2017-01-16 13:31:14 -08:00

656 lines
18 KiB

# Test simple parsing, ensure newlines allowed everywhere
Describe "Test try/catch" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
function AssertArraysEqual ($result, $expected)
$result.Count | Should Be $expected.Count
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $result.Count; $i++) {
$result[$i] | Should Be $expected[$i]
It "Test simple parsing, ensure newlines allowed everywhere" {
$true | Should Be $true # we only verify that there is no parsing error. This line contains a dummy Should to make pester happy.
Context "Basic exception handling" {
It "Simple throw and catch" {
$a = . { try { 1; throw "exception"; "test failed" } catch { 2 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, 2)
It "Simple try finally" {
$a = . { try { 1 } finally { 2 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
It "Simple try, throw, catch, and finally" {
$a = . { try { 1; throw "exception"; "test failed" } catch { 2 } finally { 3 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1..3)
Context "Mix traps with try/catch" {
It "Trap shouldn't catch exception" {
$a = . { trap { "test failed" } try { 1; throw "exception"; "test failed" } catch { 2 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
It "Trap should catch exception" {
$a = . { try { 1; throw "exception"; trap { 2; return }; "test failed" } catch { "test failed" } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
Context "Catch by type" {
It "Catch by type #1" {
$a = . { try { 1; $a = 0; 1/$a; "test failed" } catch [DivideByZeroException] { 2 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
It "Catch by type #2" {
$a = . { try { 1; $a = 0; 1/$a; "test failed" } catch [DivideByZeroException] { 2 } catch [Exception] { "test failed" } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
It "Catch by type #3" {
$a = . { try { 1; $a = 0; 1/$a; "test failed" } catch [DivideByZeroException] { 2 } catch { "test failed" } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
It "Catch by type #4" {
$a = . { try { 1; $a = 0; 1/$a; "test failed" } catch [DivideByZeroException],[ArgumentNullException] { 2 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
It "Catch by type #5" {
$a = . { try { 1; throw ([ArgumentNullException]::new("bad")) } catch [DivideByZeroException],[ArgumentNullException] { 2 } }
AssertArraysEqual $a (1,2)
Context "Control flow in try [exit not tested and throw tested elsewhere]" {
It "break in try" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} catch {
"test failed"
} finally {
"finally: $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally: 1", "finally: 2")
It "continue in try" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} catch {
"test failed"
} finally {
"finally: $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally: 1", "finally: 2", 3, "finally: 3")
# Disabled - Compiled script has differing (but better) behavior
It "return in try" -Pending {
$a = . {
function foo($i) {
try {
if ($i -eq 2) {
return "return: $i"
} catch {
"test failed"
} finally {
"finally: $i"
foo 1
foo 2
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally: 1", "finally: 2", "return: 2")
It "continue in nested try within foreach loop" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try { #1
try { #2
if ($i -eq 2) {
} catch {
"test failed: catch#2"
} finally {
"finally#2: $i"
} catch {
"test failed: catch#1"
} finally {
"finally#1: $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally#2: 1", "finally#1: 1", "finally#2: 2", "finally#1: 2", 3, "finally#2: 3", "finally#1: 3")
It "break in nested try within foreach loop" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try { #1
try { #2
if ($i -eq 2) {
} catch {
"test failed: catch#2"
} finally {
"finally#2: $i"
} catch {
"test failed: catch#1"
} finally {
"finally#1: $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally#2: 1", "finally#1: 1", "finally#2: 2", "finally#1: 2")
Context "Control flow in catch [exit not tested and throw tested elsewhere]" {
It "break in catch without loop" {
$a = . {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} finally {
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally")
It "break in catch within foreach loop" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} finally {
"finally $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally 1", "finally 2")
It "continue in catch without loop" {
$a = . {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} finally {
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, 3, "finally")
It "continue in catch within foreach loop" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} finally {
"finally $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally 1", "finally 2", 3, "finally 3")
It "continue in nested catch within foreach loop" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try { #1
try { #2
throw 1
} catch {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} finally {
"finally#2: $i"
} catch {
"test failed: catch#1"
} finally {
"finally#1: $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally#2: 1", "finally#1: 1", "finally#2: 2", "finally#1: 2", 3, "finally#2: 3", "finally#1: 3")
