2017-01-16 13:31:14 -08:00

98 lines
3 KiB

using namespace system.collections.generic
using namespace System.Management.Automation
Describe "Generics support" -Tags "CI" {
# list and stack are in different assemblies, and dictionary
# takes more than one type parameter.
It 'Type list[Int] works properly' {
$x = [list[int]]::New()
$x.count | Should Be 2
It 'Type stack[Int] works properly' {
$x = [stack[int]]::New()
$x.count | Should Be 2
It 'Type dictionary[string, Int] works properly' {
$x = [dictionary[string, int]]::New()
$x.foo = 42
$x.foo | Should Be 42
It 'Type list[[Int]] works properly' {
$x = [list[[int]]]::New()
$x.count | Should Be 2
It 'Type stack[[Int]] works properly' {
$x = [stack[[int]]]::New()
$x.count | Should Be 2
It 'Type dictionary[[string], [Int]] works properly' {
$x = [dictionary[[string], [int]]]::New()
$x.foo = 42
$x.foo | Should Be 42
It 'Type dictionary[dictionary[list[int],string], stack[double]] works properly' {
$x = [dictionary[dictionary[list[int],string], stack[double]]]::new()
$x.gettype().fullname | should match "double"
$y = new-object "dictionary[dictionary[list[int],string], stack[double]]"
$y.gettype().fullname | should match "double"
It 'non-generic EventHandler works properly' {
# EventHandler has a generic and a non-generic. This code caused an exception trying to
# use the non-generic.
$x = [System.EventHandler[PSInvocationStateChangedEventArgs]]
# The error message for a generic that doesn't meet the constraints should mention which
# argument failed.
$ex = $null
try {
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
} catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be 'TypeNotFoundWithMessage'
$_ | should match "\[T\]"
It 'Array type works properly' -skip:$IsCoreCLR{
$x = [system.array]::ConvertAll.OverloadDefinitions
$x | Should match "static\s+TOutput\[\]\s+ConvertAll\[TInput,\s+TOutput\]\("
It 'Class type works properly' {
class TestClass {
[string] $name = "default"
[int] $port = 80
[string] $scriptText = "1..6"
TestClass([string] $name1, [int] $port1, [string] $scriptText1)
$this.name = $name1
$this.port = $port1
$this.scriptText = $scriptText1
$x = [TestClass]::New("default1", 90, "1...5")
$x.scriptText = "1...4"
$x.name | Should Be 'default1'
$x.port | Should Be 90
$x.scriptText | Should Be "1...4"