2016-06-09 14:16:33 -07:00

116 lines
4.8 KiB

Describe "Configuration file locations" {
BeforeAll {
$powershell = Join-Path -Path $PsHome -ChildPath "powershell"
$profileName = "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"
Context "Default configuration file locations" {
BeforeAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
$expectedCache = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:LOCALAPPDATA, "Microsoft", "Windows", "PowerShell", "StartupProfileData-NonInteractive")
$expectedModule = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, "Documents", "WindowsPowerShell", "Modules")
$expectedProfile = [io.path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, "Documents","WindowsPowerShell",$profileName)
$expectedReadline = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:AppData, "Microsoft", "Windows", "PowerShell", "PSReadline", "ConsoleHost_history.txt")
} else {
$expectedCache = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:HOME, ".cache", "powershell", "StartupProfileData-NonInteractive")
$expectedModule = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:HOME, ".local", "share", "powershell", "Modules")
$expectedProfile = [io.path]::Combine($env:HOME,".config","powershell",$profileName)
$expectedReadline = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:HOME, ".local", "share", "powershell", "PSReadLine", "ConsoleHost_history.txt")
if ($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
$ItArgs = @{ pending = $true }
} else {
$ItArgs = @{}
BeforeEach {
AfterEach {
It @ItArgs "Profile location should be correct" {
& $powershell -noprofile `$PROFILE | Should Be $expectedProfile
It @ItArgs "PSMODULEPATH should contain the correct path" {
$actual = & $powershell -noprofile `$env:PSMODULEPATH
$actual | Should Match ([regex]::Escape($expectedModule))
It @ItArgs "PSReadLine history save location should be correct" {
& $powershell -noprofile { (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath } | Should Be $expectedReadline
It @ItArgs "JIT cache should be created correctly" {
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $expectedCache
& $powershell -noprofile { exit }
$expectedCache | Should Exist
# The ModuleAnalysisCache cannot be forced to exist, thus we cannot test it
Context "XDG Base Directory Specification is supported on Linux" {
BeforeAll {
# Using It @ItArgs, we automatically skip on Windows for all these tests
if ($IsWindows) {
$ItArgs = @{ skip = $true }
} elseif ($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
$ItArgs = @{ pending = $true }
} else {
$ItArgs = @{}
BeforeEach {
$original_XDG_DATA_HOME = $env:XDG_DATA_HOME
AfterEach {
$env:XDG_DATA_HOME = $original_XDG_DATA_HOME
It @ItArgs "Profile should respect XDG_CONFIG_HOME" {
$env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME = $TestDrive
$expected = [IO.Path]::Combine($TestDrive, "powershell", $profileName)
& $powershell -noprofile `$PROFILE | Should Be $expected
It @ItArgs "PSMODULEPATH should respect XDG_DATA_HOME" {
$env:XDG_DATA_HOME = $TestDrive
$expected = [IO.Path]::Combine($TestDrive, "powershell", "Modules")
$actual = & $powershell -noprofile `$env:PSMODULEPATH
$actual | Should Match $expected
It @ItArgs "PSReadLine history should respect XDG_DATA_HOME" {
$env:XDG_DATA_HOME = $TestDrive
$expected = [IO.Path]::Combine($TestDrive, "powershell", "PSReadLine", "ConsoleHost_history.txt")
& $powershell -noprofile { (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath } | Should Be $expected
It @ItArgs "JIT cache should respect XDG_CACHE_HOME" {
$env:XDG_CACHE_HOME = $TestDrive
$expected = [IO.Path]::Combine($TestDrive, "powershell", "StartupProfileData-NonInteractive")
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $expected
& $powershell -noprofile { exit }
$expected | Should Exist