Michael Klement 30b97a5d7c Fix for #3786 (#3793)
The appropriate [SemanticVersion] constructor now accepts a [version] instance that has only major and minor components specified, in which case the patch component now defaults to 0.
2017-05-16 17:10:03 -07:00

226 lines
8.8 KiB

using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
Describe "SemanticVersion api tests" -Tags 'CI' {
Context "constructing valid versions" {
It "string argument constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("1.2.3-alpha")
$v.Major | Should Be 1
$v.Minor | Should Be 2
$v.Patch | Should Be 3
$v.Label | Should Be "alpha"
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.2.3-alpha"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("1.0.0")
$v.Major | Should Be 1
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("3.0")
$v.Major | Should Be 3
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("2")
$v.Major | Should Be 2
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "2.0.0"
# After the above test, we trust the properties and rely on ToString for validation
It "int args constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 2, 0, "beta.1")
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.2.0-beta.1"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 1)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.1.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.0.0"
It "version arg constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(1, 2))
$v.ToString() | Should Be '1.2.0'
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(1, 2, 3))
$v.ToString() | Should Be '1.2.3'
It "semantic version can round trip through version" {
$v1 = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 2, 1, "prerelease")
$v2 = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]$v1)
$v2.ToString() | Should Be "3.2.1-prerelease"
Context "Comparisons" {
$v1_0_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0)
$v1_1_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, 0)
$v1_1_1 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, 1)
$v2_1_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(2, 1, 0)
$v1_0_0_alpha = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "alpha")
$v1_0_0_beta = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "beta")
$testCases = @(
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v1_1_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v1_1_1 }
@{ lhs = $v1_1_0; rhs = $v1_1_1 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v2_1_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_alpha; rhs = $v1_0_0_beta }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_alpha; rhs = $v1_0_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_beta; rhs = $v1_0_0 }
@{ lhs = $v2_1_0; rhs = "3.0"}
@{ lhs = "1.5"; rhs = $v2_1_0}
It "less than" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -lt $rhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -lt $lhs | Should Be $false
It "less than or equal" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -le $rhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -le $lhs | Should Be $false
$lhs -le $lhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -le $rhs | Should Be $true
It "greater than" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -gt $rhs | Should Be $false
$rhs -gt $lhs | Should Be $true
It "greater than or equal" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -ge $rhs | Should Be $false
$rhs -ge $lhs | Should Be $true
$lhs -ge $lhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -ge $rhs | Should Be $true
$testCases = @(
@{ operand = $v1_0_0 }
@{ operand = $v1_0_0_alpha }
It "Equality" -TestCases $testCases {
$operand -eq $operand | Should Be $true
$operand -ne $operand | Should Be $false
$null -eq $operand | Should Be $false
$operand -eq $null | Should Be $false
$null -ne $operand | Should Be $true
$operand -ne $null | Should Be $true
It "comparisons with null" {
$v1_0_0 -lt $null | Should Be $false
$null -lt $v1_0_0 | Should Be $true
$v1_0_0 -le $null | Should Be $false
$null -le $v1_0_0 | Should Be $true
$v1_0_0 -gt $null | Should Be $true
$null -gt $v1_0_0 | Should Be $false
$v1_0_0 -ge $null | Should Be $true
$null -ge $v1_0_0 | Should Be $false
Context "error handling" {
# The specific errors aren't too useful here, but noted in comments
# so when we pick up a version of Pester that will let us check FullyQualifiedErrorId,
# it's easier to tweak the tests
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = $null }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = [NullString]::Value }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.0-" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "." }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-alpha" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1..0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.-alpha" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0." }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = ".0.0" }
It "parts of version missing" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-1.0.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.-1.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.-1" }
It "range check of versions" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "aa.0.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.bb.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.cc" }
It "format errors" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
It "Negative version arguments" {
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(-1, 0) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(1, -1) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, -1) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
It "Incompatible version throws" {
# Revision isn't supported
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(0, 0, 0, 4)) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new("")) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
Context "Serialization" {
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.0"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0) }
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.1"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 1) }
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.0-alpha"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "alpha") }
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.0-beta"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "beta") }
It "Can round trip" -TestCases $testCases {
param($semver, $expectedResult)
$ser = [PSSerializer]::Serialize($semver)
$des = [PSSerializer]::Deserialize($ser)
$des | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.SemanticVersion
$des.ToString() | Should Be $expectedResult