' don't show full list wrong aliases so we output them explicitly
# if all aliases is Ok we output nothing
$result | Write-Host
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "All approved aliases have the correct 'AllScope' option" {
$aliasAllScopeOptionList = $aliasFullList | Where-Object { $_.AllScopeOption -eq "AllScope"} | ForEach-Object { "{0} -> {1}" -f $_.Name, $_.Definition}
$currentAllScopeOptionList = $currentAliasList | Where-Object { $_.Options -band [System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::AllScope } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $currentAllScopeOptionList -DifferenceObject $aliasAllScopeOptionList
# Below 'Should Be' don't show full list wrong aliases so we output them explicitly
# if all aliases is Ok we output nothing
$result | Write-Host
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "All approved aliases have the correct 'ReadOnly' option" {
$aliasReadOnlyOptionList = $aliasFullList | Where-Object { $_.ReadOnlyOption -eq "ReadOnly"} | ForEach-Object { "{0} -> {1}" -f $_.Name, $_.Definition}
$currentReadOnlyOptionList = $currentAliasList | Where-Object { $_.Options -band [System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::ReadOnly } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $currentReadOnlyOptionList -DifferenceObject $aliasReadOnlyOptionList
# Below 'Should Be' don't show full list wrong aliases so we output them explicitly
# if all aliases is Ok we output nothing
$result | Write-Host
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "All approved Cmdlets present (no new Cmdlets added, no Cmdlets removed)" {
$cmdletList = $commandList | Where-Object { $_.Present -eq "True" -and $_.CommandType -eq "Cmdlet" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$result = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $currentCmdletList.Name -DifferenceObject $cmdletList).InputObject
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "All present Cmdlets should have the correct ConfirmImpact" {
$CmdletList = $commandList |
Where-Object { $_.Present -eq "True" -and $_.CommandType -eq "Cmdlet"} |
Select-Object -Property Name, ConfirmImpact
# if Preview, $currentCmdletList is deserialized, so we re-hydrate them so comparison succeeds
$currentCmdletList = $currentCmdletList | ForEach-Object { Get-Command $_.Name } |
Where-Object { $moduleList -contains $_.Source -and $null -ne $_.ImplementingType } |
Select-Object -Property Name, @{
Name = 'ConfirmImpact'
Expression = {
if (($t = $_.ImplementingType)) {
$t.GetCustomAttributes($true).Where{$_.TypeId.Name -eq 'CmdletAttribute'}.ConfirmImpact
# -PassThru is provided to give meaningful output when differences arise
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $currentCmdletList -DifferenceObject $CmdletList -Property ConfirmImpact -PassThru
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Describe "PATHEXT defaults" -Tags 'CI' {
It "PATHEXT contains .CPL" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$env:PATHEXT.Split(";") | Should -Contain ".CPL"