Steve Lee 41f65de57c Change positional parameter for powershell.exe from -Command to -File (#4019)
Previously powershell.exe treated unknown arguments as a command line to execute. To align with POSIX so that things like shebang scripts work correctly, we are changing powershell.exe so that it treats unknown arguments (aka positional argument) as a file. This means that `powershell foo` will now attempt to use `foo` as a PowerShell script whereas previously `foo` would be treated as a command to execute. This doesn't affect existing usage of either -File nor -Command. Fixed tests that didn't explicitly use -Command parameter.
2017-06-19 12:17:56 -07:00

281 lines
9.4 KiB

using namespace System.Diagnostics
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Internal
Describe "PowerShell Command Debugging" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$powershell = Join-Path -Path $PsHome -ChildPath "powershell"
function NewProcessStartInfo([string]$CommandLine, [switch]$RedirectStdIn)
return [ProcessStartInfo]@{
FileName = $powershell
Arguments = $CommandLine
RedirectStandardInput = $RedirectStdIn
RedirectStandardOutput = $true
RedirectStandardError = $true
UseShellExecute = $false
function RunPowerShell([ProcessStartInfo]$debugfn)
$process = [Process]::Start($debugfn)
return $process
function EnsureChildHasExited([Process]$process, [int]$WaitTimeInMS = 15000)
if (!$process.HasExited)
$process.HasExited | Should Be $true
It "Should be able to step into debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n")
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$process.ExitCode | Should Be 0
It "Should be able to continue into debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n")
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$process.ExitCode | Should Be 0
It -Pending "Should be able to list help for debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n")
foreach ($i in 1..38) {
$line = $process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$line | Should Be "For instructions about how to customize your debugger prompt, type `"help about_prompt`"."
It "Should be able to step over debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n")
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$process.ExitCode | Should Be 0
It "Should be able to step out of debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n")
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$process.ExitCode | Should Be 0
It "Should be able to quit debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n")
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$process.ExitCode | Should Be 0
It -Pending "Should be able to list source code in debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n") | Write-Host
$process.StandardInput.Write("foo`n") | Write-Host
$process.StandardInput.Write("l`n") | Write-Host
foreach ($i in 1..19) {
$line = $process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()
$line | Should Be " 1:* `$function:foo = { 'bar' }"
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It -Pending "Should be able to get the call stack in debugging" {
$debugfn = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -c ""`$function:foo = { 'bar' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $debugfn
$process.StandardInput.Write("Set-PsBreakpoint -command foo`n") | Write-Host
$process.StandardInput.Write("foo`n") | Write-Host
$process.StandardInput.Write("k`n") | Write-Host
foreach ($i in 1..20) {
$line = $process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()
$line | Should Be "foo {} <No file>"
EnsureChildHasExited $process
# Scripting\Debugging\RunspaceDebuggingTests.cs
Describe "Runspace Debugging API tests" -tag CI {
Context "PSStandaloneMonitorRunspaceInfo tests" {
BeforeAll {
$runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$runspaceType = [PSMonitorRunspaceType]::WorkflowInlineScript
$monitorInfo = [PSStandaloneMonitorRunspaceInfo]::new($runspace)
$instanceId = $runspace.InstanceId
$parentDebuggerId = [guid]::newguid()
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$embeddedRunspaceInfo = [PSEmbeddedMonitorRunspaceInfo]::New($runspace,$runspaceType,$ps, $parentDebuggerId)
AfterAll {
It "PSStandaloneMonitorRunspaceInfo should throw when called with a null argument to the constructor" {
try {
throw "Execution should have thrown"
Catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be PSArgumentNullException
it "PSStandaloneMonitorRunspaceInfo properties should have proper values" {
$monitorInfo.Runspace.InstanceId | Should be $InstanceId
$monitorInfo.RunspaceType | Should be "StandAlone"
$monitorInfo.NestedDebugger | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Embedded runspace properties should have proper values" {
$embeddedRunspaceInfo.Runspace.InstanceId | should be $InstanceId
$embeddedRunspaceInfo.ParentDebuggerId | should be $parentDebuggerId
$embeddedRunspaceInfo.Command.InstanceId | should be $ps.InstanceId
$embeddedRunspaceInfo.NestedDebugger | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Test Monitor RunspaceInfo API tests" {
BeforeAll {
$runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$associationId = [guid]::newguid()
$runspaceInfo = [PSStandaloneMonitorRunspaceInfo]::new($runspace)
AfterAll {
It "DebuggerUtils StartMonitoringRunspace requires non-null debugger" {
try {
throw "Execution should have thrown"
catch {
$_.fullyqualifiederrorid | should be PSArgumentNullException
It "DebuggerUtils StartMonitoringRunspace requires non-null runspaceInfo" {
try {
throw "Execution should have thrown"
catch {
$_.fullyqualifiederrorid | should be PSArgumentNullException
It "DebuggerUtils EndMonitoringRunspace requires non-null debugger" {
try {
throw "Execution should have thrown"
catch {
$_.fullyqualifiederrorid | should be PSArgumentNullException
It "DebuggerUtils EndMonitoringRunspace requires non-null runspaceInfo" {
try {
throw "Execution should have thrown"
catch {
$_.fullyqualifiederrorid | should be PSArgumentNullException