It "break in nested catch within foreach loop" {
$a = . {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try { #1
try { #2
throw 1
} catch {
if ($i -eq 2) {
} finally {
"finally#2: $i"
} catch {
"test failed: catch#1"
} finally {
"finally#1: $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally#2: 1", "finally#1: 1", "finally#2: 2", "finally#1: 2")
# Disabled - Compiled script has differing (but better) behavior
It "return in catch without loop" -Pending {
$a = . {
function foo {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
return "returned"
} finally {
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally", "returned") "return in catch"
# Disabled - Compiled script has differing (but better) behavior
It "return in catch within foreach loop" -Pending {
$a = . {
function foo {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
if ($i -eq 2) {
return "returned"
} finally {
"finally $i"
AssertArraysEqual $a (1, "finally 1", "finally 2", "returned")
Context "Control flow in finally, normal execution" {
It "break in finally normal execution" {
$a = . {
try {
} catch {
} finally {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
AssertArraysEqual $a ("try", "finally", 1)
It "continue in finally normal execution" {
$a = . {
try {
} catch {
} finally {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
AssertArraysEqual $a ("try", "finally", 1, 3)
Context "Control flow in finally, abnormal execution" {
It "break in finally normal execution" {
$a = . {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
} finally {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
AssertArraysEqual $a ("try", "catch", "finally", 1)
It "continue in finally normal execution" {
$a = . {
try {
throw 1
} catch {
} finally {
foreach ($i in (1..3)) {
if ($i -eq 2) {
AssertArraysEqual $a ("try", "catch", "finally", 1, 3)
Context "Exception object" {
It "ErrorRecord object is set correctly" {
$a = . {
try {
throw 42
} catch {
[int]$a.ToString() | Should Be 42
It "Nested try/catch" {
$a = . {
try {
"outer try"
try {
"inner try"
$a = 0
1 / $a
catch [OutOfMemoryException] {
"test failed"
finally {
"inner finally"
catch [DivideByZeroException] {
finally {
"outer finally"
AssertArraysEqual $a ("outer try", "inner try", "inner finally", "caught", "outer finally")
Context "Rethrow" {
It "rethrow flow up" {
$a = . {
try {
try {
$a = 0
1 / $a
} catch {
"inner catch"
$ex_inner = $_
} catch {
"outer catch"
$ex_outer = $_
AssertArraysEqual $a ("inner catch", "outer catch")
($ex_inner.Exception -eq $ex_outer.Exception) | Should Be $true
It "throw; outside catch threw wrong object" {
$a = . {
function foo {
trap [system.management.automation.runtimeexception] {
return "test passed"
trap {
return "test failed"
try {
$a = 0
1 / $a
} catch {
($a -eq "test passed") | Should Be $true
Context "Additional try/catch tests by exception types" {
It "Catch ActionPreferenceStopException" {
$exception = $null
$a = try {
Get-ChildItem TESTDRIVE:\NotExist -ErrorAction Stop
} catch [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException] {
$exception = $_.Exception.GetType().FullName
"ActionPreferenceStopException Caught"
$a | Should Be "ActionPreferenceStopException Caught"
## Many legacy scripts from PSv2 catch 'ActionPreferenceStopException' and then check '$_.Exception' to do the real handling
$exception | Should Be "System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException"
It "Catch CmdletInvocationException" {
$exception = $null
$a = try {
Invoke-Expression "Get-Command -Name"
} catch [System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException] {
$exception = $_.Exception.GetType().FullName
"CmdletInvocationException Caught"
$a | Should Be "CmdletInvocationException Caught"
$exception | Should Be "System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException"
It "Choose 'ItemNotFoundException' over 'Exception' when searching handler" {
$a = try {
Get-ChildItem TESTDRIVE:\NotExist -ErrorAction Stop
} catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
"ItemNotFoundException caught"
} catch [System.Exception] {
"System.Exception caught"
$a | Should Be "ItemNotFoundException caught"
It "Choose 'ItemNotFoundException' over 'RuntimeException' when searching handler" {
$a = try {
Get-ChildItem TESTDRIVE:\NotExist -ErrorAction Stop
} catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
"ItemNotFoundException caught"
} catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] {
"RuntimeException caught"
} catch [System.Exception] {
"System.Exception caught"
$a | Should Be "ItemNotFoundException caught"
It "Choose 'ItemNotFoundException' over 'RuntimeException' and 'Exception' when throw ItemNotFoundException directly" {
$a = try {
throw [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]::new()
} catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
"ItemNotFoundException caught"
} catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] {
"RuntimeException caught"
} catch [System.Exception] {
"System.Exception caught"
$a | Should Be "ItemNotFoundException caught"